Chapter Forty One - Angel

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This chapter is dedicated to everyone that ever bothered to read this story.

I was devastated when I received a request on my desk the next morning for Ambrose's early release of his contract. My hands were shaking as I read over every single word of that thick packet of paper that actually made it clear that the reason for this was for him to undergo 'Psychiatric Treatment'. It was the most bittersweet thing that I had ever seen. A part of me didn't want him to go. The other was very proud of him for finally knowing that he should go get help. So with the greatest reluctance, I signed my name quickly and pushed my way from the desk into the bathroom. Quietly crying into my hands.

The Shield broke up.

Yes, even Seth and Roman too. With Dean gone, they kept having arguments about who was the leader of the pair. So they separated before it could completely destroy their friendship off screen, thankfully. I couldn't take the storming outs any longer. Once we got back from the Overseas tour, Leigh had became a little too big in her pregnancy and of course she absolutely refused to get married that way. So it was post poned until after the baby was born.

For at least eight weeks after she told us that, we were flying back and forth to Iowa at least twice a week to help Seth move into the bigger house he found near Boise. Painting, decorating the rooms, hanging pictures, and getting brand new furniture. It all felt pretty futile without Dean there to make a wise crack and make fun of us. But we had Julian. We always had Julian.

So now we're at what? Four months without Ambrose? Well, there's more. His release turned into what Vince called a 'Walk In, Walk Out' contract. Which practically meant that whenever he was ready, he could come back. I hoped that this would constitute a surprise appearance for him, but yet another month flew by.

I was starting to get very lonely, sinking into potential depression without his antics. Dr. Walker and I started seeing a lot more of eachother. The sessions growing longer and coming at all times of the night. After one in particular, a lot ended up changing. He invited me to go to a company dinner - as a date. Despite my greatest gut feeling to say no, I said yes.

I kept up my word and attended his company meeting with him which actually turned out to be in Connecticut. Lucky for me, since my hotel was in New York for the show. Just a subway away. It was great. I found myself actually having a lot of fun with a guy that I could actually see myself being in a relationship with for once. Maybe dating inside the company was never a good idea on my behalf anyway.

We walked up to the roof of the building and he held the door open for me. "Come on, it's not that breezy up here."

"I don't know what you're feeling." I said crossing the doorway and taking his hand. "But it feels exactly like December should out here."

"Not so bad."

"I'm wearing no sleeves, Charlie." I laughed, glancing down at my formal long black evening gown. It went pretty well with his classic black and white tuxedo.

He shed his jacket and put it over my shoulders. The warmth was instant. "There? Cozy?"


"Good, now come on." He tugged my hand towards the ledge of the building. Luckily there was a brick barrier separating the long fall to the ground from the top. "This view is absolutely breathtaking."

We stopped right at the protective brick and I was able to look over the city. Seeing the beautiful lights that lit up across town. The blanket of snow that covered the ground. The cars zooming down on the street along with people still coming into the building for the event.

"It really is." I agreed nodding. "Wait," I looked at him. "You're not one of those guys who is going to throw me off of here so I can get the 'breaktaking' experience are you?"

He laughed. "No, sweetheart."

If only he'd knew just how much I hated that word.

"I just wanted you to admire something that's equal of your beauty." He softly stroked my chin.

I managed a small smile. "That's very nice of you. But it's the make up."

"Beneath all of that." He said. "There is still beauty that even L'Oreal couldn't create."

I looked him in the eyes, God why hadn't I met him sooner? Now I couldn't see anything or anyone but Dean. "You're a beautiful person, Charlie."

"Then why not be beautiful together?" He asked. The dreamy smile disappeared right off my face and he saw that. "If you're not ready I understand."

"No it's not that." I said quickly.

"Then say yes, darling. I want to make you forget all of your trouble. Make you remember love still exists."

"I-I-I..." My phone started ringing loudly before I could finish my sentence. "I've got to take this."

He looked disappointed but took his hand away from my face and nodded.

"I'm sorry." I opened my clutch and strolled a few steps away to answer. "Hello?"

My response was a blood curling scream.

"Hello??" I demanded.

"Liv, it's Seth!" He said quickly. "HKSLGHSLYSH."

"Slow down, Seth." I sighed. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Leigh is in labor! I don't know what to do and and and." He started hyperventilating.

"Okay, calm down. Calm down. It's going to be alright. I'll be there in a about an hour."

"I don't think she can wait that long." I heard her scream in the background from pain. "It' coming!"

"Get her to a hospital now!" I told him.

"Does she ride in the passenger seat?? I don't think the seat belt can fit around her."

"Are you trying to call me fat?!" Leigh demanded. "You son of a - ahhhhhh! Someone get this baby out of me!!!"

"Seth, you listen to me." I snapped. "Call Roman, he'll help you get her to the car. I'll meet you at the hospital."

"Okay, okay." He said nervously. "Leigh, breathe baby."


I laughed slightly. "I'll see you two later." I hung up and turned to see Charlie looking across the town still. "I have to go."

He glanced at me. "Now?"

"My best friend is in labor. It's very important." I rushed up to him and pecked his cheek. "I'll call you as soon as I can."

I left the building, hailed a taxi, and took a Greyhound to New York. I wasted zero time running the full three blocks to the hospital. I sprinted up several flights of stairs since the elevator was not working according to my schedule. Once I was able to finally get there, just about everyone had made it to the hospital and I had lost a shoe.

But I was there just in time to see the birth of their son. Andrew Ethan Lopez.

