Chapter Twenty One - Setting The Stage

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I watched in horror as Punk tackled Corey to the ground. The sand making a shushing sound as their solid weight crashed on it. Everyone stood back, huddled around and not even bothering to try to break up the fight. AJ looked on with concern, holding up the ends of her dress.

Punk managed to get on top of Corey and deliver a quick left to the jaw before the roles were reversed. They went at it like a couple of animals in the wild fighting over the last piece of meat. Blood leaked from both of their lips and I truly worried for Graves after just getting out of the hospital. I tapped both of The Usos on the back and told them it was time to separate the two.

They tore both of them apart. Holding them at a safe distance while they scratched and clawed to get back to eachother. Jey took a very irate Punk inside the place, while Jimmy sat Corey down on a near by bench.

"Go on, there ain't nothing to see here." Jimmy joked, shooing the crowd. "Go on now, pop lock and twerk."

They slowly went back to the dancing area as the DJ started up the music. He stooped down below Corey handing him the handkerchief from his suit pocket. "You alright man?"

"Yeah." he nodded dabbing the small cut on his lip. "Just a little blood, I'll be fine."

"I'll take it from here, thanks Jimmy." I patted his shoulder. He looked between us and smirked before standing up and walking away. I looked down at Graves. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, okay?" he laughed bitterly, dabbing his lip again. "I've had my fair share of fights. A bloody mouth is probably one of the less excruciating things I've ever walked away with."

"You come right in starting shit," I shook my head with a smirk. "I had no idea you were even out of the hospital. The last update I heard - you still weren't cleared to compete at Wrestlemania."

"Well I'm here and I am now."

"I know that. I just can't believe it." I looked shyly at my feet.

"Are you shitting me??" Ambrose growled, I turned around to see him in the doorway. Actually taking a few steps towards Corey.

I rushed up, pressing my hands on his chest. "Dean do not make a scene." I warned.

"There's already a scene." Heyman growled standing right behind him. "And I already know you're the writer."

"I had nothing to do with this." I gasped with my hand flying to my chest.

"You expect me to believe that?"


"Maybe we should just get out of here," Ambrose grasped my hand. "Give Paul some time to clean up the mess."

He started to tug me through the doors but someone grabbed my wrist. I looked back to see Corey, his eyes soft and sweet. "Liv, don't go."

"She didn't come here with you." Ambrose hissed.

"I'm fully aware of that." he said in a low tone. "But I'm asking her to stay."

"I don't think she's listening. So get your fucking paws off of her."

"Is there a problem here?" I heard a deep voice and glanced finding Seth and Roman in the doorway with their fists balled tight. Apparently, they had made up.


But bad at this point.

"No there is no issue, go back inside boys." Heyman said quickly.

"We werent asking you, Paul." Seth snapped. "We were talking to Liv and Dean."

"None at all." Ambrose said cockily as Corey's hand slipped away from my wrist. "We'll see you guys there."

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