Chapter 46: Two Kisses? Time For Girls Night!

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Two kisses. Tyler and I had shared two kisses and neither of us had taken the initiate to make things official.

Two kisses. Tyler dropped me home two hours and I've been counting the hours until I'll see him again.

Two kisses and he still hasn't asked me out. Should I be worried?

I rolled over on my bed and eyed my alarm clock even though I knew the time hadn't changed. It was still half past eight in the evening and I was going mad thinking about Tyler. When he dropped me home, he didn't bother to walking me to the door like I had fantasised about during the entire ride. I guess I annoyed him too much with my outrageous singing during the ride home but I was really, really hoping for a goodnight kiss.

Our two kisses had caused an infestation to my already screwed up head, adding more stress, more questions and more confusion.

Did Tyler want me to make the move? I didn't have the balls to do such a thing and even if I was to ask him out, how was I supposed to go about doing it? Was I supposed to pop the question like an engagement ring - spontaneous and completely out of the blue? Or was I supposed to just wait for him to kiss me again and then blurt out the question?

That didn't seem too daunting. But what if he didn't kiss me again?

My mind ached, expanding with questions that pushed against my skull to induce a horrific headache. With a defeated huff, I sat up and reached for my phone. Searching through my most recent texts, my finger caressed Tyler's name before I picked out my conversation with Mona and sent her a frantic text.

Girls night 101?

My phone instantly vibrated with a reply and I pursed my lips, hoping that she wasn't too busy to help me untangle my chaotic thoughts.

Only if you bring snacks.

With a triumphant grunt, I trudged out of my bedroom and rummaged through the kitchen, ignoring Mom's suggestive smirk when I passed through the living room. She was aware of how frustrated Tyler was making me when she wormed the two kisses from me at the dinner table earlier. To my surprise, the best advice she could conjure up was to be upfront with Tyler and ask him where I stood with him.

"Mom?" I called out, craning my head to see into the living room. "Did you finish the frozen yogurt?"

"No, you ate it all last night when we watched that superhero Marvel movie...What was it called? Nor? Whore?"

I laughed, grimacing at how much she commentated during the movie with pointless questions.

"It was called Thor! Jeez Mom, try to keep up with current world affairs."

"That movie was entire fiction dear," She chuckled.

"It was real to me," I huffed with annoyance although a grin split my face in half.

She shrugged her shoulders in response and channelled her focus back to her Thursday night obsession: Gilmore Girls. I turned around, blindly patting every cupboard before stalking out of the kitchen and into the living room. Blocking Mom's view of the television screen, she reluctantly muted her episode and flashed me an exasperated look. Briefly, I explained the sudden need for an emergency sleepover and guilt-tripped her into driving me since Mona lived quite far away.

After shoving my pyjamas, toothbrush and sleeping pills into a rucksack, we bundled up into her car and stopped at Walmart so I could keep my end of the bargain for our Girls Night. I grabbed three family-sized potato chips, two tubs of ice-cream and, obviously, a lifetime supply of KitKat for myself.

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