I stayed there practically the entire night afterwards to help her with anything she could've possibly needed but she ended up mostly sleeping. Seth apologized for 'ruining' my date with 'Dr. Prince William' and told me to go home to get some sleep. I shifted my hotel arrangements to one down the street, incase something happened, and slept there. Once I returned the next afternoon, there was a bouquet of red roses, a faction of at least seventeen blue 'Congratulations It's A Boy' balloons, Chocolate and Fruit basket, and of course clothes for the new Rollins.

You can only imagine my pure disappointment when I found out, I had missed Dean's visit.

For the next few days, we kept missing eachother and I was not sure if it was intentional or just by pure chance. But it hurt like hell.

I gave Seth a month at home, since that's all the company would allow, and then it was just Roman and I on the road. Not to say we weren't enough fun as is, but he had gotten a girlfriend. Sabrina. So all of his time was being spent with her and if it wasn't - being at the bar with me was spent texting her. So I gave in and started dating Charlie.

We didn't last. The reason being is because Ambrose decided to come back when Seth did. Making his six month awaited return to TV. Backstage, everyone - including the guys - were anxious to see just how our first encounter in so long would go. Well, it was...normal. The words didn't surpass a simple 'How's it going' and physical contact didn't go beyond a simple hug. It killed me on the inside, just a bit but everything was finally going how it should've.

He looked better than ever and I was in the best mental state I'd been in since I got the job. But my heart was just not in the right place. And that's why I had to break things off with Charlie. It just wasn't fair to him.

Ambrose was back in action and hanging around the guys again. I was right there with them and we barely ever exchanged words. But the stare downs we'd have were endless. I knew we'd reach the point where we'd surpass all of the silence. And Seth's wedding would be the best place.




"These are a size nine." Leigh said through clenched teeth staring at the pearl encrusted shoes. "I asked for a size seven!"

"But, Ms. Schlutz they are a size seven." The Chinese wedding planner insisted nervously.

"If they were a size seven, they would fucking fit!" She threw them and shattered a mirror in the corner to pieces. "I spent a year planning this wedding, flying my family here, inviting all of these guests, staying up late to make sure every single detail is perfect and I all I want is some shoes that fit my goddamn feet!"

"Leigh, calm down." I told her.

She huffed and got up, walking in the bathroom and shutting the door hard. Making the entire room shake. I don't see how I couldn't have predicted that she would've been a bridezilla. She was an absolute wreck this morning. We were in a hotel in Maui that overlooked the beach they would get married at. I walked over to the balcony to watch as people started to flood in. Everyone taking an amazed look at the scenery. There was a boardwalk that was surrounded by glistening water that seemed to glow off coast. The sun and a bit of dawn was behind the white wooden, flower laced arch where they would stand to exchange their vows.

Sabrina - already dressed in her bridesmaid dress and tulip crown - was still picking apart the roses and making a square around all of the crème seats - just to add to the beauty of everything. Leigh's friends from college Sara, Denise, and Ellen were about as much help as a sack of potatoes. They were more focused with flirting with the groomsmen than catering to Leigh's crazy tantrums. On second thought, I don't blame them.

I sighed as I watched the wedding planner carefully pick up the shards of glass and throw them in the garbage can. I still had to get dressed. I was walking around in a silk robe just like the bride to be. My dress was down the hall at my actual registered room. Looking at the door that kept Leigh inside, I decided she wouldn't be coming out anytime soon so I left.

I walked right to my room and went in, looking at myself in the mirror. For once, I had my make up done by someone other than a WWE Stylist or Leighla. They did a nice job. My lips were a nice smooth nude shade, my eye color was popping more than ever from just a slight deep blue around the top eyelid, and the foundation gave off a natural bronze tone. My hair - which I had dyed a deeper brown chestnut - was shiny and silky but pinned up curls all around. I removed the pins and they dropped gracefully down my back.

At least I was satisfied with the way I looked, even if I didn't have a date for the wedding like it had been planned. Charlie and I had reserved seats together by Roman and Sabrina. But our relationship didn't make it this far. Pretty tragic.

I turned around, picking up the maid of honor dress that I had to wear. It was a champagne colored one that stopped at my knees. The inside was a wonderful silk and it had a lace cover draping over it. Leigh and I picked this out just a few weeks ago. She fell in love with it in the store. Dropping the robe from my body, I slipped myself into the dress and was able to zip it only halfway.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I muttered. I tried again but it resisted against every strength of power and reach I had. Finally giving up, I got my heels and carried them in my hand out the door. I couldn't go back to Leigh. All of the girls were outside. Taking a deep breath, I stopped at Seth's room and briskly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Olivia." I answered. The door opened and Roman's jaw dropped.

"Babycakes, you look beautiful."

"You should see the bride." I said, going past him. I looked around and saw the entire room was a mess. Clothes were strewn everywhere along with empty plates of food and a open blue knitted bag with clean diapers spilled out. Seth was standing in front of the second bed getting the baby dressed.

"Come on, Andy. Your mom's going to kill me if I don't get this on you." He muttered but the baby kicked his little chubby leg. He laughed a little bit. "Very cute."

"And to think girl's get messy when they're getting dressed." I shook my head.

"Hey, Liv!" He said with a big grin. "You look amazing."

"So do you," I complimented him. He was wearing the all time favorite of grooms everywhere - classic black and white. His hair was slicked back into a very nice ponytail. Beard was neatly trimmed and very well in place. "And you, Roman."

"Why thank you," He straightened the blazer of his matching one. His hair was pulled back into a curly ponytail. "Took a lot of work but I managed to actually let Seth look better than me."

