Chapter Six - Wounded

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It was probably the most painful thing I had ever had to suffer through. The feeling of his teeth digging into my flesh was enough to make me wish I was dead. Gone away from his grasp in the blink of an eye. Anything to not have to lie here and scream into the makeshift gag. Hot tears trailed down my face and I could barely see anything. Not through all the water that continued to form in my eyes. To make matters much worse, he sounded like he was getting off to it. To all of the chaos and damage he was causing. He fed off of it. It was exactly what he lived for.

Once his teeth stopped biting me, he completely collapsed all of his body weight on me. His breath coming out in pants and moans as if he had just had the best sex of his life. I worried about him, I truly did. But now, I couldn't give two shits.

"Olivia," he moaned burying his nose into my hair. "Oh God, that was better than I expected."

I said nothing, not that I was in a position to even be vocal with the T shirt in my mouth. The pain of the bite just caused tears to trail down my cheeks even faster.

I felt the bulge in his pants slowly soften and I thanked my stars that I wouldn't have to worry about him trying to fuck me. He lifted his head and I was horrified to see the blood laced in his teeth. The red on sight was terrifying.

He moved his hair from his eyes showing the twinkle in them. As if he in that moment, was truly happy. Sick. The whole thing was sickening.

"I'm going to ask you a question," he said softly. "Don't make me hurt you."

I nodded quickly and he sighed, before slowly removing the ducktape from my mouth to avoid causing any further pain. He took the gag out and held it in his fist, incase he had to re insert it.

"Are you alright?"

"No." I said quickly. "You just fucking bit me."

"Tough love, baby." he looked at the fresh mark. "I can take some of the pain away."

"Just get out."

"Let me put something on it," he touched it and I immediately screamed. Showing slight humane, he retracted his hand. "You're really in a lot of pain aren't you?"

"No shit." I spat.

He looked up as if to contemplate what to do. "I think when we fucking things were a lot easier, you knew who you belonged to, I knew, everyone knew, and at least I got you to cum."

"You sick fuck," I hissed trying to fight against the belt around my wrist. "Did you really get off to biting me?"

"My pants are very soaked, Livy." he sighed. "I knew I missed your screams but I had no idea it was this much."

"Well you've had your fun, now please untie me and leave." I said as angry tears came to my eyes again.

"Stop being a bitch. You brought this on yourself." he growled.

"Oh fuck off." I spat. "I talked to a guy, you're dating my ex rival. Where the hell did I bring anything on myself?"

He grinned. "Are you jealous, Livy?"

"Get off of me."

"Are you jealous?" he repeated.

"Get the fuck off of me."

"Just tell me are you jealous?"


"Olivia." he said firmly. "Are you jealous?"

"Am I?" I scoffed. "Yes Dean. I'm very jealous. I'm so jealous that AJ gets to have you. She gets to go around and claim that you're hers. I'm insanely jealous at the fact that she is with a guy who constantly follows around some other girl who doesn't give a shit about him, a guy who rapes and beats the girl he claims to love. So fucking contradicting may I add. I'm jealous that he is a goddamn psychopath who would tie someone to a bed and bite the hell out of them just to claim something that's not theirs. So yes, Dean. I'm very fucking jealous."

He smirked. "Are you mad at me? Because I don't like when you're mad at me."

"Among other things."

"I feel selfish," he pouted. "I was the only one that came. Would you like to?"

"No." I said quickly. "I'd like for you to leave."

He climbed off of me. Deceptively on the side closest to the door, but right near by head. "If I untie you, keep your hands to yourself otherwise, I'm going to kill you."

I nodded and he fiddled with the belt before I felt the pressure let off my wrist. My eyes widened at the sight of the blood dripping onto his chest from his chin. My shoulder pain began to gnaw at me again and I realized I couldn't move it so soon.

"I can clean it for you and put some cream on it." He muttered.


"Suit yourself."

Once he moved away from me, he went into my bathroom. I heard the water run for at least five minutes. I managed to prop myself on my forearm and sit against the headboard. I really wasn't sure if I should get up or not, I decided to wait until he left.

He reappeared with himself freshly clean, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. There was no blood anywhere, not even the lightest shade of red.

"I don't like this," he said. "I hate when I get the feeling that you may be upset with me."

"It's not a feeling. It's a reality."

"Either way you spin it, I had a while to think about why you're mad." he wagged a finger. "It's because I came."

