Chapter 21

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Axel's P.O.V
*a month later*
Riley and I were getting better, one day at a time. I was planning on asking him to move in with me but I wasn't sure if he'd think I was moving too fast. That's why I was having a couples counseling with Bell and Evan.

"I think you should ask him." Evan said. "Me too." Bell agreed. "Don't you think it's a bit too early?" I asked. "You guys have been together for eight fucking years and spent two years apart. You are not moving too fast, trust me." Bell said.

"What do you know about moving too fast?" I asked. "Ray, remember him." She said. "Oh." I said. "I guess I can take relationship advice from you but Evan, you've been fucking single forever." I said making him roll his eyes.

"Fuck you." He mumbled. I chuckled. "But seriously dude, we think you should ask him." Bell said. "Well the last time I listened to you Riley left me for two years." I said.

"So you're telling me you would've continued to keep that from him?" Evan asked. "No...I'm sorry." I sighed. "I just don't want to fuck things up with him, I mean Riley could've divorced me...and left me for good. But he didn't, I can't mess things up now." I said.

"Well hey, at the end of the day he's your partner, you do what you think is right." Bell said as she got up. "I need to go, I'll talk to you later okay?" She said as she hugged me. "Okay." I said.

Evan stayed and had some beers with me as we watched a football game. "Why do all these teams suck?" I asked. "They don't, you just don't know how the game works, this isn't soccer." Evan said.

"So, you sure there isn't anything new with you?" I asked for like the hundredth time since coming out of my room last month. "Why the fuck do you keep asking me that, no." He said.

"You're glowing." I said making him look at me. "What?" He asked. "Like you seem so, happy nowadays y' you've found the one." I said. "Please, I haven't found the one but I have met someone new." He replied.

"Really? Who is she?" I asked. "He's the guy I'm training." He answered. "Oh...oh wow, are you gay?" I asked and he blushed. "WHAT?!" He asked as his face lit on fire. I laughed at him. "You are aren't you!" I shouted.

"I am not..." He said lowly. "Aww, Evie, don't be like that." I cooed making him punch my arm lightly. "Don't call me that." He mumbled. "Why, does your trainee call you that?" I teased.

He blushed deeper making me burst out into a fit of laughter. "He does doesn't he!" I shouted with pure joy in my voice. "Can you stop being so fucking loud goddamn it man." He said as he pushed me off the couch.

"Wow that's...that's fucking funny. But hey congrats man, if you're happy you're happy. But you know eventually mom and dad are going to ask you the same thing too right?" I said as I got back on the couch.

"I know but I...I just wanna figure everything out...I don't even know if I'm gay or not." He mumbled. "Take it from me, you probably are gay. Or at least bisexual." I said.

He looked at me before rolling his eyes. "This is you think I'm lovable?" He asked. "Well yea, I love you." I said. "No I mean like...lovable." He replied.

"Yes, you just need to find that special someone." I said. He kept silent for a moment before he looked at me. "Not a word to anyone." He muttered as he got up and grabbed another beer. The goofy smile that was on my face returned.

"Not even Riley, it would be a good conversation starter." I pouted. "Not a word to anyone. Not even Riley." He repeated. "Alright fine but I'm not making any promises." I said. He just rolled his eyes.

I wanted to say something more but before I could someone knocked on my door. I got up and went to see who it was. I opened the door and there Riley stood with some suitcases.

"Hi." He said with a smile, his voice sounding squeaky and adorable. "Hey." I replied as I hugged him. I took two of his bags and invited him in. We got to the living room and Evan looked up at us before smiling.

"Hey Riley." He said as he got up and gave him a hug. "Hey." Riley replied with a smile. "Hey Axel I'm gonna to my friend, I'll catch you later." He said before waving at Riley.

I walked him to the door and when I'd opened it he'd given me a hug, which was strange from him still, but it happened sometimes. I smiled before hugging back. "See you later lover boy." I said as we pulled apart. He flipped me off before walking to his car.

I closed the door before returning to my partner. When I'd walked into the living room he was looking around. "I haven't been in this apartment for some time now, it's a bit dusty." I said.

"Don't know what I expected." He joked making me chuckle. He turned and walked to me. "Happy birthday Baby." He whispered as he hugged me. I smiled. "Thank you." I whispered back.

"Do you want your present now or later?" He asked. "Maybe later, let's have some drinks." I said as I took his hands in mine. I noticed that he had the promise ring I gave him on in place of his wedding ring.

"You still had it huh." I whispered as I examined it on his finger. "Yea." He whispered. I smiled brightly.
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