I laughed and Seth glared at him with a smirk.

"Yeah, it's very hard to outdo a Samoan Superhero." He rolled his eyes. The baby smiled. Ah, he was so beautiful. His hair was already wavy and curly, a jet black color. His eyes were that puppy like brown just like his father. He was pale like his mother and chubby like his grandfather. "Think that's funny?" Seth cooed in a baby voice. "Is that funny, huh?"

"Someone's lost his man card." A voice said and I turned my head to see an amazing sight. Dean coming into the room. He looked very neat in his tuxedo and lips glistening as you can tell he had just had a sip of something. His hair was slicked away from his beautiful blue eyes that went with the sea I was staring at minutes ago. His body was nicely carved out and form fitted well. He looked absolutely perfect.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. Our eyes trailing up eachother in exactly the same way. "Olivia, you look - you look - you look -"

"Great." I finished for him. "So do you."

"Great is what I would use to compliment your shoes, you're something much better than that."

A grin fought it's way on my lips and in the corner of my eye, I could see Roman looking between us with a bit of a smile on his face. This was the most we had actually ever said to eachother.

"Andrew is all..." Seth stood him up, straightening the clip on bow tie he had on the baby. "Set! Ha! I did it!"

"Yes. You did." I agreed.

"Ha," He scooped him into his arms. "We're like James Bonds, if you think about it."

Ambrose scoffed. "Only he'd be the one pulling the girls and not you."

We laughed.

"Oh shut up, Dean. My son will be a very respectable young man. No one night stands, loose women or quickies." He looked at Andrew. "Always go with nice girls, then you'll have a wedding in Hawaii too."

"And you'll have to wait seven years for it to happen too." Ambrose laughed.

"Some girls are worth the wait."

"Not all." Roman said.

"A majority of them are."

"A small percentage. Like Mariah Carey or Halle Berry."

"Oh yeah," Reigns grinned. "Halle Berry is well worth the wait."

Seth rolled his eyes. "At least you've got one decent uncle, Andrew." He looked around. "Speaking of which, where is J-"

"And this is the room." Julian said coming in, dressed in only his black slacks and white button up with his tie. Of course a backwards Iowa bears cap on his curly hair. A video camera was in his hand that he was shooting everywhere. "We absolutely trashed it last night."

"Give the video thing a rest, already." Roman rolled his eyes.

"But it's important. These are memories." He protested putting the lens on the baby. "Isn't that right nephew?"

He smiled and reached for it but Julian moved it away.

"He's right you know." I said. "This is a very important day."

"Historical." Dean agreed. "A girl actually agreeing to marry a two toned video game geek is an absolute miracle."

"She loves me." He grinned. "And I love her. And today, I get to tell everybody just how much." His eyes suddenly widened. "Holy crap, my vows! I didn't finish them!"

"You better get on that!" I nearly screamed. "Leigh is already gone T-Rex, let's not give her another reason to go crazy."

"You're right." He nodded and sat the baby down in the comfortable carrier then rushed over to the table and sat down then started writing.

"So sweet." Reigns mocked. A knock fell on the door and he went to answer it. Gasping when he saw who was on the other side of the door. "Princess!"

Bella emerged inside, looking indeed like something from a Fairytale. Her black hair was naturally curly and a crown made of white roses was weaved around her head. She had a champagne dress with ruffles at the bottom.

Behind her was a woman, a caramel skinned one who looked extremely similar to her. "Here is her toothbrush and toothpaste, someone decided eating chocolate was a good idea before the ceremony." she scolded looking down at her.

"She's just a kid, Erin. Leave her alone." Roman said nudging Bella towards us. "I'll get her cleaned up, you go on and finish getting ready."

He shut the door before she could say another word and escorted Bella towards the bathroom. She gave us a small wave and we waved back.

"And this is Maui, beautiful place." Julian pointed the camera towards the balcony. "And if you look closely, you see all of the women who will be in my bed tonight."

I laughed. "You're such an idiot."

"Bella, that's a lot of chocolate." Roman said as they stood in the bathroom. They were in front of the mirror and she was smiling from ear to ear with Herseys laced between her teeth. "How many did you eat?"


He sighed and lifted her Dora toothbrush staring at it. Tapping the button to make it vibrate, he got down on his knees and went to work on cleaning her teeth.

"Why aren't you with Leigh?" Seth asked me.

"Bridezilla mode. She actually broke a mirror this time."

"Yikes." Julian said. "She's been a real bitch lately."

"Watch your mouth, Jules. That's my fiancée you're talking about." Seth pointed.

"Hey, I'm being honest." he said putting his hands up harmlessly.

"I'll have to go back eventually." I sighed. "But, I just wanted to at least get dressed first. Which reminds me, can someone zip me up?"

I turned and moved my hair out of the way then felt familiar hands graze my skin before it finally zipped the dress shut. When I glanced, I saw it was Ambrose who had done it. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"I think I've got it all." Roman lifted Bella's chin to inspect her teeth. "Spit the toothpaste out."

She nodded and did as she was told into the sink.

"Never swallow, always spit." He said firmly. "You understand that?"

We laughed and he looked at us incredulously. "I'm teaching a life lesson here."

"I'm sure you are." Dean said. A knock fell on the door again and we exchanged looks. "Oh please, let me get it."

I laughed slightly as he crossed the room to open the door, letting Papa Rollins stroll right in. His greyish black hair was slicked back on his head and his suit was a nice shade of grey. "Morning boys." he greeted us in his Italian accent.

