Chapter 16

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Axel's P.O.V
Every time he tried to touch Riley I imagined me running over there and stabbing him. Jason and Riley were talking outside the diner we came to when we got here. I was in the parking lot across from the place watching, waiting for Jason to try something.

They talked for another fifteen minutes before Jason shoved Riley against the wall. I tensed. Riley pushed him away but he wouldn't budge. He tried to kiss him but Riley slapped him.

They stared at each other for a moment before Jason grabbed Riley and dragged him behind the diner. I got out with my gun in hand and followed them. "He doesn't love you can't you see how fucking much I need you?" Jason screamed in his face.

He had Riley by the neck making me point my gun at him. "Let him go." I spat. Jason looked at me before taking out his own gun and putting it on Riley's forehead. My heart stopped but I didn't let him see how terrified I was.

"You pull your trigger, I pull mine." He smiled. Riley began to cry and I swallowed. "Fine." I said as I put my gun down. "Please don't hurt him." I begged. "You know something I never understood was how you could forget your first love." He said.

"I mean Riley wasn't my first but he meant a shit ton to me." He said to me then looked at Riley. "Riley, my sweetheart, I'm sorry for how I treated you. I was unfair, selfish and cruel. I miss you, please come back." He whispered softly. "I-I'm sorry, Jason but I...I don't love you. I'm in love with Axel." Riley said.

"Why?" Jason screamed back. "Why the fuck would you love someone who almost killed you several times!" He screamed. "He only did it once and he wasn't in the right state of mind." Riley defended me.

Jason stopped and looked at me before laughing. "Wow, you really haven't told him? Well that's stupid, news like that could ruin your marriage." He continued laughing. "Riley, this baboon you've been sleeping with and living with and supposedly loving was hired by a man to k––" He would have finished if I hadn't shot him in the head.

Riley screamed and ran to me and I wrapped my arms around him. I couldn't let him be the one to tell Riley. I was ready to leave Australia now and end this. I knew the whole reason why Jason was here and it wasn't to get his fuck buddy back.
«two days later»
"So you're telling me Jason knew?" Evan asked. I nodded and he sighed. Ever since the wedding Evan has become my best friend, like I wanted him to be when we were younger. I tell him everything about Riley and I, he actually helps sometimes.

"Do you want me to talk to him for you?" He asked. "No...I have to tell him myself." I said. "Listen, Riley loves you and he might be mad you didn't tell him for a while but he'll get over it." He said reassuringly. "But what if...what if he doesn't get over it?" I asked.

"After all the fucked up shit you've done to him and put him through, I highly doubt that he'll take the ring off and leave." He said.

"I guess you're right."
Riley's P.O.V
I'd been on the couch shaking like a leaf when we'd gotten to the Marten's family house. I was still shook over seeing Jason be shot in the head right in front of my eyes. Blood got on my face and I just couldn't.

I'd seen someone be killed before, I'd done it myself for fucks sake but it was more terrifying to have blood on my face from someone I wasn't trying to kill. Axel came downstairs and carried me up before putting me on the bed.

He closed the door once he put me down but didn't turn to look at me for a bit. When he finally did he had tears in his eyes. "Riley...we need to talk."
The talk.
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