Chapter 15

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      She sighed,"OK" she pulled her arm back ready to throw the the box to him

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      She sighed,"OK" she pulled her arm back ready to throw the the box to him. "NO LADYBUG!" Chat Noir yelled throwing his staff to knock the box out of her hand. It hit the floor and rolled over to the pile of metal. "Chat Noir? What are you doing here?" She asked anger on her face. "Thats Hawk Moth." Chat Noir said coming closer to her," He wants his miraculous so he can take ours." He tried to explain. "Hes lying to you again."The figure yelled down, Ladybug looked down trying to think, "Would i ever lie to you bug-boo?" Chat Noir said, Ladybug looked at him anger in her eyes, "You have before." She said before running and grabbing the miraculous. "NO!" Chat Noit screamed. He grabbed his staff, Ladybug was about to throw it to the figure but before she could Chat Noir swung his staff at her feet making her fall and the miraculous go straight above then hitting the floor rolling somewhere else. "Please, just stop." He asked pain in his eyes. "She got flashed back,  Ladybug quickly hopped over Chat Noir to run up the stairs but before she could Cat Noir used his staff to knock her down,"Please Marinette, just stop." She hopped up and looked at Chat Noir and saw hurt in his eyes.

      "You know who i am." She whispered as she stood up looking at him in the eyes. " Ladybug, i- i." She wiped away a tear that was starting to roll down her cheek, "Just more lies." She jumped over him, she pulled her yoyo out and threw it to hit Chat Noir but he blocked it with his staff, "Please i can explain." He begged but she paid no attention, " I trusted you!" She yelled as she hopped over his staff as he tried to swing at her. "You still can, please listen to me." He said blocking her yoyo. "Im done listening!" He saw she was really crying now, this is his fault all of it. "Im sorry." He said jumping back and  quickly getting the miraculous. He ran up the stairs as Ladybug chased after him, "Get the miraculous!" The figure yelled. 

     They stood on top of roof staring at each other, Chat Noir had pain and regret in his eyes and Ladybug had sorrow and anger, she stopped crying at that point. "Listen please i-"" NO MORE LIES CHAT! I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT!" She screamed before throwing her yoyo but he quickly jumped over it using his staff. "I set you up, yes. I know you're Marinette, yes. And i did lie to you but let me explain everything please." He asked trying not to get hit. "I told you Chat i dont want to hear it!" She grabbed his arm with her yoyo then pulling him closer, she jumped around him so she tied him up. She opened his pocket and took the box. "Dont give it to him!" Chat Noir said, "I am because hes telling me the truth."  Ladybug said before quickly letting Chat Noir go and swinging away. He quickly chased after her.

     She ran into the build and going straight down the stairs, "Catch!" She threw the box at the figure, he caught it before running through the door. "NO!" Chat screamed as he ran into the room, "Do know what you just did?!" He asked this time he was mad. "I do." Ladybug said she was just as mad as he was. "You just brought the villain back, i hope you're happy." Chat said as he started walking away. "Happy? You think im happy?" Chat turned to see Ladybug with a sad look," Im not happy Chat, im sad and angry. I trusted you, you- you were the one person i could tell anything to. But you lied to me, you betrayed me Chat. Im not happy, that was Hawk Moth, i never shouldve done this Ladybug thing." She covered her eyes, Chat's eyes filled with sadness. He walked over to her, he tried to comfort her but right when he tried to place his hand on her shoulder she ran out of the building in full speed, but when got out there she was gone. 

     Marinette was in her room, "What have i done Tikki? I gave Hawk Moth back his miraculous!" Marinette said laying on her bed. "Dont worry Marinette, you and Chat Noir can handle this." Tikki said trying to stay positive. "No Tikki, i messed up so bad, i cause the problem i didnt believe Chat Noir in the first place, if i had none of this would have happened."  Marinette said as she stood up pacing her room. "How do you know that was Hawk Moth?" Tikki asked. "The way Chat Noir handled it, i dont know something about it, just made me believe him." Marinette stopped and looked in the mirror, she sighed,"This is all my fault." She laid on her bed and covered her eyes with her pillow.

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