"Morning, dad." Seth said from the table.

"Wassup dad." Julian pointed the camera towards him. "Say something to the bride and groom."

He glared. "Jules, get that camera off of me right now. Turn it off."

He rolled his eyes but clicked the button and sit it on the nightstand.

"Now, take that damn hat off and put on your suit jacket. The ceremony is starting soon." He ordered.

"Not my hat, I ordered this just for the wedding." He took it off and went up close to show it to him. "See it's engraved C & L. Special edition."

"It's tacky. Keep it off." He said firmly.

"Oh come on, pops." He set it on his head. "This is my swag you know, gots to keep my swag on me like a shawty. You know how it is with the swag."

"Swag, huh?" He asked, starting to take off his belt. "I got your swag right here."

"Okay! Okay!" He ran on the otherside of the room. "I'll keep it off. I'll keep it off." He threw it out of the window over the balcony.

I laughed. "I'll see you gents later."




Leigh was dressed in the most beautiful wedding dress I had ever seen. It was a cross between creme and champagne. There was a layer of lace draped over top with a lovely silk small ribbon separating her stomach from her waist. The top half completely fit her perfect curved form and the rest flowed down to her now fitting pearl shoes. Her face was beautifully done and her hair was pulled to the back in a beautiful curly ponytail with flowers pinned in at certain points. Anyone would kill to be in her spot, but she didn't see it that way.

"This isn't the shade of lipstick I asked for!" She screamed throwing down the tube. "That's tangerine. I am not going to kiss the love of my life looking like a Jack O Lantern!"

"Well, here Leighla, I have some L'Oreal." Her curly haired friend jumped up, frantically searching her purse then offering her a bright red stick.

"That's the wrong color, Denise! And I asked for MAC! M A C." She turned to the frightened wedding planner. "I wrote down every single detail on that paper and you told me you would handle it."

"I-I-I'm sorry!"

"You're sorry? You have ruined the biggest day of my life and all you can do is apologize??" She snapped. "Get out! Get out of here!" She pointed.

"Leighla," I sighed.

"Out!" She screamed and the small woman scurried out of the door. Bumping into a very confused Roman as he was coming into the room. He stared in disbelief at all of us before coming in and shutting the door.

"What the hell is taking you guys so long?" He asked. "The guests are waiting."

"Bridezilla over here," Her blonde friend jerked her thumb. "Won't stop complaining."

"Are you serious? What's wrong?"

"This lipstick isn't right." She mumbled. "I ask for the simplest things and they can't get them right."

"Lipstick?" He raised an eyebrow. "Alright, everybody except for the Maid of Honor out." Her friends stood with pleasure and walked right out. She watched them and then plopped down on the bed, burying her face in her hands.

"Is there something bothering you that we should know about?" Roman asked. "I know some girls freak out over weddings. A shoe size, I understand. But lipstick? Come on, Leighla."

"I'm not crazy, Roman." She glared up at him.

"Could've fooled me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She demanded.

"It means you're acting like a real bitch." I jumped in, she looked at me like I had two heads. "And this really isn't you. You're one of the sweetest people I know, but I have heavily considered walking out on this wedding because I wanted to punch you in the face."

"I just wanted everything to be perfect." She sighed, looking towards the balcony. "I mean look out there. Look at the way the water shines and the boardwalk with not a single nail out of place. The palm trees. The whole scenery. Colby did that for us. This was his whole idea. He goes through hell and highwater for me, and I can't even make myself look presentable enough to say I Do."

Roman took in a breath. "Look, besides my girlfriend - you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I mean you've got these big blue eyes, the nice natural silky black hair, a body out of this world, and when you have make up on you're even more flawless."

She cracked a small smile. "You think so?"

He rolled his eyes and offered his hand, she took it and he walked her to the window overlooking the ceremony. "Do you see that idiot with the tux and the half blonde hair?"

She laughed. "Yes."

"That's the same idiot that would marry you if you were wearing a potato sack and Crocs because he loves you, Leigh. You're the only thing he ever talks about and this is the day he's been waiting for his entire life. And if you think that a pair of too big shoes or the wrong hairspray would stop him from standing under that arch then you've got another thing coming."

She smiled, looking down as Seth kept his eyes trained on the door downstairs - waiting for her to emerge.

Roman grabbed her shoulders and spun her to face him. "Now, get whatever goddamn lipstick you can find and go marry that two toned Oreo Cookie."

I picked up the fallen Red lipstick from the floor and presented it to her. With a nervous grin, she took it and put it on smoothly.

"I'm ready." She said. "I'm ready."




I stood outside of the glass doors watching as CJ Parker - Seth's best friend from FCW - walked Denise down the aisle. All of the groomsmen were paired up with bridesmaids and they'd fall in line behind Seth and the maids behind where Leigh would stand. My disappointment was at a high when practically everyone that I wanted was taken. Roman was with Sabrina. Jules and Riley. Sara and Paul. Ellen and Cesaro. I was next and would be the only one to walk down by myself. The boardwalk was pretty long and combined with everyone turning to stare at me - that didn't help anything.

"Here," I felt something being pushed into my hands and looked down to see the bouquet of roses and tulips that Leigh was supposed to carry. I looked at her. "You need these!" I whispered.

"I'm so nervous, I need to hold both of my dad's hands." She smiled with tears already forming in her eyes as she cuddled up to her dad. "Plus, I don't want you to look so empty going down there."

