Chapter 5: Wrong About Him All Along

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By the time I got home, my cheeks dwindled into a pale flush compared to the raging red that they'd been during Home Economics. I spent the entire hour during class ignoring the discreet stares, hushed whispers and the occasional snort from Michelle. I mean, what was that girl's problem?

I didn't do much that evening except tackle my English Literature homework, texting Mona for help on the last few questions and researching recipes before Mom came home. I had no idea why I was even bothering with the stupid project? Tyler seemed intent on making us fail before giving it a fair shot.

During dinner, Mom filled me in on the latest gossip regarding her workplace whilst I sagged deeper into my seat, trying to ignore the feeling of pure hatred that I was developing for Tyler. It sank to the pit of my belly and seeped through my deep frown.

I was trying to keep up with her conversation, nodding occasionally and inputting a question but my mind kept retreating back to the image of the seething glower he had given me before he stormed out of the classroom. It was haunting me, devouring my insides so that I couldn't stomach my dinner.

Mom kept shooting me concerned glances but kept quiet at my lack of concentration, filling the silence with stories about the broken photocopier in her office and how much it was driving her crazy.

However, my mind continued to suffocate me with budding thoughts about the guy who despised me, blossoming until they were deafening.

Yes, I had insulted him. Yes, he hated me. And yes, I was sorry.

But did he really have to embarrass me like that in front of the whole class? The least he could have done was pretend to work with me so I didn't have to encounter such humiliation, watching the smug smiles Michelle kept flashing me every few minutes.

It's not like I meant it when I called him 'useless in the grand scheme of life'. I was just angry and frustrated about having to deal with my birthday, my father's death and Mom's pending breakdown. I had a lot going on; he of all people should have understood that.

I was well aware that I went too far but there was some truth to everything I had said and he knew it. I struck a nerve like lightning, painfully reminding him all that he had lost in the past few years. But Tyler couldn't expect to have everything handed to him on a silver platter for the rest of his life. I got that he was insanely rich but if he couldn't pass senior year and graduate high school then what did he expect to do after that without any qualifications?

Just as I was being sucked into my own personal vortex, Mom's voice cut through my raging thoughts.

"Ashley dear, are you okay? You seem a bit distant."

I glanced down at my deserted dinner, watching my fork drown in the midst of the spaghetti and bolognese sauce.

"I'm fine," I replied in a flat tone, refusing to look up from my plate.

Twirling my fork, I scooped up the spaghetti, stuffed it into my mouth and chewed quickly.


I met Mom's eyes, swallowing slowly as she raised a thin eyebrow. Her eyes bored into mine and I sighed heavily, dropping the pretence. I knew that she would eventually force it out of me, one way or another.

"I got paired with Tyler for this project in Home Ec. but he hates me so much that he won't work with me," I muttered quickly, hastily tucking a curl behind my ear when it fell into my eyes. "My teacher is going to fail us if he doesn't step up."

Mom's expression remained blank as I let my words sink, but after a few seconds she blinked at me, confused and relieved that my problem had nothing to do with my nightmares.

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