Breaking The Bad Boy

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the disastrous life of Ashley Martin. As your host, today I'll be teaching you how to break your heart using one short recipe.

What You'll Need:
The Bad Boy - Tyler Miller
The Bad Boy's Twin - Taylor Miller
The Lovestruck Best Friend - Me
The Bitch - Michelle Harte

- Mixed signals
- 'Almost' kisses
- Plenty of flirting
- Mutual love

What to do:
1. Be stupid and naive.
2. Go against your best friend when she tells you that her brother is bad news.
3. Play hard to get until The Bad Boy begs for more.
4. Watch The Bitch get pissed off because The Bad Boy is more interested in the dorky best friend, i.e. Me.
5. Let him take your first kiss, dump you and hook up with The Bitch one week later.
6. Let your best friend comfort you even when she says, "I told you so!"

That's where the story of my tragic freshmen year should have ended. But obviously my life is just plot twist after plot twist after plot twist.

So grab a mixing bowl, a wooden spoon and turn on the oven because this recipe for disaster is going to take a sharp turn very, very soon.

Cautionary Note: If this recipe is applicable to your life, make sure to scrunch it up and run for your life to avoid the of risk getting burned. Or you could just punch the The Bitch. Whichever option floats your boat.


[A/N: Hi, I'll be updating every three days without fail. I'll also be rewriting the prequel. You don't have to read that story first; in fact it's better if you read it after this story is complete.

I will touch upon real life issues so if you're into 'boy meets girl, hook up by the second chapter, live happily ever after' bullshit then this story isn't for you. The issues touched WILL happen to you at some point in your life. Maybe you'll be better at coping with them when your time comes; for your sake, I sincerely hope you get it easy.

Enjoy the soul-crushing prologue and we'll talk again after.

Vote, comment and fan.

P.S: Give the story a go, trust me, you won't regret it the slightest bit haha ;)

- Kaddy]

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