Chapter One - Stance

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The shock on everyone's face was the tattletale of what just happened. Every person in the audience was stunned into silence. Including the COO himself and Paul. Melissa's mouth was open and her hand ran through her wavy hair moving it from her face that showcased the pure disbelief.

It was absolutely incredulous that Dean had just kicked out before the very speedy 3 count.

He was damaged that's for sure. It was all in the way his body moved tiredly when he rolled from behind Randy. A groan of pain escaping his lips.

I had no clue how he could possibly pull this off, even if he managed to power out of a pin. This would take a lot of work. Especially with a predator like Orton, the corporation on his side and his girlfriend as the new referee. Seth and Roman were no help at all. With Seth being on the way to Iowa and Roman being unconscious a few feet away from me.

This was absolute hell.

"Get 'em Randy!!" HHH ordered pointing to Ambrose as he crawled on his hands and knees to the corner.

Orton's eyes were no longer the elated kind, but a more determined look was beginning to grow. He motioned for Melissa to back away as he wrestled himself to his feet. She abided, like a puppy.

Dean finally got enough leverage in the corner to stand when Randy started sizing him up. He was definitely going for the fist punches.

I couldn't let this happen. Not after what we'd all been through. Scrambling to my feet, I managed to trip Orton as he ran for Ambrose. Once I did, I heard HHH yelling at me so I slid in the ring.

My vision wavering slightly but I was able to see Melissa trying to run away. Running, I gripped her hair and pulled her back to me. Ignoring the crowd's whistling reaction to me being in just my bra, I slammed her down face first.

Savoring the squeal of pain she let out. Holding her mouth, she climbed to her knees. That's when I wasted no time taking my referee shirt back, much to the delight of the crowd. They wanted to see her topless anyways.

Once I completely stripped it away, I kicked her and allowed her to roll under the bottom ropes and hit the floor with a thud. The crowd cheered wildly and began stomping their feet in anticipation of me putting the shirt back on.

Once I turned on my heel, I found the terrifying sight of Bray Wyatt slithering his way into the ring. My heart completely stopped. My hands shook as they clenched the referee shirt and my feet propelled me back into the corner.

His eyes followed me heinously. A sick smile making its way on his face. HHH and Heyman looked on with their arms crossed over their chest. Paul's look a little more concerned than HHH's obvious anger.

"We're here, champ." Bray teased and slowly started to come closer to me. I winced just remembering the beating I got earlier tonight. The parade of kicks and punches to my ribs and face. A surge of a stinging sensation running from head to toe in a painful fiasco.

Even the voice brought back the physical pain. The ragged voice. The mockery hiding itself in it. I shuddered. This is what I get for playing the hero.

As he drew closer, my body began tensing up. Tightening all muscles. Ones that I could be using to defend myself. Quickly, however, I learned I wouldn't have to.

Bray was suddenly swept away, his feet lingering in the air before his heavy body, all the weight, came down with a hard thud across the room.

With my head spinning, it was hard to even grasp what just happened. However, when my double vision became one I saw a man in black laying tiredly on Bray. Long smokey hair hanging and flowing down a black vest. His hand felt the back of his, what I can only infer was, his painful head.

That's when I recognized my mystery savior to be Roman. It surprised me because I didn't even see him get up. I didn't see Ambrose get up either until I felt the ring vibrate underneath my feet.

Randy was very weary and stumbling attempting to stand up straight. I took the opportunity to slip the referee shirt over my head quickly so it was official that I was back in.

Dean gripped Orton's head in the crook of his elbow, looking over the screaming crowd, he drove him to the mat in a harsh DDT.

Roman stood protectively in front of him while he made the pin. Making sure the COO who was pretty livid, didn't interfere. I smirked arrogantly. Drinking in the look of defeat in HHH and Heyman's eyes, I dropped down and made the count.


The arena exploded in cheers. Along with The Shield's music. Dean covered his face with his hands and when he removed them he had a wide smile that I'd never seen before. A legitimate happy one.

Roman held his abdomen that I'm sure Bray injured before assisting Ambrose to his feet. HHH was mad as hell, he began kicking the barricade and yelling at an unconscious Orton.

I needed some time to think of what I just did. So I rolled out the ring, silently arguing back and forth with the conscious in my mind that kept telling me I was stupid as I trudged up the ramp.

I was stupid because I'd just bought myself another month with Dean and lost my title.





