Chapter Eleven - Stable

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"Corey," I called before pushing open the lockeroom door. Finding him tying the lace on his combat boot. His head immediately poked up and those emerald colored eyes met mine. Had it not been for my anger, I may have forgotten my entire reason for coming in.

"Olivia," he smirked. "I haven't seen you since-"

"Why are you teaming with him?" I demanded as the door shut behind me.

"Punk?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No, I meant Vince." I said dryly.

"Sarcasm and barging in?" he shook his head. "You're on the wrong side of the fence."

I had to hold in a laugh. "It's not funny."

"Kind of is. But nonetheless, I think you should rephrase the way you ask me things." he stood up, casually stretching.

I stared at him with a raised eyebrow and he shrugged. "Fine by me then, guess you'll never know."

Rolling my eyes, I hated being polite to someone. Almost as much as repeating myself. "Corey, why are you teaming with CM Punk?"

"He asked me to be his partner and I said yes." He said simply. As if that wasn't something that I couldnt already infer.


"Are you kidding me? Squeezing my way into the main event was an opportunity that I couldn't afford to pass up." He touched his chest. Oh damn. Now my eyes were focused on his bare abdomen.

The sculpted, definition of his four pack was a great sight to see. Along with the tattoo that was dangerously close to the rim of his dark pants, leading down to his - well you know.

"But I thought you hated him?" I shook my head, actually removing the dirty thoughts that were beginning to cloud my mind.

"That's on a personal level," He shrugged. "I mean how could I not? I heard the things that went down between you two. But...on a business level, I need this match. It's my first step into weaseling my way into Wrestlemania."

I wanted to smirk at his little conniving ways, but I still couldn't get past the fact that they'd be on the same page tonight.

"Listen, I'd never get on his side if it wasn't in the best interest of my career." he touched my shoulder. I didn't realize he had walked up to me with my eyes focused on the floor. My head poked up and he had an eyebrow cocked. "You okay?"


"Alright, now I'm sure you'll be rooting for The Shield, but a little good luck wish from you would certainly aggrandize my chances of not making a complete ass of myself." He sighed.

I let out a small laugh and shook my head. "Good luck, Mr.Graves."

"Thank you." He surprised me by pecking my cheek. My entire body stiffened at the feeling of his lips on my skin. To avoid looking like a middle schooler, I wiped the dopey smirk off my face before he pulled away to look at me. "Hope you'll be watching."

"Of course."

He grabbed his grey beanie from the nearby shelf and put it on top of his black wavy hair. My eyes followed him as he opened the door and motioned for me to leave first.

I moved ever so lightly, trying to keep my cheeks from blushing as I went past him into the hallway. Luckily, once he locked his door, he went the opposite way.

Sighing to myself, my eyelids covered my lovely eyes, and visions of his tattoos bloomed across my mind. Why on earth couldn't I just go after him? Oh yeah, I had a psychopath who would probably kill me. Once that popped into my head, I opened my eyes in an entirely new mood. A discouraged and disappointed one.

Just as I'd began to think of a place I could wallow in self pity, my lucky day got even better when I got a text message from Heyman. A new duty for me.

Oh joy.




"Joining us here on commentary is the ever so lovely, Olivia. How are you sweetie?" Jerry Lawler cooed. I think he'd taken more wooing attempts at me than Ambrose in the past year.

"Just fine, Jerry." I plastered on a fake smile while I sat my title on my lap. "Out here to observe the best possible match that The McMahons could come up with."

"Nothing I love more than a woman who knows her wrestling." He grinned.

"You love every woman, King." Michael Cole rolled his eyes.

Shaking my head, I took the opportunity to look in the ring. Which was at this point full of guys. The Shield on one side discussing who would go in first. And Corey and Punk on the other side doing the same thing.

"You've had some history with just about everyone in this match," JBL started. "So just who are you rooting for?"