He was right on. The thought that someone could get off to someone screaming in absolute agony as if they're burning in the depths of hell upset me to the fullest.


"Okay," he approached the foot of the bed. "As much I'd love to make you come, I just can't do it. That bite, scream and you being tied up really emptied the tank."

"Good, now get out." I spat looking down at my shoulder. "You've done enough anyway."

"I'm a very creative man though, Livy." he smirked grabbing my ankle. "You should know not to underestimate me."

Pulling me down onto my back, he slipped off my pants along with my underwear. He tugged me down further so that my legs were hanging off the bed. Propping them up on his shoulders, his finger tips softly stroked along my outer thigh.

"I never had a taste for something so much," he whispered before his head disappeared between my legs.





My week had been without a doubt, hell. I guess I should attempt to fill in the days? Right. For starters after Ambrose's bad romance bite, he tried to make up for it with oral sex. When I say tried, maybe it's because of my stubbornness, because my body was trembling by the time he was finished. Shaming myself mentally afterwards, I reduced myself to absolute silence. Which frustrated him to the point where he packed his shit and left. Surprisingly he didn't return.

Having to tough out my last six days, was easy enough. I had the house to myself, was able to shower without fear, go to sleep alone, and just flat out be isolated. The way I liked it. I hailed a cab early the next morning, going to the pharmacy on the next block and purchasing some cream to reduce the pain and burning of the bite. I stacked up on all sorts of make up to cover it just incase it didn't disappear by RAW, Compress packs and other things. I had become my own doctor.

The next morning, I had to go see my actual one and Dr.Yemen was all about timing. Thankfully, he wanted to take the sling off and put me into three day physical therapy. A little intense to make sure I was in good condition. It felt pretty good to have my arm actually mobile. Felt even better to actually start working it again.

By the time Monday rolled around, RAW was scheduled in Chicago. Now I could make my triumphant return and just in time for the last one before our overseas tour. I had spent countless hours packing up, finally finishing with three suitcases.

My arm was in perfect condition but Roman volunteered to come over and help me out anyway. Taking my bags, he threw them in the truck where I found Dean and Seth sitting in the back, watching me intently. I smiled at Seth and he waved but Dean didn't say a word, he simply turned his attention to his phone as we drove off.

Arriving at the arena, I went straight into the divas lockeroom. Getting smiles from everyone who hated me before. Maybe I was missed. The Bellas were the first ones to give me a hug, initiating a group one with Jojo, Eva, Aksana, Alicia, and even Natalya. I didn't even make a motion to return the hold but they all hugged tighter nonetheless.

Once I was released, I sat my stuff in my old space and got dressed into a pair of black jeans and a short sleeve fitted white T shirt. Tying my combat boots, i kept imagining the input they would leave on anyone's face who was dumb enough to fuck with me tonight. Even HHH.
Grabbing my belt, I went off down the hall. Stopping in the make up room so they could curl my hair and apply a fresh coat of eyeliner and semi dark eyeshadow to make my green eyes pop.

Once that was done, I heard the fireworks signaling the start of the show. Hopping down from the chair, I went over to the sound guy. Snatching a microphone, my music began to play, earning an overwhelming crowd reaction.

Goddamnit it was great to be home.

Sliding in the ring, I flipped my hair from my face and stood up, climbing the turn buckle to hoist my championship in the air. Showing everyone I was still the best.

Jumping down, I dragged my hand across my throat. "Cut my music."

The arena fell silent and I smirked. "I'm baaackkkkk."

The crowd cheered.

"And do you know what that means? That means that Triple H has failed once again as he has numerous times in his career BECAUSE I AM still standing, I'm still better than anyone in his little group, and I am still the WWE Diva's Champion." I held up the title. "I've held this for almost a month now," I shrugged. "It's not much but it's proof. It's the certification to everything great that I've done and everything that I will continue to do. The bachelor's degree to ass kicking. The key to the doors that have opened. Its what it shouldve been for HHH. But he chose a wedding ring instead to propel his career, not the championships. He traded in being 'The King of Kings' for being the shell of a man that you see today. He went from spitting water to blowing Vince. From being the Cerebral Assassin to being the COO. From a guy who used to not give a damn to a yes man." I shook my head. "He looks down on anyone who reminds him too much of what he COULDVE been because he cant take to see someone become greater than him. Even if its Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose or even a girl like myself. He doesnt care. I dont think he ever cared as to how he had to eliminate the competiton. Maybe thats why he traded in the boots for loafers, who knows? Just my theory." I shrugged.