Roman and I went to the nearest hospital. Getting our injuries checked out. He had a bruised sternum and fractured rib. I on the other hand, had the concussion that I kept telling myself I'd have and a bruised rib. Shockingly enough, it was nothing that would keep us from wrestling at RAW tomorrow.

I was told to just rest and not use things that would require concentration. Which of course ment putting my phone, iPad, and laptop away. Roman got some nifty bandages around his ribs and got sent home with some simple pain killers.

We made it to the hotel around two in the morning. I was more tired than I'd ever been before. I ached for sleep like a bad romance novel. The title would of course be snuggled up next to me, since I was now in my last few hours with it.

As soon as I got in my room, my phone wasted no time annoying me with its wild buzzing. Gritting my teeth, I was going to give whoever it was a piece of my mind.

"What?" I said angrily. The person on the other end laughed at me.

"So upset at this hour, Olivia?" He said nonchalantly. "I mean I should be the one upset with you."

"Dean," I sighed rubbing my forehead. "I am in no mood for you right now."

"Well just so happens I don't give a fuck what you're in the mood for." He spat.

I plopped down on the bed. This was the last thing I needed tonight. More of his foolishness when I basically gave him what he wanted.

"Why are you calling me?" I asked uninterested.

"Because you didn't even stick around to congratulate me."

I looked at the phone with a raised eyebrow before bringing it back to my ear. "Are you fucking kidding me?! You have really got some goddamn nerve. I just basically handed over my life's work to HHH just so you could keep your sorry ass belt that you barely even fucking earned." I spat.

The phone went silent and I knew he was going to come back with that growling tone."You can take the fucking base out of your voice when youre talking to me." he said evenly.

"Go fuck yourself."

"Olivia I will jump through this phone and beat the shit out of you." He growled. "Because I'm also upset because you didn't stick around to keep up your end of this bargain. You're mine, as if you weren't before, for a month now. So get your ass down here before I change my mind about being so nice."

"After everything I've done for you tonight, you should at least give me one night to myself." I said through clenched teeth. "You will still have me for thirty more days anyway."

"But I want you tonight," he said calmy. "Come down here or I will come get you."

I sighed. "Ambrose, I am not coming. Snuggle up with your title and take your crazy ass to sleep."

The phone sunk into silence and I could hear the faint noise of the television. "Olivia, don't take me out of my pleasant mood. I truly don't want to argue with you."

"Then don't." I said evenly. "Get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow."

"I don't want to sleep without you."

"Well I'm going to sleep without you." I shrugged and kicked off my shoes.

"Olivia, don't hang up this phone." he warned. "I swear to God..."

"Oh shut up." I said boldly before sliding the end button across the screen. Savoring the beep sound it made. Allowing the feeling of peace to flood over me actually gave me a great feeling. The illusion that I would have a non disturbing night. I collasped on the bed. Pulling my title close, taking in a sigh at the feeling of metal and leather against my skin.

Everything I had worked for was in my arms. Tightly cuddling with it like a boyfriend or some sorts. At that moment it sunk in that I'd given this up. I'd given it all up for Dean. Half heartedly. Mainly it was for Seth. For Roman. And an emotional spit in the face to HHH. Dean got all the glory though at the end of the day. Yet, he still wasn't satisfied.

Ungrateful son of a bitch.

All I truly had was myself my entire life. I became alone by sacrifcing everything for the very championship I was holding dearly. Stroking the fine leather straps with my fingertips as a tear threatened to release itself.

Don't cry, I told myself. At least I got to win it in the first place. My name will still be in the history books, can't rewrite it.

Clutching it closer to my body, I shut my eyes. Flashing back to my child hood when I was twelve. A scrony little girl glued to watching RAW is WAR. Along side her annoying, but adorable green eyed ten year old brother. We always told eachother that one of us would make it.

I made it.

Then flash forward to my very last training session with Seth. After we had sweat all over us and a breeze allowed us to breathe. The breeze from the flow of air drifting through the open door, as someone entered. A guy. Six feet tall. Fluffy, scraggly dirty blonde hair and a slight scruff of a beard running along his jawline. Blue eyes standing out the most on his face, right next to the dimples revealing themselves everytime he chewed his gum.

My life changed right there. The moment I met the sadistic son of a bitch, Dean Ambrose. Who would ever think I'd risk my childhood dream for him?

I sure as hell wouldn't.

Still stuck in my daydream, I actually jumped in fear when a knock fell on the door. I stared at it for a second distantly, deciding whether or not I should even get up to answer it.

