Chapter Nine - Passive Aggressive

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After he left, I just laid there. Not bothering to shift my body, I think it would be wise not to cause any further pain to myself. Although at this point, my mind was so confused by his sudden pouring of the heart, I didn't think I'd notice it anyway.

Simply shutting my eyes, I ignored the cold feeling of the blood on the sheets and was able to drift into a decent sleep. By decent, I mean it lasted about thirty minutes.

When I did open my eyes again, I was able to move. Finding that the 'blood' on the sheets was actually just cold water that Dean had used to attempt to not leave any permanent marks. That of course didn't stop the red welts and purple bruises from making their grand appearances.

Sighing, I slipped on my jogging pants cautiously avoiding my ass and walked down to the lobby. Then walked to this pharmacy right across the street and had a hard time translating French with the guy behind the counter. Ultimately though, I left with a bottle of witch hazel, cotton balls, peroxide, and burn cream.

Then returned to my hotel and cleaned the marks until I got some sort of relief. Dean's words kept ringing through my head as I went about lounging around. Every word he said was so genuine and heartfelt, but the fact that he'd said it after nearly beating me into unconsciousness with his belt. It was very tough to even consider his words. Let alone take them into consideration.

But I did, I truly did. I do try to run, but I don't want to ever leave. I always go back, crawling on my hands and knees into the dungeon and poking the Dragon. Searching for a reaction or a new challenge. Just as he intended me to do from day one. He had done the same thing to me, at first he had the gun and I had nothing. Now I was bringing a knife to a gun fight. I didn't expect to win, but I did expect to no longer be weak.





My time had been spent hanging out with the guys all week, Ambrose would always tag along. But we'd never say more than two words to eachother. That never limited him staring a hole into the side of my head. I tried to shrug all the expressions of confusion from my face before I'd look at him, instead I replaced it with a smirk and simply turn my head away when he raised an eyebrow.

When RAW came, my ass was feeling better thankfully. So slipping on a pair of leather trunks didn't hurt a fraction of what it should've. I was able to get dressed as normal and put on my best fake smile I could muster up around the lockeroom. Despite the millions of thoughts drifting around in my head about Ambrose and I.

Stepping into the hallway, I found Punk leaning on the wall smirking at me.

"Stalking?" I raised an eyebrow. "Certainly something I didn't think you'd do."

"Don't flatter yourself sweet pea." he folded his arms. "I was just waiting for you to emerge so I could talk to you."

"Well here I am," I shrugged.

"Yes there you are, in all of your sexy spandex glory and wavy long beautiful hair that I just long to touch and twirl my fingers in. Much like Im sure Corey does."

I smirked. "Phillip Jack Brooks...are you jealous?"

"Did I make it that obvious?" he mocked.

"Right, so let me get this straight. You can have a girlfriend and bring her on the overseas trip, but I cant talk to a guy?" I sassed. "I worry about you."

"Usually someone having a girlfriend doesn't make them off limits to you."

"Excuse me?"

"Dean, AJ." He said simply. "Or should I offer you another example, when you were in FCW, Myself and Ruby?"

"I never made a move on you in FCW." I hissed. "We were friends."

"Just friends? Right. So are you and Roman just friends?"


"Sure. But my point is I have been putting a lot of thought into our old relationship, and I realized that I was a little too nice to you. As if I was some goddamn prince charming. Thats not me. It never has been." He sighed. "And frankly, all the things I had in the past year, including you, I haven't gotten by being myself. I got it by being some..some...fucking exemplary guy."

I tilted my head. "What are you saying?"

"Im saying that I don't think you were interested in me for the asshole that I was known to be. You liked that I had changed for you. You were more in love with the dream that I could be your tattooed husband and give you the two perfect children and we raise Susan and Bobby to be lawyers and all that shit." He shrugged. "I wanted to be that guy for you and whisk you away but I also wanted to be myself. I couldn't do both. I felt hollow around you. That's why I told you we could have our time apart when we had that unanswered question between us."

"So what." I shrugged. "I was just some...experiment or something? Or did you expect me to be Ruby?"

"Watch your mouth." he growled.

"No," I scoffed. "I don't have to. And maybe if this conversation ended you wouldn't have to worry about it."

"This is my point exactly." he shook his head with a smirk. "You can't handle CM Punk. Never could. You're just too young dear."

