Chapter Thirteen - Want

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"I hear voicesssss in my head,

they council me,

they understand,

they talk to me!"

I watched on the monitor in the truck as Randy made his way menacingly down the ramp. Viper RKO T shirt draped over his squared shoulders. His mind seemed to be in a rather decent place.

Not even suspecting that his child was currently in the care of The Shield. On top of that, management was completely oblivious to the fact that we had taken over the Production Truck, with the slightest of ease.

Roman, still holding onto Sabrina's phone, texted the crew and told them to take the night off. With an open truck came the real fun. Hacking into cameras was fairly easy for me and by the start of the show, we were ready.

Seth was immediately put on baby sitting duty since taking her was his bright idea. I was not sure if I should be surprised or not that he didn't complain about it. He jumped right beside her in the chair.

Ambrose did the same to me. Blatantly staring at me while I continued to keep the signal in tact. A smirk on his face everytime I would look at him annoyed. This had been going on for five minutes now, and as soon as I went to open my mouth to say something - I was interrupted.

"Daddy!" Alana exclaimed. I slightly rotated in my chair to see her with those big blue eyes focused on the screen. A cute little smile. "He wrestle tonight?"

"No," Seth shook his head. "I don't think he will be for a long time."

Not even understanding what he just said, she returned to scribbling in the coloring book Roman kept in his bag for his own daughter. We were trying to keep her busy while we pulled the last strings together of our plan. So far, so good.

"Alright, alright, bye." Roman hung up the phone. "Sam's on her way now."

"The hotel is how many blocks away?" I asked.

"It's about ten - fifteen minutes." He replied, picking up a bottled water and sitting it in front of Alana. "Thirsty?"

She shook her head, very much preoccupied with the coloring page in front of her. "Can I get a blue?"

Seth dug around in the box before handing her a bright crayon. Roman shrugged and sipped from the water bottle before leaning over me as I sat in the chair.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Randy's walking that Green Mile." I muttered then typed away on the system to check on our cameras that were stationed. We had completely invaded the Production Truck. Sending everyone out and locking the door behind.

"So we'll be able to get the kid out of here by the time we have to deal with him?" Dean asked.

"Yes, her mother is on the way." I tapped into the street cameras. "She shouldn't be far off at all." I switched back to the live TV ones. "We better get this on the road."

Randy was holding a microphone now, and just like Melissa said, he was going to vent tonight. "Now I know that I have not been able to come out here in two weeks. And believe me it's certainly not by choice." He growled. "Management had the absolute NERVE to tell me to sit back and allow Punk to get some of the spotlight. What makes that tattooed circus clown think that he - even for one second - DESERVES any kind of recognition?"

He started pacing the ring like a caged animal. "Why, because he sat down with his legs crossed and called the Board Of Directors out on their mistakes?" he scoffed. "They've made plenty of them but not everyone goes around bitching and whining about it. You suck it up like a real man, take a number and get in line like the rest of us. It's my turn, Punk, and I will be DAMNED if you even attempt to steal it away from me with some public temper tantrum."

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