Chapter Thirty One - Dirty Laundry

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"What happened to your hand?" I gasped, watching the blood lace between his knuckles and fall to the ground.

"It's nothing." Dean shook his head.

"What happened to Punk?" Roman asked.

"You know exactly what happened to him," Paul said getting a bit of anger in his voice. "What did you boys do?"

"What were we supposed to do?" Seth raised an eyebrow. "Am I missing something?"

"You beat him!" AJ cried, fighting against Heyman's grip. "I'll cut your fucking heads off!!!"

"Calm your tits, we didn't do anything." Ambrose said.

"Then what happened to your hand?" I repeated.

He looked at me curiously then to Punk before returning his stare to Paul. "You don't really think we did this do you?"

"You're the only ones with motives." he replied evenly. "You did express your concern with the match earlier this week."

"You did?" I looked at him. He resolved to silence. "Guys," I sighed, my voice breaking. "Please tell me you didn't do this."

"We didn't!" Seth protested. "We haven't even been here!"

"We've been at Barnes & Noble for the past half an hour." Roman jerked his thumb in the direction of the parking lot.

"Am I really supposed to believe that?" Heyman scoffed.

"It's true!" Dean argued. "We -"

"I hate you!" AJ screamed. "I want them arrested!!!"

"Someone get me a nurse." Paul said solemnly. "We need a sedative."

"No we don't!" AJ shouted and turned to push off of his chest breaking his grasp. She tried to lunge at the boys but a team of nurses arrived just in time to hold her back. "Get off of me!" she slapped one of them and they fell to the ground. The others quickly grabbed her and swept her away down the hall.

Paul had his hands over his face, shaking his head. "The Board Of Directors are going to have a Field Day with this."

"Look we'll help you find out whoever did this." Seth offered. "If that's what you'd like."

Heyman glared up at him. "Why? To take the attention off of yourselves?"

"Hey watch your tone." Dean warned. "You know us better than this."

"And I also know Mr.McMahon wanted you all to be ruthless again."

"We wouldn't do this." Seth pointed.

"Said by the group who debuted ruining a main event." he growled. "Need I remind you of TLC 2012 when you sent Ryback through a table??"

"Need I remind you that we did it because you paid us?" Roman countered.

"That was different." He argued. "Until I know that your hands are clean on this - I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"What?!" I demanded. "What about the main event?!"

"You're right, Ms.Lawrence. I should lace puppet strings through his cuts and walk along to rafters to make him move." he said sarcastically. "He's knocked out cold!"

I stared as the team rolled Punk on his back. His face was in perfect condition. With the exception of a cut above his eyebrow from falling. Whoever attacked him, struck from behind.

"Now get your shit and drop your titles off on the way out." Heyman ordered.

"Our titles?!" Seth, Roman and I screamed at the same time.

"Yes. Until I find some way to prove your innocence. I can't have you walking around as champions." he spat. "So leave the belts with Jo. Then go to Houston for RAW."

Roman unzipped his duffel bag on his shoulder and pulled out his half of the Tag Team Championship. He tossed it at Paul's feet and walked away as we followed.

Once the rest of us did as we were told, we found Julian talking to Jojo outside the lockeroom.

"Come on, Jules. We're leaving." Seth nodded towards the garage.

"Now?" He asked with his voice going a bit high in octaves. "I'm in the middle of something."

Jojo's hands were set on his hips and her lips were pursed as she looked up at him teasingly. "You can go, I'll call you."

"I'm not going anywhere, Chia Pet." he cooed, stroking her curly hair. His eyes set on us for a second. "I'm riding back with Eva and Jojo."

She hugged him and cuddled her head against his chest.

"Are you sure?" Seth asked.

"Leave the kid alone, he's old enough to make his own decisions." Dean grumbled. "Let's just go."

Jules cocked his eyebrow. "He's got the right idea."

"Fine." Seth sighed. "Just be careful."

"Always." He smirked and wrapped his arms around Jojo.

