Chapter 2

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     "Good bye little butterfly" Ladybug said as she released a now white butterfly

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     "Good bye little butterfly" Ladybug said as she released a now white butterfly. She looked over at Chat Noir who was acting strange, he was quieter then usual and he hadnt even try to flirt with her today. She walked over to him, "Today was pretty easy dont you think kitty?" She said trying to cheer him up but he just nodded not looking up at her. She sighed,"You ok Chat Noir?" She asked pure worry in her voice. He just nodded again, he held her hand still not looking at her though. She didnt want to pull away, she wanted to make him feel better so she moved closer to him. He turned to look at her," Can i take you somewhere ma' lady."  He asked she wanted to say no because she wanted to go make Adrien a gift for she would have an excuse to talk to him, but the way Chat Noir was acting she couldnt say no he just looked so sad. "Sure, let me go before i run out of time ill be back in 10 minutes ok?" She said with a smile. He just nodded still having that sad look in his eyes. She swung home and made it just in time. Tikki was on the bed now and looked tired, Marinette grabbed her a cookie from her dresser, "Whats with him Tikki, ive never seen him like this before?" Marinette was pacing her room trying to figure it out. "Maybe he'll tell when you guys go on your date." Tikki said smiling and eating her cookie. Marinette quickly responded," Its not a date! Hes just upset and needs someone to talk to." Tikki laughed finishing her cookie, "spots on?"Tikki asked, "spots on." Mairnette said.

     She went back to the park where she left him, he wasnt there yet so she sat on the bench to wait. He came about a few minutes later still with the same look," Come on ma' lady" he said walking away. Ladybug quickly followed him, she tried to make conversation but he just wasnt himself and wouldnt talk. They got to an old building, "This is where?" Ladybug asked looking up at the dump. He nodded before going inside not even looking at her. A thought came to her mind," Are you mad at me Chat Noir."  she asked hurt in her voice. He quickly turned around and placed both hands on her shoulders, "No, i could never be mad at you ladybug, i-i lov-" He was cut off by a loud bang coming from down the stairs. Ladybug quickly ran down to look but once she got to the bottom she stepped into the trap and the chains pulled her to the wall. "Chat! Help me out."She said as Chat Noir came from the stairs hoping over the trap. "I cant" he said with his head down. "What do you mean you cant? Use your cataclysm." Ladybug said in a panic as she could hear someone was there. She saw Hawk Moth come up from behind Chat Noir. "Chat Noir behind you!" She screamed but they both did nothing, Hawk Moth just looked at her and Chat Noir still had his head down. Ladybug was seeing what was happening, "Chat, what are you doing?!?!" She asked with fear and worry in her voice and all over her face. "Im sorry Ladybug." He looked up at her guilt on his face. "Give me your  miraculous." Hawk Moth said holding his hand out. He glanced at Ladybug before going for his ring. "CHAT!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!!?" She yelled but he didnt listen and pulled it off. Adrien was standing there and Ladybug was staring at him,"Adrein? You're Chat Noir?"  She asked shocked. He looked down at his ring"Not anymore" he said as he handed it to Hawk Moth. "No Adrein!" Ladybug yelled and tried to get lose. 

      "Get me her  miraculous." Hawk Moth said to Adrien. He looked down at the floor then back at Ladybug. "Adrien please, dont do this." She begged as he walked up to her looking into her blue eyes. "Adrein, after everything weve been through to keep him from getting the miraculous, dont throw it away now." He sighed and reached for her earrings,"Adrien stop please!I love you!" He froze. He took a step back,"You love me?" He asked with his eyes wide. "Yes." She answered, her face getting red as she looked down," Adrien, you're better then this i know you are, we can make it out together." Ladybug said looking into his green eyes. "Her miraculous!" Hawk Moth yelled. Adrien jumped then the guilt filled his face again,"Im sorry ma' lady" He said as he walked back towards her ,"Were suppose to be a team remember? Please Adrien, Chat Noir, i need you." Hawk Moth laughed a bit, "Anything you guys had is nothing compared to what im offering him." Adrien took off her earrings, "NO!!" she screamed as the suit vanished and Mairnette stood there. "Mairnette?!?! You're Ladybug!?" Adrein asked shocked, his eyes were wide and his jaw hung open. "Adrien please give me back my earrings, it wont end well if you give them to him." Marinette said trying to get him back on her side, "Adrein! Give me them!" Adrien turned to Hawk Moth and began walking towards him.

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