However another knock came along with a kick. A hard one that made the door rattle.

Raising an eyebrow, I slowly sat up. Trying to tell myself I should just let the maniac keep making a fool of himself. Letting out a deep sigh, I knew he wouldn't leave if I left it up to him.

Regrettably, I had to open it.

Once I did, my eyes set on Dean in his usual white T shirt and jeans. His expression was unreadable but his demeanor was obviously creeping into anger.

"You've got some balls don't you?" he hissed.

"Can you please just leave?" I asked boredly. Putting little to no effort in trying to raise my voice.

"No." he muttered and pushed his way past me. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. This was not going to go well. Once I ran my hands over my face, I gave myself a short mental pep talk. God knows I'd need it to deal with him.

Shutting the door carefully, I followed his scent of a fresh shower into my bedroom. Finding him standing at the foot of my bed and looking at me with those blue eyes that always seemed to enthrall me.

"Sometimes, Olivia." he started. "I believe you think I'm some fucking joke."

"Truthfully I think you came down here to get off to the damage on my face." I folded my arms. Rushing over to me, He quickly cupped my cheeks in his hands. A frantic way to it.

"Don't you ever say something like that, I love you. It killed me to see you limp around like some hurt dog. The Wyatts will get theirs. Trust me on that one." he shook my head on the last word. "Theyll be the limp dog. And they'll get put out of their fucking misery."

"Let go, please." I managed to say with my lips pursed and he examined my eyes and the cut below before allowing his hands to drop to his side.

Still staring at me and I must admit I got pretty frustrated. "I don't need this tonight." I said and ran my hands through my hair.

"Well that's just another example of how different our needs are." He smirked. "Because I need you, Olivia."

I folded my arms. "One night. One fucking night. That's all I ask for and you can't even give me that."

"I'm giving you an entire month."

"That's-wait-what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want the month with you, not after what you did for me." he shook his head. "That's what I wanted you to come to my room for. So I could tell you that I came up with something better."

I nodded for him to continue.

"All you have to do is give me what I'd like to call a 'pass'. It means that I get one night with you whenever I choose and it'll be without your consistent bitching and complaining." he spat. "You'll simply lay there, unless I want you to do something else or put some effort in."

I've never felt so disgusted.

"Absolutely not, I'm not a fucking blow up doll, Dean."

"You'll be whatever the fuck I tell you to be."

"What do I look like being your little piece of ass?" I screeched.

"What would you call the other two times?" he cocked his head playfully. My fists balled tightly. "Lets not double back to our old days because we can always do the month again and I promise you, if you think that was bad, you've seen nothing yet."

He was serious about this. To be honest, it would make me feel dirty. Like some sort of cheap skank or escort. On the plus side, one night would beat the hell out of spending thirty of them with him. Losing all self orespect for myself, I slowly nodded.

"Yes?" he got a sick smile on his face that made me want to say no.

"Don't make me change my mind." I growled. He started chuckling and taking slow steps towards me. I practically shuddered against him.

Especially when his fingers grazed my face while he brushed the hair from my neck. Leaning down and allowing his lips to softly kiss my now exposed skin. His teeth lightly scraping and nipping.

For a second, I allowed it to happen. Until my eyes set on my title that I'd be handing over tomorrow. My anger for him quickly reemerged and I shoved him away.

"Not tonight." I hissed. "We just set the deal in effect and my ribs are messed up, I won't be any fun."

He started laughing. "Who cares about fun? Olivia with a face as pretty as yours," his finger trailed over my swollen lip. "I can get through it and get it all over with."

"I said no." I swatted his hand down. Shooting him a hard glare with my eyes.

"I thought things would be different since you put your feelings out there tonight." he shrugged.

"Excuse me?" I put my hand on my chest. "What feelings?"

"Well on the phone, you said you gave up your title to keep mine. Pardon me if I'm wrong but I think that's a clear sign that you care about me. Deeply." He said sharply and his eyebrow shot up. "Am I wrong?"

"Fuck yes you're wrong."

"How so?" he took a step closer which seemed very intimidating. I didn't budge though.

"I chose the lesser of two evils Dean. Don't you dare stroke your own ego because it just so happens that you got to win in the process." I said firmly.

A smirk came on his face. "In some shape or form, it had something if not everything to do with me."