"Well seeing as how I absolutely despise CM Punk AND Dean Ambrose...I'm not sure. I'm hoping for a disqualification." I lied. To be honest, I was whole heartedly praying for The Shield to rip Punk apart. But saying that would make me sound like a bitter ex girlfriend.

"I'm not. I hope The Shield gets just what's coming to them." Michael Cole snarled.

"Are you kidding me? Did you see how CM Punk humiliated our new assistant general manager earlier tonight? I believe HE should get what's coming to him." Jerry spat. "That young man has no regard for anyone but himself."

"He did for a year," JBL shrugged. "Frankly, I think the kid's got a point."

I settled deeply into the chair, crossing my legs which were wrapped in black jeans. My torso was snuggled by a fitted Glamour Kills T shirt. My hair was down flowing in waves that now reached the end of my ribcage.

I was wearing nothing special. Therefore, I immensely wondered why Ambrose would not take his goddamn eyes off of me. He gave me sick, twisted grins and would always turn away when Roman or Seth started talking to him.

"What's your take on this, champ?" Jerry asked forcing me to tear my eyes away from Dean.

"CM Punk does not have a point," I said bitterly. "All he did and all he will continue to do is for attention."

"He made it clear he was not doing it for attention." Michael Cole said.

"Media attention." I corrected. "Corporate attention is a whole different ball game."

"She's right." Jerry nodded.

"You'll agree with anything she says." Michael hissed.

"Envy is a sin." I teased. The ring bell cut into our conversation as he started to formulate a comeback. It was decided that Seth would kick off the match against Corey which was without a shadow of a doubt just as amazing as anyone could have predicted.

They put up great fights with eachother just as I imagined. Corey was showing off his talents that I knew he had to begin with. His flips, reversals and endurance against Seth's high flying moves were great. He was proving that he did belong in the main event.

Until Rollins got the upperhand. Dragging Corey by his hair, he tagged in a pacing Ambrose who was more than happy to get his hands on him. This was all about me. Everything that was about to happen was a lashing out of me talking to Graves over the past few weeks.

Dean knew that, that's why he'd always give me looks to make sure my eyes were exactly where they should be ; on him. Using his heavy boot, he pressed it on the back of Corey's head and wrenched his arm while he yelped in pain.

"Ambrose is known for his demonic style in the ring. Showing no mercy on the rookie Corey Graves right now." Jerry said wearily.

"He's not a rookie, Corey's been here for a year. Don't try to build sympathy for this kid." JBL protested.

"He could be here for two or three, he still would not be of Dean's caliber." Michael cut in.

"I think Corey is a tremendous athlete." I said frankly. "He's just at the fatigue point of the match right now."

"Rightfully so after the bout with Seth Rollins." JBL nodded.

"Exactly, so just give him a chance." I cooed. "Let the guy show us what he's got."

"Yeah Michael," Jerry nudged him and I smiled. It felt very forced with the way Corey was groaning in pain from Dean's sick submission hold.

Ambrose wouldn't stop pressing his boot down harder and harder. Even going as far as to dig the tip of it into his hair. He looked at me, amused. "Not much a man is he, Livy??"

I tilted my chin down and gave him a glare. Hoping that by some miracle he'd drop dead right there.

But he was alive and well as he pulled Corey's arm and removed his boot. Allowing him to climb to his knees slowly, he pressed his knee into his back. Still wrenching his arm tightly as he did so.

"Dean Ambrose is showcasing his skill in innovative submissions right now." Cole said slowly. "He's no stranger to these at all."

"I wouldn't expect him to be, not with seven years of experience on the indies under his belt." Jerry added.

"He's certainly one in a million." I shook my head as I realized that I meant that statement in so many ways.

Corey was able to power out of Dean's move and give him a hard elbow to the face. Making a swift movement, he gave him a toe kick to the gut and delivered an uppercut that sent Ambrose on his back.

"Graves with the quickness!" Cole exclaimed and I looked over with an arrogant smirk.

"Told you."

"Don't get too cocky over there, he's in no condition to capitalize off of this." he sneered. "He's got to make a tag."

