Chapter 10: Stop Molesting Me

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[A/N: Songs for the chapter: 
- Taylor Swift // Enchanted]

Sitting at the kitchen counter with a steaming cup of hot chocolate, I prodded at the soggy marshmallows that fought to stay afloat.

As soon as Rosemary saw me standing there drenched from the rain, she hurried me into kitchen and towelled me dry like a stray puppy before insisting that she make me my once favourite mug of hot chocolate.

I smiled at the fact that she still remembered my - and Taylor's - favourite hot drink.

She spent the entire time gushing about how she thought she'd never see me again because I hadn't set a foot inside the Miller residence since Taylor had passed away, except to collect some of the sentimental photographs, letters and clothes she had left for me in her will.

"So what are you doing here?" She asked with concern lacing her voice. "Is everything okay?"

I focused on the mud brown liquid that swirled against the floating marshmallows which reminded me of icebergs, white and lightweight.

"Everything with is fine except where it concerns Tyler."

My voice sounded exhausted and I wondered how much of a mess I looked right now. Self-consciously, I began to unbraiding my hair so that it could dry faster.

"Oh no, he's not doing drugs, is he? His parents threatened to send him away for good if he ever went down that path again!" She gasped, turning around and freezing as she rummaged through the fridge.

The shock on my face stopped Rosemary short as her cheeks tinged with shame, flustered and bright pink.

"I'm sorry, it's nothing to concern yourself by," She smiled; it held a flicker of guilt because she had let too much information about Tyler's personal struggle slip.

A numbing ache began to press against my skull and I rubbed my temples as my mind began to go into overdrive. What had happened to Tyler since I stopped paying attention? I gave up trying to help him after his sister's anniversary last year, and from the sounds of it, he had spiralled further out of control than I had imagined.

I was just about to delve deeper into the matter of drugs when Rosemary strode over to me to, taking my finished mug since I had pushed it to the side. My stomach churned, tense from the confirmation that Tyler was still having a hard time getting over his sister's death.

She squeezed my shoulder, drawing the subject to a close.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" She smiled at me with her kind brown eyes. They glittered with excitement, coaxing me to cave in and accept the invitation.

My eyes flickered to the ajar door to my left, giving me a perfect view of the extravagant dining hall. Knowing that the ebony long table could seat up to sixteen people, my eyes found Taylor's seat beside the head of the table.

Sliding my gaze back to Rosemary, my shoulders deflated.

I had no place in this household anymore, not since Taylor had passed away. Not that I wasn't welcome - the twins' parents and Rosemary loved me - but it just didn't feel right to sit in the vacant seat that Taylor had left behind.

Not to mention, Tyler obviously didn't like me very much, or at all.

I shook my head vigourously, spraying spots of water on the floor as the ridiculous invite settled in.

"Does Tyler even know that I'm here?" I asked Rosemary.

With a sad smile, she accepted my decline and started opening cupboards, pulling out pots and pans. The sound of clanging metal filled the room, bouncing off the largely spaced walls and creating a soft echo.

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