We went to the truck and climbed in. Ambrose sat next to me in the back, Roman took the wheel as the driver, and Seth occupied the passenger seat. As we pulled off, I couldn't stop staring at Dean's bloody fist as it clenched constantly from anger.

"It's nothing, Olivia." he said without looking at me.

"It is." I snapped. "I hope to God you guys didn't do it."

"We didn't! Alright?" he exploded, glaring at me. "We didn't fucking do it. We were at the fucking book store with Seth all afternoon!" he yanked a crumpled piece of paper from the cup holder and slammed it into my hand.

It was a receipt. From Barnes & Nobles.

'What to expect when you're expecting - 23.49'

'Dealing with your baby - 12.99'

'How to prepare for your little one - 34.78'

'Baby Proofing your home - 15.99'

'Music for the Infants - 23.87'

'200 Pregnancy Health Secrets - 26.90'

Total = 138.02
Tax + 8.20

Total Price paid : 146.22 on 05/29 at 08:37

They couldn't have done it, the store is thirty minutes from the arena.

"You didn't." I shook my head.

"I was going to show this to Paul, but he didn't want to hear anything we were trying to say." Ambrose hissed. "I swear to God when I find the Son of a Bitch that did it - I'm going to kick his teeth down his throat."

"Calm down, man." Seth said. "As long as we know we're innocent."

"Fuck that. Now I have to wait Christ knows how long to get my title back." he shook his head. "Fuck! This is all your fault."

"My fault?!"

"Yes if you hadn't been buying those gay ass books, we would've been at the arena!" he shouted.

"They're not gay! They're helpful! I'm sorry some of us have families that we care about!"

"What the fuck did you just say to me?!"

"Cool it you two!" Roman said, angrily. "We need to keep our heads. If we wouldve been there, it wouldn't make a bit of a damn difference. That fucker would've still been knocked out and we would look more guilty than ever. All we have to do is show Heyman the receipts and we'll be fine. Now both of you shut the fuck up."

They both were quiet now.

"Now someone tell me where the fuck are we going?" Reigns asked.

"Paul said Houston." I shrugged.

"Well we won't be getting any sleep." He sighed. "That's like a fourteen hour drive."

"Leigh's parents stay in San Antonio. We can go there, we were planning on telling them everything anyway soon." Seth said.

"Are you sure they'll let three extra people in?" I asked.

"Positive. Really nice people and they've got a huge house." he took out his phone. "I'll just tell them we're coming."

"Call Leighla first." I reminded.

"Well what about Julian?" Roman asked.

"Shit." Seth groaned. "This is why I told him to come with us."

"I can schedule him a flight to meet us there." I offered.

"Please do that." he said, bringing the phone up to his ear. "Baby? Hey. It's me."

I looked at Dean as he cradled his bleeding fist.

"No, uh, we won't be on tonight. We got booted from the arena." he pulled the phone away as she freaked out. "I know, I know. I'll have to explain everything later. But we're on the way to your parent's house. Can you meet us there?"

He nodded. "Well, we'll be driving all night so maybe tomorrow morning at around ten? I guess." he smirked. "I'll see you there."




(Monday - The Following Day)

We alternated driving all night. After Roman drove his three and a half hours then Dean, then me, and Seth finally pulled us up to the a typical American suburban like house. Almond brown bricks, white wood laced in the normal sized windows, light hazel shutters, SUVs parked in the driveway and on the front lawn, a giant oak tree with a tire swing.

The streets were paved with smooth concrete and every middle aged woman was out watering their gardens. The men were suited up and leaving for work. The kids were all in school, it was just now noon. It reminded me of my old neighborhood.

"Tell me they've got enough room for us." Dean groaned, sleepily.

"They do. It's a five bedroom." Seth yawned unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Good." I said jumping out of the truck. I stretched my arms above my head and looked down, realizing I was still wearing the grey sweats from last night. My ring gear was underneath. "I need a shower."

"So do I." Roman agreed.

We got all of the bags out of the truck and made our way to the front door. A man opened it for us. He was about six two, in his 50's and had a head full of fluffy grey hair. A pair of thin lips and good looking face. He was wearing a light blue polo shirt and grey slacks.

