Chapter 25

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      Marinette woke in the morning in a panic, was it real? Was it a dream? Did that it all happen or did she just dream it all

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      Marinette woke in the morning in a panic, was it real? Was it a dream? Did that it all happen or did she just dream it all. She looked up and saw her earrings just sitting there, what if after she took them off she fell asleep and dreamed the whole thing. Her eyes had fear in them, it had to be real it had to be. She got dressed and got ready for school. She looked down at her earrings not sure if she wanted to put them on, she really missed Tikki. She picked them up and put them on and Tikki was flying in front of her. "Oh Marinette! I was worried you wouldnt put them on again." Tikki smiled. "I would miss you too much." She gave a little smile. She kept trying to figure it out, if it was real or not. She grabbed her bag and went down stairs, she said bye to her mom and left.

       Once she got to school she just went straight to class ignoring Chloe's stupid remarks. Alya came in and sat beside her not saying anything and neither did Marinette, thats the way things have been since the last month. Marinette looked over at Adrien's seat remembering him smiling and talking to her. " Oh isnt it quiet little Marinette, you feel talking yet?" Chloe said walking up to Marinette, "Or have you gone deaf too?" She laughed. "Hey, leave her alone Chloe she hasnt done anything to you!" Alya said defended her friend. She glared and Alya, "Right, i forgot you still speak, maybe its good youve gone mute Marinette i dont have to hear your annoying voice anymore." Chloe said. Marinette got tired of her she stood up with her down and her hands on her desk, "You know Chloe, for someone who says my voice is annoying you might really want to hear yourself. Your voice is one of the most annoying things ive ever heard, wait i take that back your stupid laugh is the most annoying things ive ever heard. You talk about how much better you are then me, then anyone when youre the most shallowest person ive ever met. Youre rich i get, everyone here gets it so you should just sit down, stop talking, and learn to be nice for once because money doesnt get you everything, you cant buy friends, you make them by being nice the only reason Sabrina is your friend is because she doesnt have any other ones. Money doesnt buy everything Chloe, so stop acting so much better then everyone!" Marinette said. Alya sat there her eyes wide, everyone was just starring at her not saying anything. Even Chloe was shocked that Marinette talked, and that she said that. "Yeah well i- i" Chloe started. "Save it Chloe, i dont care what you have to say." Marinette said before grabbing her bag and walking out of the class , passing the teacher. "Marinette!" She heard her name being called but she didnt care she just walked right out of the school not saying a word to anyone. 

     Marinette walked to the park with her down, it was just a dream her head playing tricks on her. The park was empty probably cause everyone was at school. She sat on the bench and Tikki came flying out, "I cant believe you stood up to Chloe like that Marinette." Tikki smiled but Marinette didnt she just sat there in silence. Tikki had stop smiling, she starred at Marinette hoping she was going to say something, anything but Marinette kept quiet. Tikki looked down then back at Marinette as she flew back inside her bag. Marinette looked next to her and remembering how her Adrien would sit there, she quickly looked down again trying to get him out of here head. She just starred blank at the floor, not moving just sitting there starring at the grass under her feet. She didnt realize how long she was sitting there because she heard her name being called, "Marinette!" Alya said rushing over to Marinette. She sat on the bench, she thought to herself before trying to cheer up Marientte, "Wow girl, you were awesome in class! Chloe hasnt said anything to anyone today." Alya said smiling but Marinette stayed the same. "Do you want to go visit Adrien? Alya asked with a small smile. Marinette looked up, what if he was still asleep then she would know for sure if she was dreaming or not. She was scared, she wasnt sure if she really wanted to or not. "Come on Marinette, once he was wakes up he wants to see you happy, not a sad Marinette." Alya said still trying to cheer her up. "Its all my fault though." Marinette finally spoke, it was quiet like whisper.

      "Its not youre fault Marinette, Adrien was at the wrong place at the wrong time. You had nothing to do with it Ladybug was there she said Hawk Moth was in Adrien's house and threw his staff at him. You didnt do anything." Alya said but the more she talked the harder Marinette tired not cry and she gripped her pants harder as well. "You dont know anything." She said through closed teeth as she stood up. "I was there, its my fault!" She yelled turning to face Alya. "Marinette just calm down ok."  Alya said getting more worried then she already was. "NO! That should have been me, i should have believed him!" She screamed as tears ran down her cheeks. Alya stood up and tried to hug Marinette but she just pulled away. More people were coming to the park. "Marinette it wasnt your fault, you couldnt have done anything even if you wanted to, lets go some where else ok? Just me and you well talk there." Alya said but Marinette didnt budge. "No, you dont get it do? I was there, he tired to throw his staff at me, it should have been me not Adrien he was just trying to help." She said. Pain filled Alya's eyes as she saw her best friend crying as much as she was, "Marinette, youre just upset and youre thinking that you were there because you wish that you could have done something but you werent there you couldnt save him." Alya said. "You think i imaged it? Do you think im going crazy? I was there Alya! I know what happened! It was my fault, it was all my fault! Cant anyone see that! I took off his miraculous so he couldnt do anything so he jumped in the way to protect me! Dont you get it Alya, im Ladybug." she said that last part in a whisper looking down as more tears kept falling. Alya stood with worry in her eyes, "Ok Marinette, we should just get you home. Youve had a long day and you probably just need to get some sleep or maybe something to eat, did you eat today?" Alya asked. Marinette got more mad, "Do you think im lying? Or do you think ive gone crazy?" Marinette asked looking at a concerned Alya. "No, i just-" " No, come on." Marinette cut her off then grabbed her wrist and taking her out of the park and into and alley. "You think im lying? Tikki, spots on!"

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