The crowd started cheering louder and I got a smirk on my face while I slipped the title on my shoulder. "It doesn't matter what you put in front of me, not The Wyatts, not Randy, not that skank Melissa, and definitely not some overhyped, useless, repugnant Internet sensation called Paige." I ran my tongue over my teeth. "In fact, Paige, since you're so powerful," I threw my title down. "I'd love to see you come out here and try what you did two weeks ago. If you've got the balls honey."

The crowd started cheering wildly and I put my hands on my knees. Watching the ramp intently and preparing for the lights to shut off. Instead I got just what I didn't expect.

"Style or Grace,

I'm never gonna be done,

Lean on in,

Now Welcome to the Queendom."

I raised an eyebrow and stood straight up as Stephanie McMahon crossed the curtains. A smirk on her face as she clenched the microphone. I hadn't encountered her since I inducted her in the Hall Of Fame last year. I still had this very unnatural idolization with her.

But even she could fall victim to the wrath if she rubbed me the wrong way.

As she crossed the ropes, I slowly picked up my title. Allowing it to hang forgottenly from my hand at my side as I watched her intently. Just wondering what she would say.

"Olivia," she began proudly. "I haven't seen you in an entire year. Last time I did you were the childlike girl with shaking hands inducting me into the Hall Of Fame and now just look at you. You were the manager, you've topped the diva's division, I mean you are the WWE Diva's champion." She tilted her head. "I must be honest, I didn't think you would last."

I looked down at my title and pursed my lips. This was her underhanded McMahon way of starting a verbal onslaught.

"I mean you're not much. What are you...maybe five feet? Five one at the most. You've got the little innocent face. The fan mentality. You're very fragile." She nodded to my shoulder. "But that hasn't stopped you right? You're a strong little firecracker. When you get in these ropes, you're ruthless. You never stop until your hand is raised at the end of the match. It's certainly paid off." Her eyes glanced at my belt. "And to be honest, I do respect everything you've done."

The crowd started cheering once again and she shrugged innocently. The corner of my mouth perked up and I brought the mic up to my lips once again.

"So what, Stephanie? Am I suppose to take that backhanded compliment and act completely oblivious to the fact that you have other intentions of coming out here?"

"Smarter than you look." she smiled. "And by the way, it's Mrs.McMahon to you."

"I'm sorry that title is reserved for the REAL woman of this company, your mother."

The crowd oohed. And she tried to hide the bitter look by glancing around the arena but I saw it.

"Thank you for leading me into my next topic, women of the company. There can only be two sweetheart. That's me. And the rightful diva's champion." She looked at my belt by my side. "My father, my husband and I built the mold that we wanted as champions a long time ago. It didn't change years ago and it sure as hell won't change now. Definitely not for someone of your caliber."

I rolled my eyes.

"We want someone who can make us look good, someone who will look good on the cover of a magazine, someone who is as beautiful as she is talented. I think, based on what I've seen, Melissa is that person." She shrugged as the crowd booed.

"It's better to be strong than pretty and useless." I smirked. "Her looks won't stop her from getting her ass kicked from New York to San Diego."

The crowd started cheering and Stephanie laughed bitterly.

"There you go once again, trying to get the crowd all riled up. It's old. It's tattered."

"Trying?" I scoffed. "Steph, I have never tried to pander to this crowd. I don't come out here and scream their city name, much like Cena, just to get them to respond. I don't seize the opportunities of cheap pops, and I don't parade around like some Playboy bunny. I come out each and every week, and I'm just myself." I shrugged. "And they love me for it. I'm not some puppet reading from script pages or trying to please your power hungry, manipulative, vindictive family."

"Woah there." she held up her hand. "Don't you ever bring up my family."

"Or what Stephanie?" I got in her face. "You're going to slap me? Go ahead. Give me one of those famous McMahon slaps and you watch what I do to you." I spat and threw the microphone down.

She tilted her chin downwards and glared at me with evil eyes. I simply smirked, continuing to taunt her as the crowd started egging her on. They wanted a fight and with the mood I'd been in, I was bound to lose my job.

Suddenly, she backed away. Bringing the microphone up to speak once again.