I looked at Corey now on the ground, crawling on his hands and knees towards Punk. Who had been pacing practically the entire match, as if he was a caged animal.

"Come on!" he urged holding out his taped hand. "C'mon, Corey!"

I shifted in my chair, still giving Punk a bit of a glare. Dean was going towards Roman so I had a bit of eagerness. If its anyone who could crush Punk's ego and body simultaneously, it's definitely him.

"Ambrose is going for the tag as well," JBL said. "This entire arena could explode if Reigns gets tagged in."

"Well then hold on to your hats boys," I sung. "It's about to happen."

Just as predicted Dean did make the tag to Roman. Corey dove to tag in Punk but he retracted his hand quickly and jumped off the apron. A wide grin on his face.

Corey's eyes widened. "What are you doing?!"

Punk shrugged with a laugh. My stomach twisted into knots, I'd never been so disgusted with someone. He started to come towards us and Corey stared at him as he attempted to get to his feet. Using the ropes as a very wobbly support. I felt terrible for him and I could tell Roman had sympathy as he stood back in the corner. Carefully looking him up and down.

"CM Punk is an egomaniacal son of a bitch." I spat. "And to this day I have no idea how people could like such a man."

"You once did." Someone cut in. My eyes looked up to see him standing right in front of the table. Hands planted firmly on it. "Anything changed?"

"Just you." I replied removing my headset.

"Too bad, princess." He looked at Jerry and Cole. "What's up commentary team? You guys miss me over here yet?"

"Not at all," Jerry mumbled.

"Lawler, if I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut." he spat. "Or should I just refresh your memory of last time you spoke out against me?"

"Go fuck yourself, Phil." I hissed.

He gasped in mock surprise. "Not such language on a PG program. Does wittle Liv need another spanking?"

I glared at him until I heard an audible smack. Looking in the ring, I found that Roman had tagged in Seth, who had mounted the turnbuckle. As Corey turned around, he took a diving knee to the face.

"Whoa! Rollins with the hard knee!" JBL shouted. "I think this one is over!"

Sure enough, it was. With the three count from the referee, he quickly signaled for the bell. I stared distantly as Seth seemed to be checking on him. Kneeling down and exchanging words of conversation.

Shaking my head, I wanted nothing more than to go in there and make sure he was alright. Getting so lost in Corey's health explained why I didn't hear Punk creep up on me. I nearly killed him when he began stroking my chin. "I'll be seeing you around, dollface."

My fists balled tightly and I glanced at Dean, Roman and Seth in the ring. Their eyes locked on me as if they could feel me staring.

I cocked my head towards Punk. Like a pack of wolves they rolled out and chased after him. But of course he quickly jumped the barricade and took off through the crowd with them right behind.

Grabbing my title from the chair, I didnt say a single word as I proceeded to go backstage. Stopping at the side of the ring to look at Corey, who was holding his face while rolling around. That knee did land right on the side of it.

"Are you alright?" I called, placing my hands on the apron.

I felt someone's hands on my side and I was pushed roughly. I had landed face first on the steel steps. The area around my eye became enflamed as if fire threatened to spark any minute.

I fell on my back and didn't take me long to get the realization that I'd been attacked. Once I felt someone attempt to grab my hair, I grabbed their arm. Instead touching the sleeve of what I could only infer was a leather jacket. My sight was blurred.

I tried to pull them to the ground with me but they were struggling to pull away from me. When hair brushed across my face, I saw the dark shade. Gripping it, I was able to wrench it enough and successfully pull her down.

Climbing on top, I delivered a shit load and punches. Angrily swinging my hands with no direction against the cold, pale skin. I had waited a long time to get the chance to beat the hell out of her.

She was quick and managed to roll me off of her. Kicking her boot, she hit me in the abdomen and my back hit the barricade. She kept swinging her feet wildly at me as she seemed to get further and further away.

I saw the black and white striped shirt of the referee behind her as he grabbed her around the waist. Taking her to a safe distance as I tried to scramble up.

