Chapter 23: Bad Boy Band Aids

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I buried my face into my hands, breathing heavily as I tried to put a lid on my anger.


Slowly, I dragged my fingertips from my forehead to my chin, feeling the urge to dig my nails into my skin and scream.

"Leave me alone Jonah!" I hissed from behind my hands.

When I felt a sharp object jab my rib cage, my head snapped up so fast that my neck screeched a protest of intense pain.

"Aw, come on Ashley," He whined, jutting out a glistening bottom lip. "It was just a joke!"

I cowered away from Jonah when he shuffled his chair closer to mine, driving me to the far edge of the table. My blood boiled under my tightening veins, causing me to clench and unclench my fists. Taking shallow breaths, I tried to count to ten but didn't get past four when I felt another sharp jab. The pain shot through my rib cage making me wince and draw in a sharp breath.

"Jonah!" I snarled, smacking his pen out of his hand just as he let out a booming laugh.

"Jesus, can't you take a joke woman?" He threw his head back, shaking his shoulders with laughter.

Grinding my teeth together, my nails embedded themselves into my palms as my fury heightened to sky-high levels.

"Asking me to sleep with you for the tenth time isn't a joke, douchebag!"

Jonah's bland, blue eyes bored into mine and a slow grin pulled his lips up. My nails punctured my palms and I had to bite my lip to suppress a yelp. Shuffling closer to me, he licked his lips in what he assumed was an attractive trait making me lean back until I was on the verge of toppling off my chair.

"But I thought all of Tyler's girls would be just as willing," He caught one of my curls and wrapped it around his index finger.

Wrenching his slimy hands away from me, I exhaled sharply and glared at him, ignoring the fact that he adamantly believed I was dating Tyler. What was it with everyone in this stupid school?

"Do I look like Michelle fucking Harte to you?" I growled venomously, shooting him a deathly glare as the shrill bell rang, signalling the end of the day. "The only handjob I'll ever give you will be with a cheese grater if you don't fuck the hell off!"

I bolted out of my seat and hastily crammed my books into my bag. Jonah's eyes raked over my body, stopping at my chest before they travelled back up. Leering at me, he sported his favourite perverted smirk and shrugged his shoulders at me.

"No need to turn into a psycho bitch. You're just a major improvement compared to her," He drawled in a low voice, standing up to his full height and flattening stray, brown hairs that poked out of his quiff. "Curves in all the right places, killer legs and nice lips that can work wonders if you give my dick a go. You're more natural looking, you feel me?"

I shuddered at the look he gave me like I was a prized steak that he couldn't wait to dig into. I gave him a poisonous glare, visualising the spontaneous combustion of that quiff he treasured so much. Maybe if I threw a lit matchstick in there it would explode from the sickening about of flammable hair gel he used.

"Piss off or I'll shove my fist down your throat and wave at you from your asshole!"

My voice was cold but not icy enough to weaken Jonah's intention to bed me. Bringing his hand forward, he clamped my shoulder and squeezed it with enough pressure to make me yelp with surprise.

"Gee, you really are a tough nut to crack," He stroked the entire length of my arm, making my skin crawl as he grinned down at me. "I love me a fiesty chick."

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