Break A Leg

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Kim's P.O.V

"Kim come on! We're going to be late for the game otherwise!" I tutted as I spritzed the perfume over me one last time before walking down the glass staircase. 

"Liam, the wife of one of the top football players in the league has a reputation to uphold you know!" I walked through the open front door towards the car as Liam locked the door behind me. I sat inside the porsche and waited for him to join me as I put on my lip stick using the mirror. Liam turned the mirror so that it was in the correct position before starting the engine. "Liam! Did you not just hear me?"

"Kim" Liam said, turning to face me. He took my hands into his. "You are the most beautiful wife of any football player in the world without a doubt" I blushed. Liam laughed and kissed my hand sweetly before pulling out of the drive way. 


"LA Galaxy is sure to win!" I heard one of the supporters bellow. I laughed and looked out to the field to see Liam charging across the field. I was sitting besides his team mates, who were all cheering for him from the top of their lungs. 

"WOOOOOOO! GO BABE!" I cheered, even though I knew he couldn't hear me. 

"What are you going to do to celebrate then tonight?" His team mate Jayden asked me. 

"Erm...I'm thinking just a cosy night in, you know wine, rom com, popcorn...?" He laughed.

"Sounds exiciting(!)" He teased, I slapped his shoulder. 

"Just because he's decided to settle down unlike some, who just like to hop from girl to girl" I mocked.  Jayden shook his head. 

"Nah, I ain't for that life any more"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I've only been on 2 different dates this month you know"

"Jayden it's only a week into the month!" We laughed as we turned our attention back onto the field. The team were running back over to the bench. They had a 3 minute break before they were due to be back on the field. They'd finished their group talk with 10 seconds to spare, Liam jogged over to me and sniffed sharply. He opened a bottle of water and tipped it over his head. He shook his head like a dog before laughing. 

"Good luck kiss?"

"As always" I said, rolling onto my tip toes and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Love you"

"Love you more"

"Forever and always?"

"Forever and always" He winked, I giggled before ruffling his hair. "Now go out there and carry on being my little champion" I said, pushing him towards the field. "Break a leg!" I shouted, just before the crowd started going wild again. 


"We're going to do it Kim!" Shaun screeched besides me. 

"And it's down to Liam!" Adam told me on my left. I nodded in agreement 

"I am so proud of him!" I gushed. The crowd began to count down. 

"10....9....8....!" Liam caught the ball from Jayden and whipped his head around to see the approaching  competitors. 

"7...6....!" He spotted the gap between them and made a run for it. 

"5...4....!" Despite being only half way across the field he was relentless. I held my breath as I watched the opponents charge towards his waist.

"3...2....!"  Liam was metres from the line, but they were weighing him down. 

"1...!" Liam dived across the line, just as the bulkiest member of the opposing team deciding to join in on the pile on and jump on top of him. The camera zoomed in on Liam's stretched arm, and saw that he'd managed to land with his wrist across the line. The crowd began to erupt and Adam picked me up before spinning me around and placing me back on the floor. 

"He did it!" I yelled happily. One by one the footballers got up off Liam. I was ready to run to him when my heart sank. Liam wasn't getting up off the floor. I saw Jayden call over first aid and he was being crowded by the other footballers. I ran across to him with the first aid team and as I came closer to him I saw him clutching his leg in pain. "Liam?!" I pushed through the shoulders of the players and fell to my knees beside him. "Are you ok?" Liam looked strangulated, the veins in his neck were popping and he was rolling around on the grass in dire pain. 

"Move aside" The doctor told me. Jayden and Adam helped me to my feet. "What is it Liam?"

"My leg" He croaked. After a quick glance over his bent knee the doctor sighed. 

"Bring the gurney out, it looks like a broken leg" I hovered over Liam and laughed. 

"When I said break a leg, I didn't mean it literally!" I joked. 

"How was I meant to know?" Liam joked back, I shook my head. 

"What am I going to do with you?" I laughed. They placed him on the gurney and lifted him up from the ground. 

"Excuse me miss, he's going to have to go to the general, unfortunately there won't be any space in the ambulance for you" I nodded understandingly. 

"Are you going to be ok?" I asked Liam

"A quick kiss and I'll be fine" I laughed and fulfilled his request quickly. 

"I'll be right behind you in the car ok?" I called to him just before he was taken indoors. 

"I'll drive you" Jayden offered, I nodded

"Thanks, let's go quickly I don't want him to be alone for a moment longer than he needs to be"

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