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Michael was resting his head on Luke's shoulder, the blonde boy's hand roaming around Michael's eight month belly, the pregnant boy having a lazy smile on his face as was close to falling asleep. (I skipped a couple months sue me)

The two had gotten rather serious as a couple, having seen each nearly every night now and spending nights together often, it being one of those nights tonight. They had already said "I love you" and people may think they're going too fast, but they thought they were doing just fine. They had been dating for about five months now, they thought it was okay and they were happier than ever.

"Mikey you know that I really love you right?" Luke whispered as he put his lips to Michael's forehead, the blue haired boy nodding and smiling, feeling Luke move his arm.

"Like.....I wanna grow old with you and raise the baby with you and take care of you when you're sick or hurt or just need a cuddle. I wanna be here for you every chance I can." Luke cooed and Michael blushed slightly, but looked forward as he felt somethin be put on his baby bump, and he gasped, putting his hands to his face.

A velvet box with a pink diamond engagement ring inside and he sat up, turning to Luke with tears in his eyes, his hands on his mouth, barely able to speak.


Michael walked into Gerard and Frank's house, yes they moved in together. The pregnant boy walked up behind them on the couch and leant down.

"Frank I suggest you cover your ears." Michael mumbled and Frank looked at him in question, "Why?" He asked and Michael chuckled, "You'll see in a second." He smirked and put his hand in front of Gerard, making the red haired boy scream and jump up, hands over his mouth.

"MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD-WAY THIS BETTER NOT BE A FUCKING JOKE!" Gerard shouted and Frank winced from the volume, making the blue haired boy chuckle. "Luke proposed last night!" Michael exclaimed and Gerard hugged his younger brother tightly, crying slightly.

"Babe, are you crying?" Frank asked as he stood up and Gerard pulled away, wiping his eyes.

"Yes because my baby brother is getting married!"

Gerard and Frank were sitting on the couch, the red haired boy curled up in his lover's side as Frank's tattooed fingers ran through his hair, but jumping as they heard a shriek from upstairs, making Gerard rush upstairs and see Michael on the floor, hunched on the side of his bed and gripping the sheets.

"Mikey, hey sweetie what's wrong?" Gerard cooed as he bent down next to the pale boy, hearing him panting and he saw one hand on his bump, making his heart race. "I-it h-hurts." Michael sobbed, panting through the raging pain going through him at the moment.

"Shit, Frank we need to get to the hopsital!" Gerard shouted as he helped Michael up, the poor boy almost falling right back down from the pain, gripping onto his older brother's shirt and squeaking loudly as a flush of water came out of him, soaking his sweats, making Gerard panic even more and take Michael downstairs.

"Frank we need the baby bag!"

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