"You must be Leighla's friends." he said solemnly and looked at Seth. "Hello, Colby."

"Mr.Schlutz." he replied nervously. "How are you this fine evening?"

"It's the afternoon, son." he said dryly.

"R-Right." Seth scratched the back of his head. "I-I-Is Leighla here?"

"She is," he nodded. "But I need the people coming into my house to identify themselves."

I jerked up an eyebrow, this guy ment business.

"This is my friend, Roman." he pointed to him and Reigns shook his hand. "My friend Dean." Ambrose nodded to him. "And my friend, Olivia."

I smiled at him. "Sir."

"Ma'am." he smirked and stepped out of the way. "She's in the kitchen."

"Thank you." Seth said going into the house. We followed him and I was amazed by just how much this place looked like my old house. It was so friendly and inviting. With the exception of her father.

We went into the kitchen where Leigh was having coffee with an older blonde haired woman - whom I can only presume was her mother. The bright blue eyes were amazingly similar.

"You guys made it!" She exclaimed jumping up and hugging Seth. "You must be exhausted."

"We are." he sighed. "But we managed to get some sleep in the car."

She pulled away from him and looked at us. I could only imagine how much of a zombie I looked like. My hair was pulled back into a ponytail and I could feel it coming loose.

"I'm sorry last night didn't go the way you wanted." she said with worry. "I hope my dad didn't make matters worse by grilling you. He does it for a living."

"What is he? A detective?" Dean joked.

"FBI Agent," Mr.Schultz cut in from behind us. "Retired Navy Seal as well."

I looked at him from the corner of my eye to see he was checking his phone.

"Leati Joesph Anoa'i." he said firmly. "You were arrested in 2010 for disorderly intoxication, affray riot and unlawful assembly."

Roman's eyes widened. "How do you know that?!"

"Just doing a bit of research on my daughter's friends and people that come into my house." he shrugged. "Care to explain those offenses?"

"Robert," Mrs.Schlutz sighed. "Must you do this to all guests? This is why no one ever visits."

"I do it for your safety sweetheart and Riley's."


"Whose Riley?" I asked.

"My little sister. She's at school right now." Leigh said, sipping from her mug. "And my dad should be at work right now."

"I don't have to for another hour." he countered.

"Well maybe you should leave early. Get us some take out to eat since you'll be at the office all day." Mrs.Schultz said.

"Is this some scheme to make me leave?" he frowned.

Leigh laughed and walked over to him to peck his cheek. "Love you, daddy."

"I'm sure you do." he grumbled. "Pancakes or Waffles?"


He rolled his eyes and gave Roman a hard glare before disappearing into the living room. After a moment, we heard the door shut and the truck pull away.

"So, you are the big scary wrestlers my daughter hangs around?" Mrs.Schlutz smiled. "I watch a little bit, I know who you are."

"Good." Dean said. "I hate reintroducing myself."

We laughed.

"So you've been on the road all night?" she asked.

"Just about." Roman chimed in. "A fourteen hour drive was definitely difficult."

"Sounds tiring."

"It is."

I heard a bark and then the little Yorkie trotted into the kitchen.

"Kevin!" Seth exclaimed picking his up. "Hey buddy."

"This is the most you've seen him in a while." Leigh folded her arms. "Twice in one month, we're on a role."

"Shut up." he joked.

"You have anything to drink?" Dean asked.

"Coffee." Mrs.Schultz replied pointing to the machine on the counter.

"Liv, you want some?" he nudged me and I nodded. He walked over and started working the machine.

No sooner did I hear the sound of an engine revving up. A V8 one. It drew closer until it stopped and a car door shut.

"Oh God not again." Mrs.Schlutz said jumping out of her stool, rushing into the living room.

"What's going on?" I looked at Leigh who shrugged.

"Riley! This your sixth suspension in a month!" Mrs.Schultz cried.

"Those teachers hate me, mom!" A voice responded.

