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Kim's P.O.V

"So? So? So?" Liam repeated as soon as I stepped out of the ensuite. I stared down at the pregnancy test. "Well?" I bit my lip and looked up at him. 

"It's-It's..." I showed him the stick. 

"Oh..." Liam said in a dishearted manner. I went back into the ensuite solemnly and washed my hands. Liam walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I can't say I'm not relieved" He told me. I scoffed and turned around to face him before pushing his chest away from me. I folded my arms and walked through the bedroom out onto the balcony. I leaned over the balcony and overlooked our garden. Liam stood besides me. "I just don't think we're ready for one just yet..." He explained. 

"Nobody is ever ready" I told him. 

"Of course they just know when you're ready" Liam said, I turned 90 degrees to face him. 

"How does anyone know then oh mighty one? Please, share your wisdom" I said sarcastically. 

"I dunno you get some sort of 'feeling'" I began to laugh. 

"A feeling?" I said, taking the mick out of him. 

"Yeah!" He laughed. "I'm telling you!" 

"What kind of feeling?"

"I dunno, some sort of excited feeling - all I know is that when I saw that result I did not have the 'feeling' " 

"Alright alright sensei" I said through laughs. "Well the day that result comes out positive you better get the 'feeling' " I said, dramatically saying the last word. I was about to walk away when Liam grabbed my hand and pulled me in towards me. 

"I will...because we'll be are going to be such an amazing mom Kim" I smiled and dropped my head so my hair fell before my face. Liam tucked it back behind my ear. "I just don't think it's the time just yet...not with the league and stuff" I nodded in agreement.

"I're right...I just can't wait" I said, rolling back and forth on my tiptoes excitedly. Liam laughed. 

"Me neither" He kissed my softly on my forehead before walking off, I inhaled deeply and spun around to face the edge of the balcony...

Me and Liam moved to America after Mr. Mason was tragically taken from us. Josh was old enough to look after Mrs. Mason before she decided that she wanted to live with Josh and Liam's aunty in Australia, it seemed as though everything and anything in our once happy home reminded us too much of Mr. Mason's painful death...

Liam decided to drop out of university and moved back home only to realise he was pretty talented at football. He was skilled enough to make the national premier league within 5 years of playing before being transferred over to America, it seemed like the perfect opportunity. Josh lives in America also, and had remained close to us through out the years. He's only 18 years old but is already training to be a broker just like Mr. Mason, which is what he had built his empire from. 


"Babe! Josh is here!" I walked down the stairs and saw Josh and Liam retreating to the outdoor swimming pool.

"Hey Joshy" I said, walking through the french doors towards the pool. I lay down on the sunbed, pulled the sunglasses off my head and placed them on my eyes. 

"Hey Kim, so I've come to talk to you and Liam about something"

"Ok, shoot"

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to meet my girlfriend?" I gasped and sat up. Liam slapped his back. 

"Oh my likkle bro!" Liam teased, scruffing up Josh's head of hair. Josh tutted and stood up. 

"Nah it's nothing serious" He said, waving it off. I stood up and walked over to him. 

"This is important Josh! So tell us, what's she like?!"

"I dunno...she's nice...and pretty...and clever..." I pushed his shoulder playfully. 

"Aw Joshy!" 

"But there's something you should know about her..." Josh said, dipping his head.

"What is it?" We were standing near the edge of the swimming pool when Josh shook his head.

"Actually, I think I'll tell you when I'm with her"

"O-K..." Liam said in confusion

"As long as your brother doesn't do anything embaressing to scare her off, it'll be fine" I assured Josh, who seemed rather worried. Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey! What's that meant to mean!" I laughed and gave Josh a 'look', he laughed and returned the same 'look' "I am standing right here you know" Liam said, folding his arms. 

"Learn how to take a joke Liam!" Josh said sternly in a playful manner. Liam knocked his shoulder back. 

"Oi don't you think you can start getting all mature because you have a girlfriend now" Liam joked. 

"Just because I've managed to get my first girlfriend before I am out of my teen years" I snickered and Liam whipped his head at me in embarressment, turning slightly red. 

"That's not true and you know it!" Liam reciprocated. Josh rolled his eyes. "Don't you roll your eyes at me!" 

"Yes master(!)" Josh replied sarcastically. I stepped forward. 

"Alright I think it's time you two cooled down" With one strong push they both teetered along the edge of the pool before plummeting down into the water. I laughed as I watched them resurface, the next thing I knew they'd given eachother a 'look' and immediately began pulling themselves from the water before each grabbing hold of my arms and chuckling. 

"Your turn" 

"What no! I was trying to help you two!" I pleaded. They didn't listen and instead tossed me into the cool water, it was quite refreshing considering it was nearly 25 degrees outside. I kicked my way to the surface and glared up at them both.

"Good thing I finally taught you how to swim eh babe?" I scowled at them both as I pushed my head back and stared up at the beaming sun...


That's the first chapter of the sequel over with! Hope you liked the set up for the rest of the story I can tell you there are going to be a few twists and turns along the way in addition to the insane amount of drama and action! Hope you like it!

Kiran : ) xxx

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