Chapter 17

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    "I hate this place

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    "I hate this place." Marinette said to Tikki. She slowly looked around, trying to see anything to get another flash back. The basement was cold and dark, the dim light was on but it gave Marinette the creeps. "This isnt working." Marinette complained to Tikki. "It'll work Marinette, it just takes time." Tikki said and Marinette just nodded. She sat on the floor, leaned against the wall, laid against the metal, laid flat on the floor, "Tikki, its not working. Can we just go home now?" Marinette asked. Tikki giggled then nodded. Marinette stood up then wiped the dust off herself. "Who are you talking?" Adrien came down the stairs. Marinette jumped up, "Oh- i uh i- well you see, it was just i- i was practicing for i play, yea." Marinette said scratching the back of her head. "Ok" Adrien said with a weird look. "Why are you in here though?" He asked walking up to Marinette. "Its quiet." Marinette said calming down. "Ok, do you want me to help you practice?" Adrien offered. "Oh no its ok, we need to go back to school anyway." Marinette smiled then started walking to the stairs. Adrien went right beside her and held her hand, she blushed and looked down he smiled. 

     After school Marinette and Adrien were talking outside of the school. Marinette was waiting for Alya and Adrien was waiting to get picked up. "So Marinette, i wanted to know if you want to hang out tomorrow?" Adrien asked scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, that would be nice." Marinette smiled. "Hey Marinette, hi Adrien." Alya said walking up to Marinette and Adrien. "Hi Alya." Adrien said with a smile but then he saw his limo and sighed in disappointment, "Well i have to go, talk to you guys later. " Adrien waved then walked over to the car. 

     Adrien got home and went straight for his room, when he opened his door his father was standing by the window. "Are you ready to tell me where the miraculous is?" His father asked not looking away from the window. "Even better, ill go get it for you." Adrien said throwing his bag on his bed. "Can i trust you this time." His father asked turning around. "Yes, only if you swear to leave Marinette alone." Adrien said his voice stern. "Its a deal." His father put his hand out, Adrien looked at it before shaking it. "Good, go now." He said before walking out. "Are you crazy?!" Plagg flew out. Adrien laughed, "Just enough. Plagg claws out!"  

     Chat Noir went straight for Marinette's house. He jumped through the window, to see a shocked Marinette on her computer chair. "Chat, what are you doing here?"She asked standing up. "Listen, wheres the miraculous?" He asked. "Why?" Marinette asked with a confused face. "I need you to do something for me." He said then whispered what she had do to do. She nodded a little confused and Chat Noir jumped out the window. 

     Chat Noir went to an alley and transformed back to Adrien. Plagg flew out, "I dont think this is going to work Adrien." Plagg said sitting on Adrien's hand. "Yeah, why not?" Adrien asked with a smirk. "What are you going to do when daddy gets mad?" Plagg said, now he was smirking. Adrien sighed in frustration, " Ill figure it out." He stood up and walked out of the alley. "Hey Adrien." Nino said the looked in the alley where Adrien came from, "What were you doing?" He asked with a weird look. "Oh nothing just trying to get away from my body guard." He said smiling. "Oh ok dude, hey do wanna hang out tomorrow?" Nino asked. "No, sorry dude i have plans with Marinette." Adrien said Nino nodded. "What about now? Do you have any plans?" Nino asked. "Yeah i need to go now actual so ill see you later Nino." Adrien said before walking off. Nino waved good bye and started listening to music. After about 20 minutes Adrien transformed into Chat Noir, and headed back to Marinette's house. He jumped through the window and Marinette stood up. "Is it ready?" Chat asked. Marinette walked over to him, "Here" she handed him the Hawk Moth miraculous but there was crack on it, "Now can you tell me whats going on?" She asked. "In all good time ma'lady." He said before jumping out the window again. 

     Chat Noir jumped through his window to see father there already. "Took you long enough." He said with annoyed look. Chat Noir transformed back to Adrien, and Plagg fell onto the bed. Adrien's dad stared at him, "What? You've had kwami before." Adrien said taking him out of his thoughts. "Right, now where is the miraculous?" Adrien looked at it in his hand then back at his father, "Here." Adrien handed it to him then quickly taking a step back. "Yes, wait why is there a crack?" His father looked angry. "I found it like that in the basement, it probably cracked when it hit the floor." Adrien said with his hands crossed. "Does it work?" His father asked. "I dont know, i dont wear it." Adrien said back. His father walked out. Adrien sat on his bed and sighed, "That went better then i thought." Adrien said as Plagg flew up in front of him. "Now, what are you going to do with the real miraculous big shot?" Plagg asked taking a bite of cheese. "Keep it with Marinette." Adrien said, "She made it look so real." Adrien laid on his bed and shut his eyes to relax. On the other side of the door was his father listening to him. A smile crossed his face as he got an idea, he started walking through the hall and tossed the fake miraculous into the trash.

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