Once I did, someone had grabbed me as well. My feet were kicking frantically as I tried to get to her. But whoever was holding me wouldn't let up.

Looking on the titantron, I found it was Corey. Who seemed kind of dazed but still successfully restrained me anyway.

My vision cleared up and I saw just who I expected to see being held back a few feet from us.





Later that night...

"Just a little swelling but I think you're fine." Dr.Ordon said carefully placing the ice pack back on my eye. "Should be gone in a few days."

"Thanks, Doc. Seems like you and I see more of eachother than anyone." I managed a small smile.

"My favorite patient." he sung playfully pinching my chin.

A bruised eye was my diagnosis this time. Looking in the mirror, it didn't look awful. Just a small tint of purple under the eyebrow and on the side of my eye. A tiny cut was underneath with a reddish tone. I looked like I was in one hell of a fight.

"Knock, knock." Someone said and made me smile instantly. "Is Olivia all fixed up?"

"Yes, sir." Dr.Ordon replied.

The curtain slid back and there sat Corey on the other examination table. "Didn't want to catch you naked or anything."

I shook my head. "That'd be awful."

"Well not completely...I mean uh...I'm sure you have a great's just-well-I have no idea what Im saying." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"I do. It's fine." I assured. "How are you feeling?"

"My eye is on fire. Not only that but," he removed the ice pack. "It's all shades of fucked up."

"Looks similar to mine." I shrugged.

"That makes me feel a little better I guess."

"About your self esteem?" I joked.

"You could say that," he groaned sitting the ice on his lap. "If that means I don't want to go to a bar because I'll be the only one with this on my face."

My heart started fluttering. "So what does that have to do with me?"

"Well your eye," he hopped off the table. "Is a helluva lot sexier than mine. Maybe it'll take the attention off and make my evening go a lot smoother if you tag along."

"Corey Graves, are you asking me on a date?" I teased as he approached me. Finally stopping right where my legs dangled and resting his hands on the sides my thighs.

"Depends if it's a yes or no." he smirked.

I just stared at him, getting lost in the lake of emerald stones that he called eyes. Even with the shade of painful purple surrounding them, they were still as beautiful as anything could be.

"W-W-Well," I began but got interrupted by the door opening. Nervously I pressed my hands on his chest and pushed him a few feet away from me. Terrified at the thought that it could've been Dean.

Turns out it was just one of the Bella Twins bringing me my buzzing phone.

"Thanks," I muttered taking it from her hands. "One second, Corey."


"Liv, we're waiting in the parking lot." Seth said impatiently. I noticed the anger creeping in his voice, something had went wrong and I dreaded to ask what.

"You okay?"

"Not really, we didn't catch Punk. And further more, Heyman chewed us out for running around backstage." he sighed. "I'm just ready to get the hell out of here before I catch a case."

"Alright, I'll grab my bag and be there in five."

"Okay. And if you see Dean, tell him to hurry the fuck up."

I nodded and slid the end button across the screen. Looking up I found Graves with a disappointed look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go." I said nervously. "I'll call you."

He nodded and I hopped off the table. Quickly grabbing my ice pack and leaving the trainer's room.

Packing my things up in the lockeroom, I left in a rush down the hall. Looking down at my phone as I scrolled through my contacts and dialed Ambrose's number for the fifth time.

"It's Dean - you know what to do." I rolled my eyes at the sound of the voicemail.

"Seriously, I'm getting very sick of listening to that damn voicemail of yours. Don't even call me back, just meet us in the parking lot." I sighed.

As I went to tuck my phone away I heard the sound of ruffling around the corner. Similar to that of a cat scratching wood. I knew damn well that there were no animals in the building, but curiosity got the best of me.

Hoping to find someone who'd know where I could find Ambrose, I went around. Finding a girl with blonde waves down her back pinning a man against a door. A tall one with dirty blonde hair and his eyes softly shut as he hungrily kissed her. Hands gripping the curls by her ears to jerk her head upward, making her lips accessible.

