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Gerard walked on the sidewalk beside his tattooed boyfriend, their hands linked together as the taller boy tried his best to hold in tears, worried sick about his little brother.

"He'll be okay Gee, you got better and so will Michael." Frank cooed, trying to make his red haired boyfriend feel better in the slightest. "But I was beyond fucked up and Michael looks so much worse." He sighed and Frank saw his lip wobble, immediately pulling him into a hug and Gerard let out a sob, letting his shoulders fall and sobbing into his shoulder.

"I-I-I do-on't want him to w-wind up l-like m-me." Gerard sobbed and Frank's heart broke, knowing that his addiction was very hard on him and Frank rocked him slightly, it slightly difficult do to his height and Gerard being a bit taller than him.

They were both small and Michael kinda towered over them both, but they were adorable and small.

"He'll be okay Gee.....I promise you"

Michael was at Calum's house, hanging out with Brendon amd his boyfriend, Dallon. All of them passing a bong around, as well as drinking from a wine bottle and taking Xanax when ever he felt tense.

Which was a lot lately.

Michael leaned over to Calum and booped his nose, giggling a little and he handed Dallon the bong, falling into Calum's lap, drunk and high.

"You're a cutie patootie Cally." Michael giggled, "I just wanna kiss you." He mumbled and looked up, Calum having a small smirk and he connected their lips, Michael immediately kissing back and smiling a little before pulling away.

"Michael will you be my boyfriend?"

Frank and Gerard were at home when they heard Michael giggling, but also someone else giggling too as the snell of weed filled the house, making a churning feeling of worry appear in Gee's stomach.

Gerard walked out to see Michael with his arms around Calum's neck, smiling and pecking his lips before Calum left.

"Mikey who was that?" Frank asked and Michael smiled widely, which made Gerard happy, but sad because he was only happy due to drugs.

"It was my boyfriend!"

Gerard laid in bed, cuddled up to Frank's side and he let out a small sigh. "He's fucking himself over." He mumbled and Frank moved some red piece of hair from out of his bright hazel eyes.

"He'll get better princess." Frank cooed and pecked Gerard's lip, making a small smile appear on his face. "You're touch is magical." Gerard smiled and kissed his nose, making Frank chuckle slightly.

Although while this was happening, Michael was sneaking out once again with Calum......looking for something bigger to use instead of just weed and Xanax.

Not knowing how fucked he was making himself

Michael was laying in Calum's lap, drinking all his pain away and occasionally sniffing due to the white powder that he had inhaled.

"This is so fun, why didn't I do it long ago?" Michael smiled as he watched his drink swirl in the bottle.

"Cuz you were in a good place"

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