I smirked and took in a breath. I'd be doing this with balls. Just as I prepared to take a step, someone hooked my arm. I looked up to see Dean grinning back at me. He plucked a rose from the bouquet and tucked it in his suit pocket. "Ready?"

"Y-Yeah," I stammered.

We took a step out together in sync and the ray of light nearly blinded me. But it was perfect enough to even out after a moment. I felt so right in that moment with my hand resting comfortably in the crook of his elbow. Everyone smiled at us, especially Seth and Roman who I'm sure set this up. As we neared the end of the walk, my eyes set on Julian sitting behind the piano and Riley standing up at the microphone by the wooden fence that led to the water. Her sparkling dress shimmering in the light and swayed in the perfect breeze.

They were waiting on my cue to start the song. Riley may have been one of the most smart mouth teenagers I had ever met - but her voice was absolutely beautiful. That's why Leigh didn't hire a professional singer.

Once we stopped at the arch, we turned to face eachother and the smirk on Ambrose's face was pure golden. He took a playful bow at me and I did one back. Then we stood in our positions and I turned my head towards Jules and nodded.

He nodded to Riley who cleared her throat as he started softly playing.

"What if I told you
It was all meant to be
Would you believe me,
Would you agree
It's almost that feelin'
That we've met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you love has come and now..."

Leigh emerged from the doors and earned a gasp from every single person in attendance. They all stood up and took out their cameras. She looked beautiful inside the place but combined with the wind that made her hair sway and shine, the sun that lit up the color in her dress - she was absolutely stunning. Seth's eyes widened and his jaw nearly fell to his collar. She clutched onto her dad's arm and it seemed like she was a little girl again.

A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime,
For a moment like this
Some people search forever,
For that one special kiss
Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime,
For a moment like this

The tears in her eyes were apparent from all the way down the boardwalk. It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion. Especially when Riley hit a flawless high note. Everything was just remarkable. When she finally reached her groom, he smiled at her like a goofy kid. It was the only thing he could really do.

She was still holding onto her father's arm as the priest stood up.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" He asked. Her dad gave Seth a playful glare and glanced back to his daughter chewing on his lower lip.

"I do." He sighed reluctantly. She smiled and threw her arms around him. "You'll always be my baby, darling." He murmured rubbing her back then kissing her forehead.

Once they were apart, she turned to face Seth. He offered his hand, nearly out of breath after looking her in the face. She put her palm on his and stepped directly in front of him. This was an amazing day. The Priest went over the basic things. Prayers and all of that good stuff. Then came the moment, everyone was waiting for.

The Vow exchange.

"Now, The Bride has prepared her own vows." He looked to her. "You may now recite them,"

She smiled nervously. "Please hold my hands," Seth held them instantly. "They're shaking I know."

Everyone laughed.

"Colby, I'm never met anyone that makes me so nervous and excited at the same time. Today is mostly an ordinary day....the sun rose, babies were born, people slept in and we just so happened to be getting married. But the not-so ordinary part is how we are making promises to each other for the rest of our days, no matter how ordinary or unusual they may be. So I promise to you: to always laugh with you and to never go to bed angry. To comfort you in times of sorrow, like when you lose a match or The Bears lose." We laughed. "To always listen to what you have to say, even when we don't see eye to eye, and to remember love is saying 'I feel differently' instead of 'you're wrong'.But most of all, I promise to love you, under any circumstances; happy or sad, easy or difficult, through the sunshine and through the rain for the rest of my days. I am the luckiest woman and I couldn't imagine growing old with anyone else."

I bit my lower lip as my eyes became watery. Damn it, I always cry at weddings.

Seth smiled and shook his head as a tear came down his cheek. "I think you've out did mine." He laughed along with everyone else. "But I'll give it a shot." He let go of one of her hands and dug around in his pocket, pulling out that old crumpled receipt.

She gasped.

"Uh, I know a lot of you might not know what this is but it's the paper Leighla gave her number to me on seven years ago." He showed them. "I've kept it, I used it to get our first date, our first kiss, to propose and now - if you don't mind Ms. Schultz - I'm going to use it to marry you."

She used her free hand to cover her mouth as a small cry escaped and she nodded.

"Okay, here goes nothing." He looked down at the paper. "Do you remember when you thought I had OCD when we first started going out? Because I kept asking you out even after you said yes? That's because it didn't register with me that a girl as beautiful as you would agree to go out with a guy like me. I spent all of my Friday nights in front of an old TV playing video games and you looked fresh off the runway."

We laughed.

"As if that wasn't enough to make you think I had OCD, I kissed you approximately ten times before I went to go anywhere because I wanted to make sure - if it was ever our last kiss - that it'd be perfect. The guys used to get so mad at me because we'd be backing out of the driveway and I would hop out of the truck while the engine is still running just to bolt in the house and kiss you again because I figured out how to make it better. Although, I don't have a compulsive disorder, I can't help but try to make everything between us flawless because that is exactly what you deserve." He sighed. "But lately, I've been falling off. When I left for a tour - I knew I'd be gone for three months and I only kissed you once."

Everyone pouted.

"I didn't care if it was perfect. And I didn't turn around to make it better. I promise you, that will never happen again. Because this day and seeing you now - hearing those beautiful words float from your mouth has reminded me of why I kept asking, why I stressed over the little things, why you're the only woman that I'd want to bring a child into this world with. I promise to love you tirelessly through perfect times and the merely fabulous times, regardless of how often you get distracted by Scented Candles and MAC Eyeshadows. I vow above all things to always be there for you whenever you need me, be faithful, and not get jealous when you fangirl over Leonardo DiCaprio."