Neither one of them saw me.

The girl used one of her hands to fumble with his belt and the other to unlock the door that the guy was pressed on. They both stumbled in the room and the door shut behind violently.

My stomach began rumbling and my nails dug into my palms tightly. In a fit of pure jealousy, I turned on my heel and stormed out of the arena.




"Glad you decided to join me." He cooed lightly touching my hand on the bar. "Otherwise I'm not sure I could be seen in public like this."

I laughed. "After the day I've had, I think I need a drink." That statement meant a hell of a lot right now.

"Yeah between being attacked by a pale skin, fake mercenary and having to sport a black eye..." he sipped his beer. "I think you've earned the right to have one."

I eyed our hands and slipped mine away, using it to pick up my mug and take a gulp. Hoping I could avoid exposing my knowledge of Summer Rae fucking Ambrose. "Well, let's stray away from wrestling for a bit. Tell me something about yourself."

"Not much to say. I'm Corey fucking Graves. A guy who loves wrestling, old rock & roll, tattoos, dark beer, and anything Halloween related."

I laughed. "Well I'm an accountant in New York who occasionally rescues shelter dogs in Brooklyn."

"At least mine was the truth!" he protested.

"How do you know what I did before WWE?"

"Because, I really can't envision anyone that's so wrapped up in wrestling sitting behind a desk and calculating numbers." he chuckled.

"Point taken," I sipped my beer. "So here's my real background, I skipped college and used the tuition money my parents saved to move to New York. After that, I was scraping pennies until I was able to get myself a car to sleep in."

He raised an eyebrow. "Why New York of all places?"

"Why not?" I shrugged. "It was a lot of opportunities up there or so I thought. The five grand that I had only managed to get my foot over statelines."

"Same thing happened with me if there's any consolation." He told me. "Only I had a partial college degree. For some reason I figured working in a tattoo shop ment I could do marketing."

I laughed, imagining Corey standing up in a suit and tie giving a presentation to a board room was extremely funny to me for whatever reason.

"When I got bored there, I left. Continued my tattoo gig until my decision to body slam guys in spandex shorts was cemented. Then I found enough money to start wrestling school." he sighed. "I started calling myself Sterling Keenan."

"I like that name," I drummed my fingers along the side of my glass. "Sterling."

"Corey is nice too, ya know." he cocked a playful eyebrow at me and I laughed.

"Olivia!" A voice called and I felt the color flush from my face. In that second, my name had changed because I refused to turn around. "Olivia!"

"I think someone's calling you." Corey raised an eyebrow.

"It's a million Olivias in here," I said dismissively.

"I'm almost positive they're talking to you."

"Anyways," I said quickly. "Where were we?"

"Olivia," a hand landed on my shoulder and I sighed. "We were looking everywhere for you."

Turning in the bar stool, I found Seth and Roman. I was a little upset that they had interrupted our date, but I was praying there would be a good reason. For their sake.

"Fellas." I plastered on a fake smile. "I texted you both."

"Which is why we came down," Roman looked at Corey. "To make sure you were alright."

"I'm fine, we're just talking."

"Well, um, I need to borrow you for a second." Seth muttered grabbing my wrists. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all." Corey sipped his drink.

"Great," he tugged me from the chair allowing Roman to slide in. "We'll be back."

"I'll keep your seat warm!" Roman called as we weaved through the crowd. Eventually, we found ourselves in the empty hall leading to the bathrooms.

"What are you guys doing here?" I demanded.

"Making sure Dean hasn't got his hands on you." Seth whisper yelled. "He's been blowing our phones up to ask where you were."

"Tell him I'm sleep."

He tilted his head. "Seriously, you know how he gets over you. No way he'd buy that."

"I wouldn't expect him to even care anymore." I folded my arms. "Earlier he was fucking Summer Rae in the janitorial closet."

"Did you also know AJ caught them right after? Ended it right then and there." he said slowly.

I shook my head, I forgot all about their little relationship. "Shit."

