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Gerard was in the kitchen, making Michael breakfast and hoping his younger brother would eat this morning.

Ever since their parents passed, Michael had been in a deep depression, not having been really doing much of anything recently. Except, Gerard had noticed had stunk of wine a couple times and obviously was hungover some mornings.

The loud gagging echoing the house being a sign that it was one of those mornings.

Gerard heard the toilet flush and the miserable looking blue haired boy trudged downstairs, sitting at the breakfast bar and holding his head, looking like a zombie.

"Kill me." Michael whimpered as he held his head, his brain throbbing and his stomach lurching with each movement he made. "Don't drink so much." Gerard sighed, now having to be like his parent instead of just a brother.

"It's not that easy Gee, you should understand." Michael mumbled and Gerard felt a ping of pain in his chest, "You know how hard my alcoholism was and you know how fucked up I was? Don't you think that was pretty low of you?" The older boy scolded, "I'm pretty low right now so I don't really care." Michael scoffed and went back upstairs, planning on sleeping the hangover off and Gerard sighed.

"This will never be easy"

Michael was in his bedroom, drinking straight from a wine bottle and listening to his depressed playlist.

The number one cure for a hangover is more alcohol right?

Michael's phone buzzed and he looked at the text, blinking a few times do to the brightness and trying to get his vision to focus.

Michael immediately got up and put the alcohol down, going downstairs after slipping on shoes, ignoring Gerard and going outside, getting in his friend's car.

"I don't wanna be able to think straight tonight." Michael mumbled as Calum drove to the nearest club, a small chuckle leaving Calum's lips.

"I'll make sure you get home." Calum mumbled and Michael smiled, fake of course but he didn't wanna seem too rude.

They got to the club and Michael rushed inside, immediately going to get alcohol and downing whatever drink he was given as fast as possible.

"Fuck." He mumbled as he sat down on the bar stool, his head already on the cold wood of the bar. "It's gonna be a rough night for you won't it?" Calum asked and Michael looked up at him with a completely serious expression.

"It's always a rough night for me"

Gerard sat at home, nervously tapping his foot as we waited for his younger brother to come home, sober or not. Probably not.

It was almost 1 am......he was getting fucking scared at this point.

Suddenly their was a knock on the door and Gerard jumped up, opening it and seeing a bloody and bruised Michael leaning on Calum's shoulder, basically unconscious. "Oh my god, what happened to him?" Gerard asked as he took Michael in his arms, "Bar fight." Calum sighed and then left, not even saying goodbye or anything.

Not that Gee expected it, Calum wasn't a good kid and he hated that Michael decided to hang around him, not liking the way he's rubbed off on him.

Gerard shut the door with his foot and sat Michael on the couch, going and getting an ice pack and the first aid kit for his brother. The red haired boy gently took off Michael's jacket, wrapping the bruises and cuts in bandages.

Michael moved his head slightly, whining and opening his eyes a wee bit, "M-mama?" Michael whimpered out, obviously out of it, Gerard's heart breaking at his words. "Sweetie, it's Gee, it's your brother." He cooed and put some ice on Michael's black eye, making him wince and whine at the cold.

"I want mama." Michael whimpered and Gerard sat next to him, letting him lean on him, "She's not here right now sweetheart." He cooed, "She at work late again?" Michael slurred and Gerard hummed in response, trying not to cry. "She's always working, I want her to be home." Michael huffed and laid his head in Gerard's lap, falling asleep in seconds.

Gerard smiled weakly, picking him up and carrying him to bed, laying him down and tucking him in, removing the ice from his face.

"You'll get better, I promise"

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