We laughed.

"I love you so much and I vow that everything between us - whether by regular standards or not - will from this day forth be perfect."

My heart was melting. There was not a dry eye in the house. I felt a tear trail down my cheek and hit my - wait, that wasn't a tear. I looked up at the sky and felt a drop right onto my nose.

"Well, I don't think there's more left to say." The Priest chuckled. "Colby Jack Lopez, do you take Leighla Marie Schultz to be your beloved wife? To have and to h-"

"If I didn't I wouldn't be here, yes I do."

I laughed a little bit.

"Okay then...Leighla Ma-"

"A thousand times yes." She cut him off. Annoyed he shut the bible.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the -"

Without any preamble, Seth bent Leigh backwards over his knee and gave her the kiss of her life.




We were now sitting in the reception hall, me on the side of Leigh and Dean sitting on the opposite side next to Seth. Then there was Roman - with Bella on his lap -, CJ Parker, Cesaro, and Kofi. The reception was a beautiful pure white and we were seated at a special table that overlooked the place & guests. Everyone was happily conversing and catching up with people they hadn't seen in ages.

"We've got to do our first dance soon," Leigh whispered to me.

"What song did you guys pick?"

"You and Me by Lifehouse. But we can't start until someone gives the toast." She started looking around. "I told Colby to pick one of his friends to do it, but I don't even remotely see who it can be."

"Let's just pray it's not -"

"Attention, everyone." Julian stood up beside me, tapping his glass with a fork. "Can I have your attention?"

"Oh my God," She muttered into her hands.

The place fell silent and he set the fork down on the table. "I'd like to say a few words about my brother and," He smiled at Leigh. "My new sister in law." She waved with a forced smile. "Now, I've had this speech prepared for a while now and I want to just inform the guests of two things. One, I don't want to be up here anymore than my parents want me to be home and two, the more you laugh at my pointless humor, the quicker we can get this over with."

They laughed purely coincidental. It was actually funny.

"First, I must say that after twenty years of knowing my brother, he's a pretty alright guy. For as long as I can remember he was always throwing me around like a ragdoll to practice wrestling moves. Now, I was never really into it like he was but I was always willing to do what he asked me because I wanted to be cool like he was. So he had these really cool ideas that we'd pick characters to be when we fought. He was the Ultimate Warrior and he told me that Poopy The Toilet Boy was a good gimmick."

Everyone laughed.

"No seriously, I came out with a Plunger and my special was The Royal Flush. It was awesome it was." We laughed again. "But even not watching the sport that much - I always knew that he was talented and he'd get far in it. The only vital question was ; who in their right mind would date a guy that ran around in speedos and grabbing half naked guys for a living?" Another laugh. "I mean these guys up here - and girls." He pointed to Sabrina and I. "Have demanding jobs. There's so much traveling and you never really get to see them. So I knew it'd probably be hard for him to find a girl who would actually be okay with that kind of lifestyle."

He looked at Leigh. "And then you came. You understood that his first love was wrestling and you were willing to stick by him through that. You didn't care how many days he was gone, all that mattered was the days that he was here. You're kind of like a dog if you think about it."

She gasped.

"No, not that way! I just mean that you love him unconditionally." Everyone awed. "And it doesn't matter how long he's been away, you're always going to be happy to see him come through that door. Thank you so much for being there for my brother. Thank you for giving me my very first and probably last nephew, Andy." He nodded towards him on his Grandmother's lap. "I wish you both all the best. To the Lopez's."

He raised the glass earning claps from the entire room, including Leigh. Once he sat down, I nudged him. "You did a good job."

"Thanks." He grinned. "Can I get a kiss on the cheek for my efforts?" He touched it. I rolled my eyes and went to peck it but he turned his head and I hit his lips instead.

"You jerk!" I laughed and smacked his arm. The sound of a glass breaking filled the room and everyone stopped looking towards Dean. Whose champagne was sinking into his clenched fist were he had squeezed the glass too tight.

"Sorry," He apologized. "I have muscle spasms." Everyone returned to what they were doing and he got up, excusing himself to the bathroom to wash off his hands.

Hm. He did still care.

After a while, everyone was talking again and we moved down to the floor. I stopped by a small circle of guys that had formed. Punk, Kofi, Heyman, and Dolph.

"Well, Princess Jasmine has finally decided to join the servants." Punk joked stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Oh shut up, you idiot. I'm the maid of honor. I have a duty to be pretty."

"Beautiful and exquisite." Paul sung, pecking my cheek. "You look like a doll."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I was in the middle of a story before you came over here." Dolph joked. "If I could continue that'd be great."

"Okay, okay we're sorry." Kofi rolled his eyes. "You were talking about Kate, right?"

"No, no, no he was talking about Kennedi." Punk shook his head.

"I thought her name was Karla." Heyman raised his eyebrow.

"It's Jennifer."

I laughed. "Okay, well tell us about this Jennifer." I said her name with a flare.

"Alright so she calls up to her room right - I know she's been with like half of my friends - so I end up going anyway to see what the fuss is about." He began. "And she tells me to stick two fingers in."

I nearly choked on my champagne. "Dolph!"

"Hey this is modern day locker room talk," Punk said. "Either get with it or get out."

"Fine." I mumbled. "Go on."

"So I do." Dolph started up again. "Then she tells me to put three in. I do. Then four."

"Four is impossible." Kofi shook his head.

"Oh, my friend you've heard nothing yet." He laughed. "So she tells me to put my whole hand in."

"Did you?!" Paul asked.

"Of course."