"I want those months of my life back that I wasted on your ass." I spat trying to walk away, but he grabbed my elbow. Pulling me to him and roughly planting a kiss on me. His lip ring twirling on my bottom lip. I pushed his chest and he finally backed away.

"You son of a bitch." I growled and tried to slap him but he caught my wrist.

"Still want those months back?" he teased.

"More than you'll ever know." I snatched my wrist free. Then boldy walked away from him with my title in hand. Putting it all aside, I marched right into Heyman's office prepared to discuss some business. A particular matter that had been gnawing at me for a whole three weeks.

"Where's Paige?" I asked not bothering to sit down or even say hello. He was startled by my sudden appearance.

"W-When?" he looked at his open door. "H-How did you get in here?"

"I tiptoed." I said sarcastically tilting my head. "Get your hearing checked, old man."

"My hearing is just fine, you feline." he spat. "You move about as quietly as a church mouse."

"That's what makes me lethal," I slapped my title on his desk. "Now tell me what I'd like to know; where is she?"

"Not here as luck would have it," He sat back in his chair. "She's currently in London."

"Hiding out?"

"Not at all, Ms.Lawrence." he smirked. "She's just ahead of schedule. I didn't exactly need her here with her refusing to compete until Wrestlemania." he sighed. "And then of course I have Melissa running around here like she owns the place. A complete waste of time if I do say so myself."

"Thought you'd be a supporter of the Best For Business motto." I teased.

"Melissa isn't Best For Business in my opinion. Someone trying to grab the company by the balls when they don't even have their foot in the door yet isn't something that I see beauty in."

"You once saw beauty in me, Pauly." I plopped down in the seat across from him. "Have your standards changed?"

"Not at all, I saw in you what I saw in Punk. All I needed was potential, with potential came determination, with that brought forth hardwork. That was enough for me." he shrugged. "You fell off the bull a few times before you earned the right to grab the horns."

I sighed. "It seems like you actually know whats best for business. Why don't you tell the McMahons to fuck off?"

"I have two children to put through college, a wife to support and a million dollar house that I still have to pay off. My financial ends are a little tied up." he shrugged. "But don't think for a second that just because I'm looking out for the biggest numbers in my bank account that I am not still rooting for you, Olivia. You've experienced the worst side of me but I think it's because I bring out the best in you. As well as Ambrose of course."

"Sure," I said flatly at the mention of his name.

He raised an eyebrow. "Anything I should know about?"

"Nope just the usual crazy shit." I shrugged. "Then I heard I have to do media with him when we get back to the states. You're trying to kill me?"

"It's Best For Business. Besides, everyone has been dying for you to do media and get Dean hooked up with a microphone. Plus with Roman and Seth being the lovable pair they are, I'm sure this will work out completely for the better revenues of you all."

I groaned. "Fine, I could use more TV time anyways. So that leads me to my second reason for visiting you, I want my schedule."

He rolled his eyes and ruffled through a stack of papers. It reminded me of my GM days for a brief second. The long hours I had to spend working over time and being called to Stamford for Creative reasons randomly. I sure as hell didn't miss it.

Sliding me a sheet of pink paper, I held it up to my eyes and read over it. Finding I had ten different radio stations, three news appearances, a comic con, and of course the Wrestlemania Axxess.

"Shit," I muttered. "This is a lot."

"Welcome to the big leagues," he teased sliding his drawer shut. "Champ,"

"Olivia," a light voice said from the doorway and I turned my head. Finding the leggy, honey skinned assistant general manager, Sabrina. "How was your flight?"

"Nice," I shrugged returning my attention to the papers. "Yours?"

"Excellent," I heard her heels clicking as she approached the desk. "There's so much to see or do."

"Yeah it is," I mumbled uninterested.

"Mr.Heyman," she said nervously as she stood next to me. "Is it okay if tonight I have a bit of control over the show? More input perhaps?"

He stroked his chin. "What makes you think you are able to?"

"U-um, I believe I deserve a chance to prove myself worthy. Just at least for the opening segment of the show." she batted her eyelashes flirtaously.

He chuckled. "Sweetie I am a happily married man, cut the little cute act, it does nothing."

She looked hurt with those big brown eyes of hers.

"If you want to prove yourself, handle the next person that comes in here," he stood up. "I have to use the restroom."