"Yeah and he's not in the best mood either." He sighed. "So Roman and I are going to intercept him at the door and take him somewhere to get his mind off of things."

"If he won't be here then why should I care?"

"Because him knowing about this date would make things worse for all of us. He'll flip out." He put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm begging you to get Corey out of here in like ten minutes."

"Seth, I really like him."

"I'm sure you do. And although I am a hundred percent happy for you, I'd like to see you be able to walk down the aisle if Corey is smart enough to marry you one day," he gave me a small smile. "There's still plenty of time to work on building a relationship...but just not tonight."

Sighing, I nodded. "Fine."

"Good," he pecked my forehead and slung his arm around my shoulder. "Sorry about crashing your date."

"It's fine." I smirked as we weaved through the crowd again. Drawing close to our seats, I saw Corey with a confused expression on his face as he stared at Roman.

"And if you break her heart..." he started in a growling voice but I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just giving him the benefit of the doubt." he shrugged giving me my seat back.

"I'm sure you were." I smirked sliding in the stool. "Now you two get out of here."

"Alright, we'll be seeing you." Seth patted my head. "Don't forget what I told you."

I nodded.

"Corey," Roman barked. "Don't forget what WE talked about."

"I-I don't think I can." He stuttered.

I held in a laugh as I slapped Roman's chest. "Goodbye."

They both turned and left. Thankfully. I now had ten minutes with my future boyfriend.

"I'm sorry about anything that he said to you." I shook my head with a smirk.

"Nothing I didn't hear from fathers of the girls I dated in highschool. Although his were a little more grim." he sipped from his glass. I laughed.

"What exactly did he tell you?"

"That he'd stick his foot up my ass, snap my neck and dance on my grave if I ever hurt your feelings." He smirked. "I asked him who in their right mind would do such a foolish thing."

My cheeks filled up with a shade of pink. Damn you, Corey Graves.

"You sure as hell can charm a girl," I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are your secrets?"

"I don't know. You tell me." He brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. "What makes me so charming, hm?"

"Maybe it's the tattoos or the voice. Possibly the way you do things." I smiled sweetly. "You execute all the high school movie tactics."

He appeared shocked. "I most certainly do not."

I laughed. "Yes you do,"

Shaking his head, he looked at his watch. "Getting a bit late, we're way past my bedtime." He made a show of yawning loudly and stretching his arms over his head. One of them came down and flung around my shoulder.

I immediately laughed. "You're so goddamn adorable."

"So are you." He dug around in his pocket. "Want another beer?"

A big smile spread on my face but I started remembering Seth's words. Damn, I did have to cut this short. "No thanks, I think I'm ready to go up to my room now."

He put his wallet away. "Want me to walk you?"

I thought about how terrible it would look if I left the bar with him. For a million reasons why I should say no, I ended up saying yes anyway.

Once we reached my door, I leaned my back against it. Nervously toying with my room key, rotating it between my fingers.
"Can I be completely honest with you?"

"I hope so."

I smirked. "This is my first date in a very, very long time. And I'd really hate to fuck it all up."

"I don't think you could."

"You don't know me very well then." I managed a half smile. "I just think that I need to clear the air here."

"I'm all ears," he shrugged.

"Well, before we get involved and move towards what I think is lying ahead of us...there is something we should discuss." I said nervously. "How much - exactly - do you know about Dean and I?"

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. " Truthfully, I think I know more about you two than I should. But I was hoping that I could make you forget all about him."

"You can't." I shook my head. "No one can. And until I learn how to control our situation, I'd prefer if no one tried."

He nodded. "I completely understand."

Why couldn't Corey have been the first guy I met when I got to WWE instead of Punk or Dean? Maybe this could've had a much happier ending.

I couldn't respond at all to his gentleness about everything. Releasing a deep breath that I'd been holding in, I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his chest. "I'm sorry." I sniffled.

"Hey, don't apologize for something like this." His hand rested in the back of my hair. Softly toying with a few strands. "It's not your fault."

