Chapter 2

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Riley's P.O.V
"I don't want you alone with that guy." Axel said for the thousandth time today. "Axel I love you, there is nothing that he'll do or that anyone will do to make me stop loving you. I. Love. You." I said as I looked into his eyes.

He wasn't convinced. "I'm driving you there and I'll stay in the car and watch." He said. I groaned and shook my head. "No, Axel he won't try anything." I said, trying to convince him that the guy wouldn't try anything.

He wasn't budging though.

He continued to complain as I sat down on the couch. I'm sure the whole fucking neighborhood could hear him going on and on. "Riley I don't like him." He continued and I'd finally had enough.

"Axel stop it! We have gone through so much shit together and the fact you think I'll just leave with whoever tries to pick me up really fucking hurts. If he tried anything I'll be okay, I'm not seventeen anymore. I refuse to fight with you over this for the rest of forever. I am going to see Marshall and you're going to trust that he won't try anything and that I'll defend myself if he does!" I shouted before getting up and storming off upstairs.

Jesus, his complaining drives me insane. I love him so much but sometimes I feel like he doesn't believe that. Even now I feel like he thinks all the 'I love you's' I gave him were just for the sport.

I walked into the study and slammed the door shut, surprised the glass didn't shatter. I sat down and continued reading and signing contracts for law firm Axel and I joined not too long ago.

I heard a knock at the door but ignored it. I really wasn't in the mood for him or anyone else. "Baby Boy?" He called as he walked in. I kept my head down but that didn't keep him from walking to me.

"I'm sorry Riley." He said lowly. I looked up and glared a strong hole in his head. He sighed before coming around the table and sitting on the floor beside me. He put his head against my leg making me smile a small smile.

"I just don't want to lose you. And it's possible with him, he can convince you that I don't love you. All the time we spent together I thought they'd never be another guy better for than me, but there he is. He's perfect, he listens, he's patient, he isn't bipolar.

I just feel like the second I leave you alone with him, he'll take you from me. Even if you do put up a fight, he'll lock you away from me and slowly make us drift apart until we give up and see other people.

I love you too much for that. I'm not worried about you leaving me for him, I know you wouldn't. I'm worried he'll hurt you if you resist it. I'm really sorry for irritating you, My Love." He said lowly.

"Axel he's not better than you, I love you because of your imperfections and your perfections, even though sometimes you get irritating I still love you to the biggest star in the universe and back.

And who says you don't listen and you're impatient. Plus I don't really care that you're bipolar, it actually gives me more of a reason to love you more and more everyday.

But if you really can't trust him, you can come with, Daddy." I said as I stroked his hair. "Really?" He asked as he got up and towered over me. I smiled before nodding. A smile broke out on his face and he picked me up before giving me a bear hug.

I giggled as I hugged back. "I love you so much!" He shouted as he kissed my cheek over and over. "I love you too." I said back, enjoying this moment. He put me down and looked into my eyes sweetly. He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek.

"I know you do." He whispered making me smile brighter. He smiled back and pulled me closer. He kissed me gently making my heart beat faster. I kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, loving how close we are.

He gripped my waist and slowly moved towards the wall. He pinned me against it and moved his hands from my waist to my cheeks. He ground against me making me moan into his mouth.

He kissed me sweetly and I kissed back. He kept the kiss long and passionate. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He pulled away from me making me lean in for another kiss, but he moved. "Please." I whispered as I bit my lip and kept my eyes closed.

"Don't bite your lip." He whispered, his voice deep and sexy. His hands moved from my cheeks to my waist as his eyes trapped mine. He leant down and kissed me gently making my heart jump.

He pulled away from my lips before I had enough of the kiss. "Stop that." I whispered as I held onto him, asking for another kiss. I love kissing Axel, he makes me weak and satisfied at the same time.

I went on my tippy-toes and tried to kiss him but he kept moving away. "You should plan your outfit for tomorrow." He said with a small smile. He pecked my lips before letting go of me completely.

I sighed as he walked away but followed after him.
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(Love you! Bye! Chow!)
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