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Kim's P.O.V

I spent the entire evening in bed when we got back. Seeing Selena really shook me, and the fact that Liam continued to think that I was seeing things just made me want to curl up in the duvet even more so.

"Honey?" Liam knocked on the door as he carefully walked over to me with a tray in his hands. I sat up straight and brought my knees to my chest.

"It was her Liam - it was" Liam sighed and climbed onto the bed. He placed the tray in front of me and leaned against the backboard besides me. He put his hand on my hands to stop me from twiddling my thumbs. 

"Kim....maybe you just thought you saw her?"

"No!" I scoffed in frustration and got up off the bed. I folded my arms and went over to the balcony glass doors. I leaned against the cold glass and stared outside. Liam followed me over slowly and spun me around to face him. He combed my hair behind my ears and before he could speak I shook my head. "I'm not crazy Liam, I know what I saw"

"Ok...ok...." He gave me a tight hug, resting his chin on my head and swaying me gently from side to side. As much as I loved our tight cuddles I decided to pull away and stare up at him in confusion.

"Why have you been like this all day?"

"Like what?"

"Like this, with all the cutesy stuff?" Liam dropped his head.

"I dunno...I just forget sometimes that I'm the luckiest guy in the world...and that I need to show you how appreciative I am to have you by my side"

"Aww! Well you do!"

"No" Liam corrected "I need to show you constantly - day in, day out. Not just the odd occasion" I cooed at him and buried my head back into his chest, taking in the heavenly scent of his aftershave. "Come..."

Liam took my hand and lead me back over to the bed. I sat down with one of my legs tucked under me and the other leg dangling off the edge of the bed. I looked down on the tray and saw what Liam had prepared; a red rose, a bowl of strawberries, a mini jug full of melted chocolate, a popcorn bowl and a DVD. I laughed.

"What's all this?"

"I am determined for us to have a romantic day together" I dipped my head for my hair to fall in front of my face. "Whether there were random spottings of old ghosts or not" I dipped my finger in the chocolate jug and tapped Liam's nose. 

"I'm telling you I saw her Liam"

"Ok...let's have that conversation another day, don't let her spoil this moment" I nodded in agreement.

"Ok...but I'll hold you to that"

"I'm sure you will"

Liam crawled over to his pillow and lay on top of the duvet. He dipped the strawberry into the chocolate before lifting it up to my mouth. I took a sweet bite and laughed.

"Did you make the chocolate yourself?"

"Of course, I let Alexandro go a bit earlier today so I could prepare all of this for you"

"Babe...the chocolate has got burnt bits on it" I said sniggering. Liam shook his head whilst smiling.

"Well you didn't marry me for my cooking skills!" He teased, I nodded.

"Good job! Else we'd be divorced!" I said, Liam looked across into my eyes

"You just try and seperate from me!" I kissed his cheek softly.

"And you just try and seperate from me!" I repeated. Liam laughed and went over to put the DVD into the T.V. before walking back to the bed, moving the tray onto the floor and cuddling up to me. He placed one arm around me and had the other holding the popcorn bowl in his laps. "Also babe, I just wanted to let you know that I've invited Josh and Bella around tomorrow for breakfast...ok?" Liam remained silent for a few seconds before inhaling deeply.

"That's fine" He said sternly, as though it took a lot of effort to say those words. I looked up at him and  nuzzled into his neck.

"I really admire how mature you've suddenly become about all this...I love you so much"

"Forever and always?" 

"Forever and always" I said laughing.


"Where's Bella today?" I said as I sat on the sofa next to Josh.

"Oh she's meeting her sister today...she's going to be in town" Liam stood up and left the room. I sighed

"How long is she staying for?"

"A-About a month or so I think" I stood up and was about to walk into the kitchen when Josh grabbed my hand, he looked up at me solemnly. "Thank you Kim...thank you for talking to Liam about all this"

"It wasn't all for your sake you know Josh...he has to be able to make some sort of peace with her"


"But don't get me wrong Josh...don't push him beyond his boundaries..."

"What do you mean?"

"Josh...I'm beginning to feel like you were too young to remember just how much pain that woman caused"

"I remember Kim" Josh said sternly.

"Then you must know that Liam will never talk to her...and I don't want him to either"


"But nothing Josh!" I said, raising my voice slightly. "You better not forget your boundaries either..." Josh sighed. "I just don't want you to forget who you really are Josh...especially not over a girl"

"Whatever, anyway, she is going to be in town for the next few weeks, so I wouldn't be surprised if they met eachother"

"I don't know what it would take for them to would be something huge - unimaginable"

"I want them to meet" Josh kept belittling the matter, and it began to infuriate me. "I think it would be good for him" Josh tried to walk away from me but I quickly grabbed his wrist this time.

"I'm beginning to think you don't care about what is and what isn't good for your brother anymore Josh" He broke free from my grasp. "And you're beginning to tread on thin ice now" Josh scoffed.

"Don't you dare threaten me Kim!" I raised my eyebrows in shock, this was the first time Josh had answered me back.

"Or what? Huh Josh?"

"Don't you forget Kim" Josh folded his arms. "You are just the nanny" I gasped. I felt kinda choked. This-this little...little innocent boy....I stepped back in utter astonishishment of his words. Josh knew he'd hit home and unfolded his arms. He stepped towards me. "I'm sorry Kim, I-I-I don't know where that even came from!"

"T-Those w-were her words! She's already poisoned your mind! S-She had said those exact words to me!" I exclaimed. Liam came walking into the room

"Kim?! What is going on?" I ran out of the room with my head in my hands, sniffing sharply as I tried running towards the bathroom but before I was 5 metres from him I tripped over the folded corner of the rug and tumbled to the ground. It wasn't a harsh fall luckily. I turned around to see Josh stretching out his hand. 

"Here Kim let me help you out" I shook my head

"N-No! You stay away from me!" Liam dashed to my side and lifted me to my feet.

"What's happened Kim?" I continued to stare at Josh with tears in my eyes, I'd lost him, I lost him to that awful woman..."Josh?" Liam asked, turning to him for a response.

"C'mon Kim...I'm still the same Josh!" He still had his hand extended for me to take but I batted it away.

"No! You're not! She's got you Josh! She's got you! Liam! You were right all along!" I moved away from Liam and ran up the glass staircase to my room before slamming the bathroom door and locking myself inside...

We'd lost her.


Hey everyone! So I've decided to carry on with the updates seeing how I've already written them all but I would really appreciate it if you could comment and let me know how you're finding the story so far! 

Many Thanks, 

Kiran : ) xxx

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