"I wouldn't get my hands dirty for you. But I know some guys who would love to." She sung and no sooner did the lights shut out.

When they came on the Wyatts were all huddled at the end of the ramp. Notably Paige was not with them, but Bray was directly in the center. A sick smile on his face as his brothers stood behind him. I noticed Stephanie had climbed out the ring already, laughing at what would obviously happen to me.

She was going past Bray when they brushed shoulders and made eye contact. She gave him a simple nod and he said something to her before motioning for Luke and Rowan to go on either side of the ring. They did as instructed, menacingly staring at me as they made their way around.

Surrounding the ring so I wouldn't be able to escape. Bray was straight in front, climbing on the apron slowly grinning at me. That's when it hit me that they were mimicking The Shield.

I was the sacrificial lamb here.

Grabbing my title, I held it up and bent my knees ready to run at either one of them. They all chuckled and I got even more scared. Well this is how I die.

Just as they were about to get in, they were all yanked from the apron at the same time. Hitting their chins hard on the ring on the way down. Taking advantage of this, I rolled out the back part, towards the commentary table.

Looking around the ring, I saw a parade of fists flying towards the fallen Wyatts. A splurge of long black hair, long blonde hair and short slicked back hair. All in black vests and cargos.

Thank God for The Shield.

Seth was fighting Rowan against the barricade. Wildly letting his fists fly over his back as he tried to pick him up. Then he delivered a knee to his face and gave him one hell of an uppercut.

Roman and Luke were going at it, as Roman threw him into the steel post rather hard. Surprisingly, he bounced back and Roman gave him a harsh spear that sent him to the ground.

Dean was all over Bray. Like a predator who smelt blood. He flung him into the steel steps, taking cautionary steps to make sure he hit his shoulder. Then he jumped on him, like an animal and hit him repeatedly in the head out of blind rage. It's like there was no direction, no filter, he was trying to kill the guy.

I ran over along with Seth and Roman, we attempted pull him away. We all grabbed his shoulders and tugged him off.

"He hurt Olivia!" he shouted before breaking our grasp and jumping on him yet again. Hammering away with his fists.

Roman and I grabbed him again. Successfully tearing him away as music rung out,

"Behold the King, the King of Kings.

Duh Duh

Duh Duh."

Rolling my eyes, I looked at the foot of the ramp and saw HHH.

"Fellas, Fellas, Fellas cease and desist please." he waved his hand dismissively. "I think I'm actually glad to see you three finally get your hands on The Wyatts. This is showing me the old Shield. The ones that you were when you first came, before you went your separate ways." he started pacing. "With that said, Olivia I love your new found sharpened tongue and aggressive nature. I want to see it put to use. Frankly that's whats Best for Business. The crowd loves it, I love it. So let's have a few grudge matches tonight. It will be AJ in her rematch clause vs a newly returning Olivia for that nifty little championship. And The Shield vs The Wyatts in a six man tag team match." He dropped the microphone before crossing the curtains.

I ran my hands through my hair, my first title defense. I wasn't sure how I would handle it with a fragile shoulder, but I'd conquered AJ before. I could damn well do it again.




I felt lips on the back of my neck just as I was bent over tying the lace of my ring boot. A bare chest pressed against my back made me shiver as the hair was brushed away from my neck to gain better access.

Sighing, I used my elbow to push him away and he of course laughed.

"Come on, Livy." I felt his hands trace the waistband of my trunks. "Don't tell me you didn't love my apology."

"I didn't," I smacked his hand away without even bothering to look back at him.

"Could've fooled me," he said bitterly. "By the way you were screaming and moaning I'd think I was a God of some sort."

"You can't be fucking serious." I muttered. "You're taking a natural reaction and trying to shape it into something that could work out in your favor. Get real, Ambrose."

His forearms wrapped around my stomach while he pressed his chest on my back once again. "This is about as real as it gets, baby."

"Or delusional," I tried to wiggle from his grasp and he tightened it.

"What makes you think I won't claim you twice?" He teased. "Because I wouldn't hesitate. I love the way you taste in more ways than one."

"Let go of me, you sick fuck."

"I don't want to." he buried his nose in my hair. "I want to hold you forever and turn into an old man."

"Oh cut the shitty movie lines." I tried to unlock his hands. "I have to get ready for my match."