She nodded as he proceeded to leave. The awkward silence filled the room quickly. I bet this was her first time even being trusted enough to be left on her own. She paced back and forth nervously. "Anything you need, Olivia?"

"No," I replied.

"Are you sure? I could give you the match card for tonight if you'd like." she spedwalked to Heyman's desk and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"No thank you,"

"Are you sure?" She asked nervously.

"Positive, just have a seat and be cool." I said sharply. "You'll annoy a lot of superstars if you try to please everyone."

She had a look of confusion. "Really?"


"Knock knock," A deep voice said and I craned my neck to see Roman coming in the door. Along with his tag team partner and my best friend.

"Begging for the GM spot again?" Seth teased putting a hand on my head, peering at the papers in my hands.

I laughed. "Hell no, Just looking at our media schedule."

"That's a lot."

"Yeah, since we're the main champions. We're media puppets apparently."

"You'll get used to it," Seth sighed. "Every year it's as tiring as the last, yet it's actually more enjoyable."

"This is my first time you'll have to show me the ropes." I cooed.

"You're a natural at running your mouth," he joked. "You'll be fine."

"Yeah, yeah what're you guys in here for?"

I looked at Roman as he stood proudly with his title on his shoulder. "I want a chance to get my hands on Orton." He said without taking his eyes from the squirming Assistant GM. "Would you be the one I'd take that up with?"

"Y-Yes." She stuttered intimidated by his deep voice. Either that or she was smitten by his appearance.

"Great, so I'm thinking maybe a no disqualification match tonight." he smirked. "Possibly even a cage."

I rose from my chair and grabbed my title from the desk. Wanting to secretly get a better view of what the new GM was all about. Any pushover would collapse under the pressure and any strong one would curse you out in a heartbeat.

"I'm not sure I could grant you that. Perhaps, you should just sit and wait until Paul comes back." She motioned to the empty chair beside me.

He scoffed. "What if I don't want to wait?"

"Then Mr.Reigns you won't have a match," she said with her voice growing bolder.

He looked back at us with a look of mock surprise, "Who the hell does she think she's talking to?" His glance returned to her and the look of fear was evident in her eyes. "Look, Chica, I don't really ask for things and I'm a very impatient man." He took a step forward and she took one back. This kept going until her back ended up against the wall and he was just a few inches from her face. His eyes drifted over her tanned long legs and along the hemline of her short black skirt. Up to her white button up that had two buttons loosened showing her perky breasts. Finally he looked into her chocolate brown eyes and smirked. "We could always pass time while we wait for him," he nuzzled his cheek along the side of her face. Her immediate reaction caused her to push his chest away and he stumbled.

"Leave me alone," she spat. "And get out."

"I don't have to go anywhere I don't want to," He cocked his head. "Maybe I'll sit around with you all day if that's fine."

"Roman, leave the poor girl alone. She's frightened to death." I said boredly.

"I haven't done anything," he gasped. "Besides made those little legs of hers shiver."

"Look, you have to get out of here." she pointed authoritatively. "Now."

He laughed. "Oh we've got a badass over here."

"Lay off, Ro." I said holding in a laugh of my own. He shook his head.

"Not until I get what I want."

He slowly stepped into her face again as she was still against the wall. "I'm going to ask you one more time..." He hissed. "Are you the person that handles the matches?"

"Yes." She said quickly. Poor girl didn't have a backbone.

"So tonight, Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns right?"

She nodded. And an arrogant grin came on his face.

"Wrong," A nasally voice cut in. I looked behind me to see Paul Heyman once again. A smirk on his lips. "Ms.Diaz will not be changing my five star main event match."

"And why is that?" Seth asked. "I think the girl had the right idea."

"Randy vs Roman?" Paul scoffed. "Give me a break, Mr.Rollins. It's predictable, it's boring, it''s...lackluster. And who knows more about lackluster matches than you, Mr. Reigns?"

Roman's mouth dropped in surprise before it transformed to a bitter expression. "Lackluster? I will lackluster my size 16 right up your fat a-"

"Ah, ah, ah." Paul wagged a finger. "Let's not resort to insults. Let's remain adults about this."

"So enlighten us, Heyman. Just what the hell is the main event match?" Seth asked.

"I'm thinking The Wyatts, Melissa and Randy against The Shield, Olivia and C M Punk." he smiled proudly. My heart dropped into my stomach.