"Uh man, any girl that can fit my entire hand is a deal breaker." Punk said showing us his. "This thing is colossal."

"So is mine." Ziggler said. "But it fit, then she tells me to put both in."

"This is some fifty shades of grey stuff." I muttered.

"So I did. And you know what she told me to do next?"

"Don't tell me she told you to put your little soldier in there too." Heyman shook his head.

"Little?? That's another story. Another time." He waved his hand. "But she told me to clap. And I said I can't. Then she says, 'See Told You I Was Tight.'"

We all nearly died with laughter and I smacked him on the arm. "You're disgusting!"

"Some girls take me there." He chuckled.

I looked towards the doorway to see Ambrose reemerging but not alone. He was with a girl, a pretty brunette who looked almost Spanish. Her skin was a bit paler but it was all in her features. The dark daring eyes and the curves in her grey elegant floor length dress. Her light brown hair was pinned up in a lovely bun and a bang covered one of her eyes.

She was stunning.

"New girl alert." Punk cocked his eyebrow. "I'd love to see what she can fit."

"I just want to know her name." Dolph said, with a small smile.

"Does it matter? She's with Dean." Kofi shrugged.

"Deany boy doesn't do a good job of holding onto good things." Punk said glancing at me. "She'll be with me at the end of the night."

"Boys, leave him be. She actually looks like she could be sane." Paul said.

I watched with a heavy heart as Dean pulled out a chair for her and she thanked him, sitting in it and not taking her eyes off of him as he occupied the next seat. They were laughing within the first second and she leaned her face on her chin, staring at him dreamily as he talked.

"Looks like she's teaching him new tricks." Dolph wiggled his eyebrow. "I'd pull out a chair for her too."

"Excuse me," I said quickly and went around to the bar, requesting whatever alcohol he could give me. I'd certainly need it.

"Alright everyone, the bride and groom is going to have their first dance." The DJ announced. "I'm going to need them to take their positions on the dance floor."

I started to wander towards the bathroom with my drink and ended up bumping into someone almost spilling Vodka on myself. "Shit, I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sor-" They stopped and I looked up, staring into the eyes of Ambrose. "Liv."

"Dean." I said solemnly. "Going to the bathroom?"

"No," He cleared his throat. "I'm actually going to get Valeria a drink. What're you sipping on?"

"Oh it's j-"

"Dean!" Leigh shrieked running up to us with Andrew in her arms. "Do me a favor please!"

"What?" He asked and she quickly put the baby in his hands.

"I really need you to change Andy for me."

"No, take him. I can't change a damn diaper!" He tried to hand him back.

"Dean, please. please. I have my first dance, please. please."

"Leighla, I don't know how to -"

"Alright where's our bride?" The DJ asked. I glanced at the dance floor to see Seth standing there awkwardly in his suit, hands behind his back. "We need our bride."

"Dean." She looked at him, pleading. "Please just do it. Please."

He sighed reluctantly and she kissed his cheek. "Thank you!" Then she rushed off to join Rollins on the dance floor.

He huffed looking at the baby in his arms before going towards the elevators to go up to the Suite. I laughed to myself. Ambrose and a baby. I went to stand in line with the formed crowd around the bride and groom just as the music started.

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you

All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

They danced against eachother like a highschool prom. Her head was buried into his shoulder and his hand was planted on her back. Their rhythm was slow and graceful. Everyone was taking picture after picture and that didn't phase them. It's like they were the only ones there.

I was standing next to Julian who was nodding along with the lyrics and lipsyncing. Sabrina looked up at him and laughed. "What's so funny, Chica?"

"You and your idiotic singing."

"You should hear me in the shower."

"I'm sure you're wonderful."

"Wanna find out?" He teased leaning down near her face and she covered it with her hand.

"Sorry, already dating someone else."

He backed away astonished. "Who is messing with my woman??"

Roman suddenly appeared by him, smirking at him. "Let's just say you were right in that little psyche reading you had." He put his hand on her waist.


"Really." Sabrina confirmed.

"That hurts man, after everything we've been through." Julian clutched his heart. "You'd steal my woman."

Reigns shrugged. "Wanna fight me for her?"

"Ya know come to think of it, Spanish girls aren't really my type." Jules said nervously.

I laughed. "Go on defend her honor."

"No thanks." He shook his head.

I smirked. Julian's eyes drifted to Riley as she was strolling by, he reached out and grabbed her wrists. "Hey, hey, you did good at the ceremony."

She looked down at his hand with disgust. "Did I say you could touch me?"

"You didn't have to. It's all in your eyes." She actually smiled a little bit. "Now hurry up and write your number down before I don't want it anymore."

She scoffed and slapped him before storming away. Roman, Sabrina and I couldn't help but to laugh as he stood there holding his cheek.

"She wants me." He said. "I know it."

"I'm sure she does." I patted his back before I felt my phone vibrating in my purse. I took it out and stared at the screen. Dean. I hadn't seen his name on my screen in a long time. "Hello?"

"Come up to Seth's room. Do you know what number it is?"

"I think so. I'll be right up." I hung up and walked towards the elevators. Seeing Jo talking to a familiar guy on the wall. I had to squint at first. "Charlie?"

He turned his head to look at me. "Olivia," A smile came across his face. "How are you?"

How am I? How am I since we had a bad break up around a week ago? How am I considering the fact that we were supposed to be dates and we ended up separating? How am I considering the fact that my goddamn ex showed up to a wedding where no one knows him besides my assistant that he's flirting with?