"After what Seth went through, Roman getting beat up, and myself getting jumped, you still find a way to make this all about you." I started clapping. "Tremendous."

He took a bow. "Thank you. I guess I can just spot the truth from a mile away. For example, slowly but surely, I've noticed that your feelings are revealing themselves."

I raised a high eyebrow. Any feelings that I was starting to develop were on the back burner.

"That's perfectly fine," he shrugged. "I've waited a year already. What's a little while longer?"

"Dean, I don't have any feelings for you." I sighed. "The things you do are very hard to accept and 'love' you for."

The smirk didn't leave his face. "That's why I've given you time." His hand wrapped around my wrist at my side. "But I'm growing very impatient, Olivia."

He squeezed it tightly as he said my name. My eyes started down to my wrist and back up to meet his eyes which were fairly amused.

"I've done nearly everything I wanted to do from the mere moment I saw you." he said in a low tone. "I kissed you. I fucked you. I slapped some sense into you. I had sex with you. I broke you down. Then managed to build you back up. Making you into this tough, sharpened tongue fuckable girl." he grinned. "Now you're ripe for the last thing on my list. Make you officially mine."

I scrunched up my nose. "Are you done?"

"Of course not," he yanked my wrist so that our bodies were pinned together. Bending down, he kissed me intensely. I tried to retract my face once he sucked on my swollen bottom lip. However, his free hand tangled in my hair wouldn't let me.

For what seemed like forever I was trapped in this kiss with him. I counted to seventy in my head before I was finally released. Slowly I opened my eyes to see his were still shut as he sighed and gripped my hair tightly. Using it as a handle to direct my head, he tilted it downwards and pecked my forehead.

The pressure was let off my wrist and I looked up at him as he stared down at me.

"We'll have the best relationship you could ever dream up," he smirked as he backed away. "We'll be beyond redemption, baby."

I watched with caution as he disappeared into the hallway and I heard the satisfied sound of the door shutting behind him.




The next day...

Rolling over, I was jarred out of my sleep at nine am by my phone buzzing. My vision was slightly blurred by the sudden sunlight beaming in my room.

"Hello?" I could hear the thick sleep in my voice.

"Hey it's me." A voice said softly and low at the same time. That completely woke me up. I propped myself on my forearm.


"Yes." he sighed.

We sat in silence for a moment. "Did you watch the show by any chance?"

"Actually I did, after I made it home and found Leigh in one piece." The anger started creeping in his voice. "The McMahons are a whole new level of sick. They're really fucked up in the head if they think this is okay and I won't retaliate."

This was a new side of Seth. One that I had never seen before. "Keep your head on. I don't want you doing anything irrational and they have the justification to fire you."

"I just can't believe they did this." He growled. "You don't mess with my family, that's one thing I don't play about."

"Trust me, Dean is already plotting the revenge on your behalf." I found a slight smirk creeping on my face. "They won't get off scotch free."


"Roman and I will start a riot tonight,"

For a second I thought I heard a small laugh from him. "Wish I could be there. You have no idea how bad I want to put my hands on HHH. He'll be wishing he was 'dead' when I get through."

I nodded. "You can't catch a flight at all?"

"Completely booked." he sighed. "Believe me I've been checking every second."

"Keep on looking." I shook my head. "Because it won't be the same without you tonight."

I heard him inhale a deep breath. "I know."

"How's Leigh?"

"She was confused at first. Then angry. I calmed her down enough and she's still sleeping." he said quietly. "Im just glad she's okay, I went through a thousand emotions last night when I thought she was gone. Made me realize just how much I do care for her. I instantly felt like nothing." He was silent for a while. "Knocked the damn wind out of me."

"That's love for you."

"Yeah, it sure is." he sighed. "It hurts. Really does. Now HHH is going to feel my wrath."

"Keep your head on."

Look at this, me being the rational one instead of him. Times had truly changed.

"Maybe a week at home will do me good. But everytime I see her face, everything replays in my mind. I just want to kill anyone who could make up such a thing."

I nodded. "I'm sure you do."

"Sorry your title win night was a disaster." he said softly. "I had that night planned out for two years and nothing went the way I hoped it would."

"It's fine. The moment I touched that championship, it was the feeling I've been dreaming it would be for fourteen years." I smiled. "Wish my reign could've lasted longer but.." I shrugged. "Things happen."

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing you big oaf." I smirked. "You got me here to the point where I could even win it. I should be thanking you."

"Thank me by raising hell tonight."