The match had been going on for ten minutes so far. Seth was in the ring viciously attacking Orton. He after all was the one who made the fake police call that Leigh was in an accident. So I knew exactly why he was being so relentless. He'd almost being disqualified five times already. Trying to grab a chair, choking him on the ropes, refusing to break a submission, continuously throwing him into the steel steps, and pummeling him in the corner.

Roman had been shaking his head the entire time, but I knew he understood why he was doing this. He himself was between a grudge, standing between Dean and Punk on the apron. They exchanged killer glances but Dean's eyes always got distracted with me standing next to him.

He'd watch me intently, making sure I wasn't squirming from his beating. Crazy enough he was not the one I was worried about. He was truly the last thing on my mind.

"Are you okay, Livy?" he nudged my shoulder. I looked up at him, fairly surprised.

"I'm fine."

"How's that ass of yours?" he smirked arrogantly. "Is it in any type of shape for the things I'd like to do tonight?"

"What happened to being nice?" I muttered so the camera wouldn't pick up what we were saying.

"I will be nice. I'll be gentle with you, you have my word."

"No thanks."

"I'm not exactly asking you."

I raised an eyebrow. "So why would you ask me about my ass?"

"Like I said, I wanted it to be gentle. But I'm more than happy to be rough. That's just me." He shrugged. "But I'm attempting to be nice and that's why I'm asking."

"Nice people don't force sex on eachother."

"This isn't nice Dean. This is Dean acting nice. I'm being considerate. But have it your way, Liv. I don't have to change until AFTER Wrestlemania or I don't have to change at all."

I looked at him with dark eyes and he grinned while his gum flexed his jawline.

"Tag me!" Punk yelled reaching his arm out. When I looked in the ring I saw Seth and Randy on the ground. I wasn't sure what the hell had happened. "C'mon!"

He crawled on his hands and knees. His hair strewn all over the place. The look of pain on his face broke my heart. Seth was like a little puppy to me.

Just as he reached our corner, he threw his arm out, his finger tips begging to touch Punk's hand. But before he could, Punk retracted his arm and jumped off the apron with an evil grin.

Seth had his mouth open in surprise and he started yelling at him. "What're you doing?!"

I looked at Punk as he grabbed Roman's ankles and pulled him off the apron, causing him to hit his face on the mat hard. Before Dean could hop down, he yanked his boot, causing him to fall as well.

He didn't stop there.

He started stomping him and dropped down to punch him in the face.

"Stop!" I screamed and felt a kick to the back of my head. I crashed down face first landing right near the announce table.

Rolling on my side, I saw Melissa laughing maniacally in the ring. That bitch.

I heard the rumbling of steel steps and saw Dean had been thrown over them. Punk stomped over to the time keeper and demanded his title before walking towards the ramp, leaving all of us on the floor. Writhing in pain.

"Olivia, are you alright?" I heard Seth call from inside the ring. Glancing, I saw he had gotten to his feet with the support of the ropes.

I tried to form my mouth to say something but that sentence quickly changed. "SETH LOOK OUT!"

He spun around and took a harsh RKO from Randy. Who immediately covered him while the Wyatts simply watched. Laughing while the bell rang after the three count.

We had lost.

Fuck. I thought as I struggled to sit up. I could only keep watch on the titantron. Where Punk was sitting on the stage, with his legs crossed. His title sitting comfortably on his lap.

"Do I have everybody's attention now?" he teased. "Because I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest..."




Okay! This is kind of a boring filler I know. Sorry. But I needed to just give you a chapter really quick to hold you over. I think you deserved one.

(Quick side thing: Ruby is a character from the 50 Shades Of CM Punk series written by Mokneecuh! I have permission to use her! So don't get on my case! If you haven't read the series, you definitely should! I know most of you do though, so I think we're all set! )

Sooooo, Punk is about to cut a promoooo! And we all know how the one went in 2011! So you can only imagine what he might say!

He took out The Shield!
Is he working with Paul?
Is he working with HHH?
What does Melissa have to do with it?
Will Dean be nice? Will he actually get help?
Sorry Corey is missing!
What do you think about the new GM?

I need you all to comment! I may put the next chapter up if you do! I need enough! If I get enough you may get the next chapter tomorrow! But that's only if you comment! So hop to it!!!!





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