"Then why do I feel so shitty?"

He chuckled. "Because we won't be sleeping together anytime soon."

I laughed. "Stop it."

His forearm wrapped tightly around my waist, making the hug just that much more enjoyable. Once I poked my head up, our eyes locked and a smile spread on his face.

"If you don't mind," He said in a low tone, resting his hands comfortably on my hips. "I'd like to give you a preview of what could've been."

My eyelids shut and it seemed to take forever before our lips brushed softly. Teasingly lingering before they pressed and began to mingle in a beautiful rhythm. This was nothing like I had ever felt before. I was walking on air. Floating on cloud nine and I never wanted to come back to earth.

So I held on. My hands locked around his neck and his fingers lightly worked their way under my shirt. Brushing up my sides gently while we continued this amazing kiss.

At one point, he backed his lips away and hesitated before getting back into our previous rhythm.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I ignored it completely. But it alone was enough to remind me to stop this before it led somewhere we wouldn't be able to come back from.

"Wow." I shook my head staring up at him. "You are an excellent kisser."

"Not so bad yourself," he smirked. "That was just as great as I predicted it would be."

I let my hands drop to my sides. And stared down at my key, dreading say the next words that were about to come out of my mouth. "Good night, Corey."

"Good night."

I practically threw myself in the room after that. Then let out a frustrated scream once I was sure he was completely gone. Why couldn't I just have a normal life? With a normal boyfriend. Someone who was indeed very similar to him.

My phone buzzed once again and angrily I picked it up. I attempted to calm myself before answering but once I saw the caller ID, I flipped my lid. "What do you want?"

"I just love it when you're in a fucked up mood." He teased. "What's wrong? Did Corey not fulfill his job properly? Left you sexually frustrated?"

My mouth nearly dropped. "How did you know about him?"

"When it comes to you - I know everything sweetheart." He sung.

"You sound unusually calm about this," I took off my shoes.

"Because it was your little cry out for attention. You saw Summer Rae and I, so you wanted me to see Corey touching all over you. I totally get it - the little jealousy game." He told me. "But I swear to God if he is in that room of yours, I'll come down there quick and in a hurry."

"No need," I rolled my eyes. "He left like ten minutes ago."

"Are you upset about that?" I could hear the smugness in his voice.

"Nope." I lied.

"Oh come, Livy. Your body isn't all riled up? Not in the least bit?"

"I truly don't think that's any of your business."

He was silent for a moment. "Would you like me to help you vent?"

"No. I don't need to vent, I need sleep."

"I can help you sleep. I can always slip something else in your drink like last time. You were so pleasant then."

"Go fuck yourself, Dean."

"I hope you are doing the same, but I don't have to hope anymore, Corey just walked by my room." He said. "That's a good sign, at least you didn't lie about it."

"Are you drunk?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I've had one hell of a night, my dear."

Shaking my head, I collapsed on the bed. "Go to bed and we'll have a talk tomorrow."

"I want to talk now," he protested. "I feel the need to set the record straight."

I sighed. "Go on."

"I want you to know that this is a once in a lifetime pass. There is no way another man will ever be allowed to take you out again. Don't get too comfortable, Livy." he warned. "I'm a newly single man and we are able to pursue what I've been trying to get from you for a year now."

"The relationship thing is never going to happen." I said for what felt like the hundredth time. "Not until I feel like the two of us would ever be stable enough to handle something that like."

"I don't give a damn what you think." He growled. "The games are over and the gloves are off. I want you more than I have wanted anything else. I'm tired of waiting." He let out a frustrated groan. "Fuck, Livy do you see what you do to me?!"

I raised a high eyebrow. "What?"

"I just broke my fucking hand on the wall." He hissed. "We'll continue this conversation another time."

Before I could protest...the line went dead.


Okay guys, I felt the need to upload this quickly. Tell me what you thought about Punk, Corey, Dean!! I hope you guys do! I need your comments to upload tomorrow!! Tomorrow the action will really start!!

So yeahhhhhh!



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