Making Up

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Kim's P.O.V

"This is insane!" I screeched, I slapped Liam's shoulder. "What the hell is the need for all this Liam?!" Liam raised his eyebrows.

"To prove him wrong"

"And if you did manage to do that?"

"Then at least I'd die being right" 

I couldn't believe what Liam and Josh were planning on doing. They'd arranged for a gun to be brought over to the house. And I mean a proper gun. They were going to plant it next to the Liam on the table as he was going to pretend to be having a nap. Their plan is to see if Selena picks up the gun and shoots him. I couldn't believe their stupidity! Liam sighed.

"Kim, you need to leave now"

"No way!" I said adamently. But before I knew it Liam was picking me up by the waist. "Liam?! What are you doing?! Put me down!" I demanded, but Liam continued to walk with me to the ensuite. He finally set me down on the ground.

"Love ya!" He shouted just before locking me in! I banged on the door in anger

"LIAM! YOU'D BETTER OPEN THIS UP RIGHT NOW! LIAM!" I continued to scream but I had a feeling he already left. 

Liam's P.O.V

"Liam sir? Josh and a young girl are here to see you?"

"Let her through Alexandro, but I'm sleeping ok?" I whispered, Alexandro nodded in confusion before opening up the door. I rolled back over and pretended to start snoring. I heard Josh and Bella approach me. 

"Babe, I'm just going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a sec"

"O-Oh ok" I heard Josh's footsteps descend and the click of Bella's heels become louder. I waited for the sound of the cock of the gun. I did hear the gun being picked up off the table - but nothing which alarmed me. I held my breath for as long as I could, ready to brace myself just in case. "Heh" Bella sorta laughed, as if she knew it was all a trap. Josh's footsteps finally came back into the room. 

"Oh he's asleep?" Bella didn't give him a reply and by the sounds of it she was walking up to him. 


All I heard was a tight slap and Josh begin to whimper.

"What was that for?!" 

"Do you think I'm dumb?! I can't believe you don't trust me!" I heard Bella run out of the house in tears. I lifted up my head to see over the arm rest and saw Josh groan in anger.




"I can't believe you did that Liam" Kim scolded. "I think you know what you need to do" I looked up to see Kim's folded arms. "You need to apologise" I jumped up off the sofa.

"Over my dead body!"

"Ok...maybe not apologise...maybe just explain why you're so cautious. I mean, how do you know that Bella even knows about what Selena did to us?" I frowned. That's true. Had I been unnecessarily judging this girl? 




"Who is it?"

"It's Liam - Josh's brother!" I heard Bella on the other side of the door. She slowly opened it up and saw me standing there solemnly. "I thought we could talk?"

"Come in" She opened up the door for me to walk inside. It was a pretty normal apartment, nothing jumped out at me. I stood right against the door. Bella stood opposite me in a defensive stance.

"I guess you can understand why I'm feeling the way I do Bella"


"Don't play dumb with me" I said sharply. 

"I'm genuinely not! It seems as though you all just randomly started hating me as soon as I told you about my sister! What did she do to you that was so bad?" I sighed.

"Josh hasn't told you?"

"When I first told him about my sister...he didn't speak to me for days...and now this...please just tell me what she did to you"

"S-S-She" I felt myself choking up. "Killed" I tried as hard as I could to stop my eyes from watering. "My father" I blurted. Bella gasped.

"N-N-No! You must have it wrong! Not Selena!"

"You honestly didn't know?"

"I didn't have a clue!" I sniffed sharply and wiped my tear with the back of my sleeve. "Are you sure?" Bella could tell from my expression that this wasn't a joke. "Oh..." She dropped her head in shame. "I'm so sorry"

"It wasn't your was your sister's" I said bitterly.

"I can't believe she never even told me" Bella frowned in anger. "But I promise that I never knew" Bella did genuinely seem to be telling the truth...

"Well then..." I put my hand on her doorhandle. "I guess you and Josh have no reason to not be together..."

"Thank you Liam. It really means a lot to me. I love him" I gave her a blank expression and walked away. 

Kim's P.O.V

"Hey Jayden"

"Oh hey Kim, this is a nice surprise" 

I stepped into Jayden's penthouse suite and made my way over to his open plan living room. 

"Yeah sorry to bother you-"

"It's no bother at all"  I gave a nervous laugh.

"Heh yeah...but Liam said he left his wallet over here - you know what he's like"

"Don't I just(!)" Jayden joked.

"Have you seen it?"

"Erm...don't think so, why don't you have a look around" I nodded and starting poking my head around the sofa and under the table. "Would you like a smoothie Kim?"

"Er...go on then" 

After a few minutes of looking around the living room I sighed and walked back into the kitchen.

"I swear that man would loose his head if it wasn't screwed on properly" I laughed. Jayden handed me the fresh strawberry smoothie. I took a sip before immediately running to the sink. I spat the smoothie out and whipped my head up at Jayden. "Did you put alcohol in this?!" Jayden laughed.

"You need to lighten up Kim..." He said, walking over to me. "I reckon you need to relax a little...just let your hair down once in a while" I turned around to face him. 

"Pft, how could I think about such a thing as 'relaxing' when I have a family that was nearly on the verge of breaking down?" Jayden frowned in confusion.

"Huh? What happened Kim?" I shook my head.

"Oh nothing...." I propped my handbag back up onto my shoulder and started walking back towards the front door. "I better be going" Jayden walked me out and opened up the door for me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"You know, I'm always here if you wanna talk" He said in a comforting manner. I gave a polite smile. I went to walk out when from the corner of my eye I suddenly saw Jayden coming closer to me. He pressed his lips against my cheek. I immediately stiffened up but luckily he pulled away within seconds. "Liam doesn't deserve you you know" 

"G-Goodbye Jayden" Jayden cleared his throat and resumed to his usual flirtacious self.

"See ya later babe!" He shut the door behind me and I looked back at the door in utter confusion...that was...weird!

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