"Will do,"

"I'm going to go watch my love sleep," he sighed.

"That's right out of the Dean play book."

He laughed. "Love you, Olivia."

"Love you too, Seth." I said softly. "Be safe."

"Same to you."




I arrived to the arena after having lunch with Roman and Ziggler at a Waffle house. We discussed a lot of things. Attempting to stray away from last night's terrible events. For a while, we actually succeeded. Just when we tried to actually get into the Royal Rumble stuff our food came.

Thank God.

Driving to the arena, I looked at my championship in the passenger seat several times. Smiling even though I was well on my way to giving it back. At least I got to hold it.

Once I slowly unpacked the truck, walking in the arena turned out to be more heart wrenching than ever. I knew this night would be hell for me. Yet I was just ready to get it over with.

Slowly walking in with my title hiked on my shoulder, I was greeted with the sight of AJ sitting in a crate. In her Love Bites tank and light blue jeans, her converse swinging in the air as she appeared to count the black bangles on her wrist.

I always wondered what this moment would be like. Seeing the person that you took the title from. Even though it'd only been 24 hours, she seemed completely different.

As I went to walk past her, her voice rang out. "Hey Liv!"

I heard the sound of shoes hitting the pavement, turning around I found she had hopped off the crate. Looking at me with innocent dark eyes as she approached.

"Hey, AJ."

"I didn't get a chance to talk to you last night," she shrugged as she finally reached me. "Mostly I want to say...congratulations."

I looked over her, finding she was actually genuine. Sighing allowing my shoulders to drop. "Thank you."

"I know it may seem like we didn't like eachother much...but I had a lot of fun feuding with you. We pushed eachother to the limit but I enjoyed every second." she smirked. "I don't think I could remember the last time I was so excited for a match. You're the only worthy girl I could think of losing my title to."

I nodded. "You're the only one I could picture myself taking it from."

She threw her arms around me in a surprising hug and I patted her back. I think we earned eachother's respect in the past year.

"Good luck with everything tonight." she said murmured by my shoulder before releasing, allowing me to walk off.

Making my way to the lockeroom, I found the door was slightly cracked. Enough for me to see Roman with his back facing me. He was wearing a black fitted sleeveless work out shirt, black cargo pants like the ones he wore in the ring and boots. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

In front of him sat a girl. By the look of her wavy black hair on one side of her neck and golden skin I could tell she was Hispanic. When he slightly stepped out the way I could see she was Melissa. My fists balled at my sides tightly. I wanted to kill her but I needed to know what they were talking about.

She was looking up at him with her big brown eyes and he was pacing back and forth.

"What the hell is wrong with you??" he questioned. "You plant a kiss on me and then slap me?"

"What is this fifth grade?" she asked boredly. "If I kiss you, I'm supposed to be nice to you? Grow up, Roman."

"You seemed to have forgotten about Friday night." he tilted his head. "Because I haven't."

She had a look of amusement. "I told you that ment absolutely nothing."

"Well it meant something to me." he touched his chest. "I really like you."

"Oh boo hoo," she mocked. "Get over it. We're two adults, we had a little fun, and I'm sure you've fucked plenty of other girls."

"None that I actually had feelings for." he rubbed the back of his head.

"None that have boyfriends either."

"You're going to fuck around and get him killed." he snapped. "Because everytime you throw him in my face, you're contradicting yourself. If you 'love' him so much, you wouldn't have been in my bed."

My mouth dropped. No wonder he fell so deeply into that kiss.

She shook her head and snatched her phone from the side of her. Jumping up, she tried to go past him. "I don't have to listen to this."

He grabbed her arm quickly, and lightly tossed her to the wall. Trapping her with his arms on both sides. "Then don't listen, talk." he spat. "Why did you do that to me, last night? Why would you set me up?"

She had a frightened look in her eyes. "I did it for Randy. He wants to be champion so bad. I couldn't let you hurt him."

"You almost I got hurt, jumping in front of a spear like that." he shook his head. "I can't believe you."

"Yeah well you better."

"You're not the same girl that I fell for. You were so sweet. So genuine. So nice. The girl that I've been searching for, for a while now."

"I'm sorry that you don't understand that people change." she sighed. "I have a boyfriend that needs me by his side, in a business like this you have to evolve. I evolved with him."

"Screw him." He hit the wall and she flinched. "I didn't hear his name at all on Friday."

"Shut up."

