Chapter 14

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        "You told her!" Adrien yelled just storming in his father's office

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        "You told her!" Adrien yelled just storming in his father's office. His dad looked up annoyed, "What are we talking about?" He asked looking at Adrien who was furious. He shut the door walking into the room more,"You told Ladybug i set her up." Adrien said looking at his father standing up. "Thats what were talking about." Adrien's dad said walking around his desk." She hates me now!" Adrien yelled. "So you're mad because i told her the truth, she was going to find out sooner or later." His father said walking over to Adrien but he took a step back. "You should have just let me tell her." Adrien said. "And when were you going to do that? You didnt tell her the truth when she asked you? You made up your own story to save yourself, its not  my fault you lied to her you did that all on your own." His father said. "I just didnt want her to hate me." Adrien said looking down letting out a sigh. "Well theres nothing you can do now so stop protecting the girl and help me." His father said reaching his hand out for a hand shake. Adrien's hands went into fists as he looked up at his father, " I would never help you against her!" Adrien yelled before walking out.

       Marinette woke the next morning, she got ready for her day smiling the whole time. She looked over at Tikki who was smiling back, "Oh Tikki, im going out with Adrien today, with Alya and Nino too but also with Adrien." Marinette said spinning around her room with a giant smile on her face. "Thats great Marinette im really happy for you" Tikki said flying up with Marinette, "Just remember you have that thing at 8 and i, i think you should take Chat Noir. You dont know anything about this guy it just might be safer. " Tikki said. Marinette sighed and sat down on her chair, "I rather trust a stranger who told me the truth then a friend who lies to me." Marinette said," I just dont know anymore Tikki, in my diary it says Chat Noir never lies to me but with everything thats happened, i dont know what to believe." She laid her head down on her desk. "Marinette, you never let him explain." Tikki said. "I just dont want to hear anymore lies Tikki." Marinette stood up and opened her bag,"Lets go, i need to go meet up with everyone." 

     Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Adrien were hanging out at the park. Marinette would blush every time Adrien would talk to her, she wasnt freaking out though. Now that they're together she felt more comfortable with him and she liked that. Everything was going great until she looked at her phone and saw it was already 7:30, they've hung out all day but she didnt want it to end yet but she knew she had to go. She sighed, "I have to go now guys, bye." She stood up and so did Alya, "No wait girl ill walk you, i wouldnt want you to go alone." Alya smiled and so did Marinette, "Its ok Alya ill be fine." Adrien stood up, "Dont worry Alya ill walk her home." Adrien said smiling holding Marinette's hand. Her face got a bright red, "Thats only if its ok with you?" Adrien said slightly blushing and scratching the back of his head with his other hand. "Y-yeah." Marinette manged to say still red. 

     They were walking to the bakery still holding hands but Marinette was back to her normal color. "So why do you have to go back ma'- Marinette." Adrien said quickly hoping she didnt notice he was about to call her ma'lady. She tried thinking of an answer to even notice that," I uh need to do my homework, yeah." Marinette said smiling then started looking forward. Adrien saw her earrings, he remembered that she hates him and when she gets her memory back shes not gonna want anything to do with him or Chat Noir, not like she wants anything to do with Chat Noir right now anyway. He looked down with a frown forgetting Marinette was right beside him. "Is something wrong?"  She asked as she stopped walking making their hands pull away. He turned around and quickly smiled,"No no, nothings wrong dont worry." He said as he started walking again, Marinette followed but she didnt believe him,something was wrong and she wanted to ask about it but she didnt want to push the issue and make him feel uncomfortable so she didnt say anything. The walk home was quiet, she had an upset look and Adrien just had a blank one neither one of them said anything. When they got there he gave her a hug and said goodnight before just walking away. She went inside with the same expression, she said hi to her parents before just laying on her bed. Tikki flew out, "Well that was weird but he said nothing was wrong so dont worry about it Marinette." Tikki said trying to cheer her up. She sighed,"No Tikki, something was wrong i know it." Marinette said.She looked at the time 7:49. "Lets go Tikki."

     "Do you think she noticed?" Adrien asked Plagg who was flying around trying find something to eat. "That you were upset? Oh yeah!"Plagg said. Adrien sighed, "It was that obvious huh?" Adrien laid down on his bed. "You're a model not an actor Adrien, just go talk to Ladybug try and fix things with her." Plagg said taking a bite of the cheese.  "Yeah i would love to Plagg if Ladybug was out." Adrien said. "She is, she went swinging by about 10 minutes ago." Plagg said finishing the cheese. "What?! And you're telling me now! Plagg claws out!"

     Ladybug went down the stairs into the barely lit up room, "Hello Ladybug." She looked up at the railing and saw the figure again. "What do you want?" She asked, she didnt want to be here, she didnt want to find out anything else but at the same time she did. "My miraculous." He answered. She pulled it out, she looked up at him,"Why should i give it to you, im not even sure if its yours. Why should i trust you?" She said her voice stern and her grip got tighter on the box. "Im the miraculous guardian. Thats how i know its you Marinette, i gave you the power to be Ladybug i saw courage, strength, and kindness inside you. I needed a good Ladybug to fight Hawk Moth and bring me back the miraculous so i keep it safe, now i need you to give it to me so i can make sure it doesnt fall in the wrong hands again." He said. Ladybug looked down the box, she was scared to give it to him she didnt want to make a mistake but what if he was telling the truth, he told the truth about Chat Noir. She sighed,"OK" she pulled her arm back ready to throw the the box to him.

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