"Let's stretch together then," he pressed his hand on the back of my head then quickly pushed it forward so I was now bent over. His other hand pushed the middle of my back downwards making it curve. "This is a position we never tried before."

I could hear the smugness in his voice and combined with the humiliating state I was in, I gave him a piece of my mind. Grabbing his hand, I twisted it and quickly moved so his arm was behind his back. Then I hiked my knee up and hit him right in between the thighs.

"Fuck." he groaned as he collapsed down clutching it. "Oh fuck."

"Don't you ever touch me like that again." I spat as I casually stepped over him. Snatching my title, I went for the door.

"Livy," he moaned and I looked back. "I'm going to be a real bastard when I get my hands on you."

I smirked. "Looking forward to it, assbreath."

I shut the door and as soon as I came out, I bumped into someone. Unexpectedly I fell on the ground.

"Shit," I muttered.

"I'm so sorry," A familiar voice said before stretching out its hand. I caught the glimpse of a tattoo on the back of a zombie like woman face. "Let me help you up."

"I'm fine," I scrambled to my feet and dusted my costume off. Looking up I saw Corey. A concerned look on his face.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I smirked. "I should watch where I'm going."

"No it was completely me, I was looking for Dean have you seen him?"

"Yeah," I said dryly. "Right in there, he'll be out in a second when his nuts stop hurting."

He chuckled. "Boot or knee?"

"Arm wrench then knee."

"Oh," he gasped looking away then back at me with that half smile. "That's got to hurt."

"You can ask him yourself in a few minutes."

"What if I want to talk to you?" he folded his arms. "Do I still have to wait?"

I laughed genuinely. A good one. Thinking about how I had been single for five months now. Technically single. Now here was a guy who was not mentally disturbed or overly kind to me. And I had no idea what to do with him.

"I don't know, I have a match in a few." I shrugged.

"That gives us some time, right?"

"Sure." I moved my hair behind my ear. Something I hadn't done since I first liked Punk.

"Great. How's the shoulder?"

I wiggled it around. "Good condition. Enough to kick some ass tonight."

He smiled. "Im sure you will. I hope you retain your title."

"Thanks, I heard you might be moving in the title picture soon."

"Not in time for Wrestlemania like I'd actually like to. But eh, soon enough." he shrugged.

"Who bumped you from the title picture?"

"Dolph with the whole Royal Rumble thing. So he's facing Punk." he said flatly. "So there goes my chance, but I'll face the winner at the next pay per view."

"You're very patient." I shook my head. "You should be demanding your moment, not sitting back and waiting."

"That's cute." he smirked.

"What's cute?"

"You actually think I'm going to wait that long. Somebody never watched NXT." He grinned. "I pull people into the plots, I don't wait for them to die."

"Can't wait to see your badass plan, I'm sure it will be worth watching."

"Speaking of things being worth something," he scratched the back of his head nervously. "Am I worth hanging out with after the show?"

I laughed and looked up at him with sincere eyes. I shouldn't. I really shouldn't. He must've sensed I would say no because he quickly started to talk again.

"I have tickets to this show and-" He was interrupted by the sound of a door opening behind me. I looked and saw Dean, painfully leaning in the doorway clutching his package still. Knees slightly bent.

But he raised one hell of an eyebrow at Corey and I. I glared at him before softening my eyes as I turned back to face Corey.

"I'm yours tonight," I smiled sweetly and pecked his cheek. Signing my own death warrant, but at the same time opening a nice door for myself. His hand flew to his cheek as he smirked at me. Catching onto what I was doing.

I didn't even bother to look at Ambrose's reaction. I just walked away with my title in hand.




Ahhhhhh okay, this chapter is kind of short but a lot still happened!! And there's a lot of shit to happen in the next chapter! So let's begin with a small State Of The Book Address. I love the number of comments I've been getting, don't get me wrong but there are certain people that usually leave great comments but have just started voting instead. I'm very annoyed. Like what happened? You know who you guys are.

I need all of your comments! Seriously! Everyone that votes should comment!

Anyways...back to this thingy. Here are some questions to address in your comment!

How do you guys like the new (old) Olivia? This is the way she was in FCW. You'll learn more later about her days there.
How will Dean retaliate to Olivia's two bold acts?
Will Olivia retain her title?
How will Corey get into the title picture?
Will The Shield beat The Wyatts?

Ahhhhh you'll get the answers when you comment! :)

So yahhhhh!

Comment c:

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