"What did they suspend you for this time??" There was a moment of silence until a paper was being handed over. "Cheating?! Why would you cheat??"

"I didn't know the damn answers."

"Watch your language!"

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes as she came into our view. She looked similar to Leigh. Long black hair that framed her heart shaped face, but her eyes were hazel - green. Like Punk's. She was wearing a black Nirvana crop top and leather high waisted shorts that covered her stomach. Black combat boots and devil red lipstick. She was definitely a little bad ass.

When she saw us, her eyes widened. "Holy shit, it's The Shield." Her backpack slipped from her hand and hit the floor with a thud.

"Language!" Her mother screamed.

She bolted towards us and wrapped her arms around Roman nearly knocking him down on impact. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!! You're in my house!"

"Yeah..." He said slowly careful not to touch her. "And you're invading my close, personal space."

"You have no idea how long I've dreamed about you being here!" She removed her head from his ribs and smiled up at him. "My friends are going to freak!"

"Riley, no guests. They are not here to be your entertainment. They're here to rest before the show." Leigh warned.

"Oh come on, Leighla!" She whined.


She frowned. "Fine." Releasing Reigns, she folded her arms. "Can you please tell me that I have tickets to tonight's show?"

"I'm sure we can work something out." Seth nodded.

"Thanks, Colby." She grinned. "I didn't mean to ignore you by the way," She hugged him and pulled away to scratch the yorkie's head. "Heyyyy Kevinnnn."

The dog wagged his tail faster in response.

"I hope you don't think this," Her mother waved the suspension. "Is going unpunished. I want your car keys now."

"Not Al Pacino!" She cried.

"Either that or you go stay at Aunt Elsa's until our guests leave."

She pouted and reached in her pocket, handing over the set of keys. She actually held onto them tightly until Mrs.Schultz snatched them away.

"Here, doll." Dean nudged a cup into the side of my arm. I took it from him and looked up to see Riley's eyes bright.

"Ambrivia is in my kitchen." She shook her head. "There is a God."

I laughed. "What is that?"

"It's a tumblr name. It's when you combine your name and you get the One True Pairing result."

"So like Brangelina?" Ambrose asked sipping from the mug.

She nodded and slipped into a short daze. "Your eyes are more beautiful up close."

"Riley!" Her mother scolded. "Don't you have homework to do?"

"Im suspended remember, mom?" She rolled her eyes. "Olivia!"


"Would you like to see my car??"

"Sure." I said slowly and followed her out of the house.

"Here he is." She motioned to a cherry red 1986 Camaro. "Beauty ain't it?"

"It's nice." I agreed, remembering my dad used to have one of those when I was younger. Of course, then they were actually in style. "You call it Al Pacino?"

"Or Scarface." She shrugged. "My boyfriend's dad runs a chop shop and that's where I got it."

"A chop shop?" I raised an eyebrow. "Illegal isn't it?"

"Well yeah. But that's where I can get all the best cars. And I heard the guy who stole the car, took it from his grandpa in Venice. So there's no way I'd ever actually get caught with it." she shook her head. "Plus, my mom thinks I got it from some vintage car dealer."

"As long as your parents don't know." I shrugged. "I guess it's fine."

A smile spread on her lips. "I knew you'd be as cool as you were on TV."

"What can I say?" I smirked.

"You have no idea how much I look up to you." She leaned against the car. "I want to wrestle but my parents would totally freak. They're so overprotective."

"Maybe it's for your own good."

"Oh come on, don't give me that shit." she groaned. "I read your interviews, I know that your parents didn't want you to do it either. I could end up like you one day. Living my dream."

"As much as I'd love to help you, I can't do anything unless you get your folk's consent. How old are you like - sixteen?"

"I'll be seventeen in two months." she pouted. "Does that count for anything?"

"Until you're eighteen, there's not a damn thing I can do to get you in the ring." I shook my head. "But I could help you be the best fan possible. How does tickets and backstage passes for every Texas event sound?"

"Amazing!" She screeched. "Oh My God, I can't believe this!"

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