"I'm fine." I nodded. "Just going up to the room." I hit the button and tried to glare at him while I waited for the elevator and he laughed with Jo. Once I was able to go in, I practically speedwalked then got off at the right floor. I knocked briskly on the door and Dean opened, Andrew in his arm with just a diaper.

"I can't change the kid." He sighed tiredly. "I tried, I really did."

I cracked a small smile and came in, shutting the door behind us. "Lay him on the bed."

He nodded and walked over, laying him down as gently as anyone possibly could a child. I nudged him out of the way. "Hand me the wipes, baby powder, and a fresh diaper - since you tired out the tape on this one."

I watched as he rifled through the bag and handed me everything one by one. "Alright, first thing you want to do is wipe the baby. To clean him."

He nodded and watched as I undid the diaper, grabbed the ankles and lifted his little butt to wipe. "You're really good at this."

"I've barely done anything yet." I laughed.

"Yeah well even I can tell you'll be a great mom someday."

I glanced at him and he smirked at me. Then I felt a small sprinkle of water and jumped back. But it kept coming and sinking into the front part of my chest.

"Holy shit, he's peeing!" Dean yelled.

"Close the diaper!" I said turning away, it went all into my back until it stopped. I looked down at myself, nearly throwing up when I smelled the fresh urine. "Oh my God, I'm a mess!" I cried. "I can't go down to the reception like this!"

"What do you want me to do??"

"Make sure he's finished, then get me the number to a dry cleaner in Maui."

He nodded and peeked inside. "He's done."

"Are you sure?"


I went up to the Andrew and continued changing him, trying not to vomit from the stench of myself. I finished in record time, put his pants back on and stared at him as he laughed at me.

"You're so cute." I mumbled. "I can't stay mad at you."

"Alright, thanks." Dean hung up and turned around with a sheet of paper. "Here's the address. I'll drive you."

"No, you don't have to." I protested.

"It's my fault you're like this. Now go in the bathroom and wash yourself up. You smell like a fucking trashcan."

I stuck my tongue out at him and walked into the bathroom. Staring in the mirror. I'd have to ruin everything and go back into the ceremony without any professional make up or a decent hairstyle. Fuck.

I reached my arm over my shoulder to undo my zipper and a hand caught mine.

"Here, I've got you." Dean said and slowly unzipped it for me. I held the dress firmly in place so it wouldn't drop when he was done. Thankfully it didn't.

"Thanks." I said, nodding.

"You know how to work the water in here?"

"I'll manage."

"Well I can just.."

"No let me.."

We both reached for it at the same time, our hands landing on the knob at the same time. Don't look at him, don't look at him, don't look at him. I ended up doing it anyway, finding that our faces were just inches apart.

I could basically taste his gum from a distance. His lips were so close, it'd be easy for me to lean it. So easy. Tell him that I was wrong about being better off.

But then the baby started crying and Ambrose looked inside the room. Before walking away and shutting the bathroom door behind him.




We weren't too far from the wedding. Just three or four blocks - give or take - from the hotel in a Maui Dry Cleaner's. I was locked out of my room so I couldn't even get a change of clothes, I was wearing Dean's oversized hoodie and jogging pants. My hair was freshly wash and curled so all Id have to do it is put on my dress and go back to the reception.
We were already being missed. Our phones were both constantly going off but neither of us bothered to look at the screens.

"So tell me," Dean shifted in the chair next to me. "Is the saying true?"

"Is what saying true?"

"When people say something is as smooth as a baby's ass."

I laughed. "I don't know, you felt it."

"Sweetheart, I didn't even attempt to take that diaper off. I called you because I didn't want to even attempt it." he smirked.

"So you set me up to get pee'd on?" I asked.

"I'm repaying you aren't I?" He motioned around the place.

"Oh shut up, you idiot."

He laughed, slapping my arm. "I've missed you."

"You see me everyday."

"I mean you. The talking and conversational one."

I glanced at him, he was staring with a raised eyebrow - as if he expected me to say something. "Fine," I sighed. "I guess I kind of missed you too."

That was an understatement.

"Glad to hear you say that."

"Feels good to say it." I threw my head back and stared at the ceiling. "Not to pry or anything but whose the girl you brought in? I think you told me her name."


"Yeah," I said. "She seems nice."

"She is." He agreed.

"Probably the only woman you've ever touched whose actually stable in the head." I joked and he laughed. "Where'd you meet her?"

"Actually Paul set us up."

I jerked up an eyebrow. I'd make a note to punch his arm later. "Really?"

"Yeah. It was a good idea on his behalf."

"You look happy together." I said as normally as I could. "I think you've got a bright future."

He started laughing and I jerked my head up to look him in the eyes. "I missed the joke, Ambrose."

"You think I'm dating her?" He asked through laughs. I nodded and he finally slowed down. "Liv, she's my therapist. Seth wanted her to come to the wedding as a thanks for getting me straight."

"Oh." I said lamely.

He nudged my arm. "Someone was jealous."

"Was not."

"Were to." He teased. "That's good."

"Why would that be good if I were jealous? Hypothetically speaking of course."

"Because that would mean you still have feelings more me." He put his finger under my chin. "Which would make me not the only one."

My heart was beginning to flutter as I stared at him.

"I know that last time you and I had a conversation, it ended with us agreeing that were both better off. And for a while, I could've lived with that. But it's been seven months - and I've learned just how hard it is to live without you."

"I must say I've experienced the same feeling." I sighed. "I wish I could stop. People tell me I should just -"

Deranged (Sequel to Crazy)Where stories live. Discover now