"In fact," he sighed looking up at the ceiling. As if to go into thought. "I seem to remember 'Roman'" he moaned imitating her. "Roman, Roman, Roman, don't stop."

She pushed his chest. "I said shut up."

He smirked. "I know you have some type of feelings when it comes to me. Sooner you admit it, the happier we can both be."

"Don't hold your breath," she spat. "You just might die."

"I'll be waiting," he laughed before taking his arms down and allowing her to push past.

"Ya know," she cooed turning around before she could reach the door. "That's exactly why you got an ass kicking last night, I was hoping to knock some sense into you."

His face hardened.

"And once HHH takes that belt from Olivia, it's going right around the curved little waist that you'll never get to put your hands on again," she teased sashaying towards me.

I immediately burst through the open door and her eyes grew wide. As did Roman's.

Giving her a solid right hand to the face, I sent her flying to the ground. "Keep your fucking mouth shut!"

She held her jaw while looking at me in disbelief. I went to give her a kick to that pretty little face of hers but Roman held me back.

"It's not worth it." He grunted as she scrambled up and ran away.




Here we were in the ring. Roman and Dean standing protectively on both sides of me while HHH, Paul, Melissa and Randy stood on the other side.

Glaring at us. Of course we were glaring right back. My stare was particularly aimed at Melissa sitting on the turnbuckle with her ankles crossed while she folded her arms. I wanted nothing more than to send her flying off of there, but I knew better. I didn't need my job being taken away along with my title.

"Now, it's pretty obvious why we're all here right?" HHH asked with his palm out. "It's because of these championships."

Dean pursed his lips bitterly looking at the WWE title perched on his shoulder.

"Last night, we had a bit of controversy. Possibly some of the biggest since the Montreal Screwjob." he touched his chest. "I admit I was a bit wrong. I should not have been so hard on you Olivia and for that I sincerely apologize. My issue was not with you, it was with Mr.Ambrose here. So that being said, I've decided to allow you to keep your title."

I raised an eyebrow. Wanting to actually jump for joy, but I couldn't. There was a feeling nagging at me that it was a catch. Still I gripped my title tightly with my fingers as it hung at my side.

"What?!" Melissa screeched as her mouth dropped.

"Now, now don't get your panties in a bunch," he turned to her. "A champion always has to defend her title. I'm almost certain she won't keep it for long, not with you being the number one contender."

She smirked as did I. Good. I wanted a chance to put my hands on her anyway.

"Now, it won't be so soon. I need a good diva's match one that will be best for business." he waved his hand dismissively. "I've handled that issue, now it's time to move on to the big one."

He straightened his blazer as he took a step towards Dean. "You must feel pretty damn lucky. Managing to retain the title twice in one night."

"Well I wouldn't call myself lucky. I haven't been lucky my entire life, but I was gifted. I was born to be greatness." he hiked his championship on his shoulder. "Here's all the proof, right here. Everything I worked for and everything you want to take away and just give to someone who doesn't deserve it."

"Deserve?!" Randy snapped taking the microphone from HHH. "Deserve?! What the hell would you know about deserving something? You are not a third generation superstar who fought for this country and risked his life. Your father didn't leave any shoes for you to fill. You didn't climb that ladder over five other superstars, some of the best in this business today, to grab your first chance for a title in two whole years. Don't you DARE sit up here and talk about deserving something!"

The crowd gave a mixed reaction and I looked over at Dean who was smirking. Twirling the microphone as Orton's face grew red.

"Randall, how many different promotions did you wrestle in? One. Who was your little coach? Your dad. You wrestled for a month then you pleaded with your Uncle Barry to let you be a referee. When that became boring for you, you kissed a few asses or had your father do it for you and wam bam, you're in the WWE the next year." he grinned. "You deserved that right? Or better yet, before you answer that, allow me to tell you my background. I can barely recount the last time I wanted to be anything other than a WWE superstar. I can't remember how many promotions I was shipped around to. It's approaching a ten year mark for my wrestling career and I just got here two years ago. So let's do the math. It took me eight years to get here. I didn't have my dad to usher me through the doors and my mom truly didn't care. All I had was myself. And these hands to claw my way to the top and get this." he held the title up high. "You weren't even capable of getting into this company in the first place but being born with a silver spoon in your mouth you were taught that you deserved it all. Just because you desire something doesn't mean you've earned it."

