Going Away

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Kim's P.O.V

I beamed down at the photoshoot pictures as I walked into the house.

"Hey Alexandro?! Is Liam home yet?!" It seemed like forever since we'd sat down and looked through my pictures, I really missed it. 

"Erm Kimmy? Liam is waiting for you in the swimming room"

"Oh? Ok? Why is he waiting for me?"

"I think you'd better find out for youself darling" I frowned in confusion as I walked through the house into the swimming room where Liam was sitting at the edge of one of the sun beds. 

"Babe?" Liam suddenly jumped up. I gasped at the sight of his cast-free leg and squealed as I ran towards him, I lept up onto him and was expecting to be spun around as normal but to my dismay Liam simply set me back down onto the floor. "What's up?" I said in an irritated manner. 

"Kim, so you know how I can get back into the Championship league right?"

"Hm?" I folded my arms and watched Liam twiddle his thumbs,

"Well, the next game is in Atlanta and the boys really want me to go and-"

"Atlanta?!" I interrupted. Liam tightened his lips

"Uh huh" 

"And you want to go?"

"Well all the boys and the coach-"

"Do you want to go?" I repeated sternly.

"Well I-I need to don't I?"

"I guess" I mumbled, turning to walk away. Before I took a step away from him he caught my hand. 

"Why don't you come with me?" He said chirpily.

"Babe...It's not just you who's trying to get back into the swing of things" I pulled my hand free and turned back around. "I saw Aaron today at his office and he was telling me about all of these shoots he'd set up whilst I was taking time off to look after you"


"So I can't go...besides what business would I have in Atlanta?"

"You'd have me" I scoffed.

"Oh yeah of course whilst you're going out with the boys every night partying?"

"It was just a suggestion Kim"

"Well it was a stupid one, just go if you want to go Liam" 

"Babe it's only for a week!"

"Fine! You know what just do what you want!"

"Kim look, we can get Alexandro to work longer shifts and Josh can come over-"

"Josh?! Alexandro?! When did you get like this?! You aren't even bothered about how scared I get being home alone at night?! Especially with all this stuff with Selena too! You just don't seem bothered about any of it! Her being in our garden, seeing her at the beach, her letter...none of it!" 

"Woah, what letter?"

"Forget about it" I rushed off out of the room before Liam could frustrate me even more. 

"How can you expect me to bother when I don't even know about it?!"

"Don't bother then! You know what? The sooner and longer you go for - the better!"



Liam's P.O.V

I walked out of the swimming room about half an hour after Kim left in a mood, I wasn't being unreasonable was I? Surely the right thing to do is to go to Atlanta? I sighed as I traipsed through the kitchen and made my way up the stairs when I saw Alexandro standing outside our bedroom door.


"Liam, Kimmy isn't opening the door or eating any of her food" He was holding a tray full of Kim's favourite meal - spaghettti. I rubbed my face.

"Ugh, this is all my fault" I took the tray from him. "Let me give it a shot anyway" Alexandro nodded and was about to walk down the stairs when he stopped

"Oh and Liam, don't be too hard on her - that letter really took her by surprise"

"What is this letter about?"

"Kim recieved a letter today...from 'Selena' is it?"

"Oh man" I breathed, that's why she's been so cagey today! I gave a small smile. "Ok thanks Alexandro" When he left I placed the tray on the floor and tapped the door. "Kim?" I pressed my ear against the door, hearing her faint sobs made me want to punch myself - I hated it when Kim was upset and knowing I was the source of such sadness made me want to just throw myself into a brick wall. "Please Kim...open up...I'm so sorry" Kim sniffed sharply.

"G-Go away Liam" She pleaded, I sighed and leaned agaisnt the door. 

"You know I can't do that" I slid down the door and sat against it. "I am going to wait right here until you open this door and talk to me" 

"It's going to be a long wait" Kim said.

"I don't care...however long it takes I need tell you what a jerk I have been and how undeserving I am to have you"

"Carry on" I heard Kim say alongside her approaching footsteps. I laughed as I heard her slide down the other side of the door. 

"I think it's time to talk things out don't you babe?" Kim sighed lightly.

"I think this talk is overdue" 

"Let's talk then...because I don't want you to feel this way for a second longer" 

"Good! Because I don't want to feel like this anymore...I'm so tired Liam"

"Well I'm going to be right by your side from now on...I love you Kim" 

"I love you more Liam" I smiled and dropped my head back against the door, even though there was a 2 inch wooden door between us...I never felt closer to her.

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