The crowd started cheering and Randy was seething red. "You think just because you had a bunch of fools cheering you on from behind a keyboard, that makes you deserving of a title?? Let me tell you something, Dean." he hissed. "I read about you for years. Because that's all you were worth. A read. A glance but not a second look and that's why it took you so long to get here."

"It took me long to get here because Hunter here wasn't sure what he'd do with someone who wouldn't kiss his ass." He motioned and HHH glared at him. "Now I see what he did. He's trying to divide my group and tear us down."

"Trying is such a lackluster way of putting it. Don't sell me short." HHH said firmly. "I'm doing it. I've already done half. Seth Rollins isn't here."

My fists balled as the crowd booed. I didn't want to say anything but I couldn't help myself. "Were you really that desperate?"

He raised an eyebrow as did Randy.

"Was Seth really that much of a threat to you guys that you needed to make such an underhanded, coward like move?" I spat. "I thought the cerebral assassin was better than that."

He smirked. "What I did to Seth was pure business. Although Randy here did make me laugh talking about it," he pointed and I glared at Orton as he starting laughing.

"Hello, Mr.Lopez?" Randy mocked. "Yes this is Sheriff Miles from the Davenport Police Department, there's been a terrible accident involving Leighla Schultz."

I tried to lunge at him but Dean grabbed my arm and pulled me back. His fingers gripping me tightly as I continued.

"Oh the sobbing sound of a grown man is one that could make anyone laugh." He chuckled.

"Randy, I'd expect something like this from you," Ambrose sighed. "So bitter after not being relevant from the moment I arrived on the scene. Must be ego diminishing."

It was Orton's turn to try to come at us but HHH held him back.

"Look it's obviously a lot of tension here," Paul finally spoke. "As the general manager, I believe I should book a match to allow everything to be vented out." he stepped forward. "Alot of superstars in the back are fairly upset with last night's events. So I'd like to give them the chance to let out all of their frustrations as well as you three." he pointed. "So tonight, it will be a-let's go easy- I'll make it a eight on three elimination handicap match."

The crowd gave a mixed reaction and my mouth dropped. I couldn't fight superstars. I could see the concern on Roman's face when he looked down at me. Dean was glaring at them as they all smirked. Especially Melissa while she hopped off the turnbuckle with her arms crossed.

She sashayed to Randy, lightly pecking his lips while she sent Roman a daring look to which he balled his fists.

"I'll be choosing the guys, and if they refuse to fight you," he pointed to me. "They will earn themselves a lengthy suspension. One that will go until after Wrestlemania."

My mouth dropped again as they laughed.

The crowd got in an uproar of cheering and I looked at them with disgust. How could they cheer something like that? Then I realized they weren't. Their focus was elsewhere.

Towards the ramp. My eyes widened at the sight of half blonde hair running fast down the ramp. A pair of light ripped blue jeans and a black hoodie. A black steel chair clenched tightly in his hand. He was zooming so fast as he slid in the ring.

HHH ducked quickly out the way as Seth swung the weapon right for his head. Missing by a hair. He swung again for Paul but missed. I had never seen him so angry.

His eyes set on Randy trying to run for him but he hit him right in the face with the chair. As he dropped down, he hit him again. A groan of pain escaped his lips and he hit him again. Swinging the chair like a mad man over his back repeatedly.

Melissa appeared suddenly outside the ring and grabbed Orton's boot and attempted to slide him out the ring. Struggling to do so with him nearly unconscious.

Seth spotted her and went to the ropes.

"No!" I screamed and rushed for him as he brought the chair above his head and swung for her.

Thank Jeebus, she ducked out the way as the chair grazed the top of her head. I grabbed his elbow and pulled him away quickly.

All hell had broken loose.

He struggled against me but I was able to hold him tightly as a shaken Melissa successfully pulled Randy to safety outside the ring.

"Hey!" HHH yelled and we turned to see him on the stage. "I'm glad he came! Because now you just bought yourself an 11 on 4 handicap match!" he smiled. "The Wyatts have been added!"

My heart stopped.




AHHHHHHH! The first chapter! Sorry it's taken me so long! I had to get a certain amount of reads and comments! So here are the questions I want you to answer in your comments!

What do you think about Dean winning the match? What about Roman and Melissa? Could she actually like him? Will Randy find out? Does Olivia have feelings for Dean? How will the deal workout? Has Seth lost his mind?? Or is he just seeing red until he gets his revenge? How will the match play out??

I need comments to update! So comment or the next update won't be until next week!

Hop to it!

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