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"Are you sure it's okay?" Michael asked, getting ready to go on a date with Luke, having to leave Framk in charge of Cherry as Gerard was out of town. Michael was kinda freaking out about it, not having left the house without her.

"Michael, I'm good with kids, we'll be fine. Won't we?" Frank babbled as he looked down at Cherry, a small squeal leaving her lips as she shoved her fist into her mouth, sucking on it. "Okay fine, just don't burn the house down." Michael smiled and kissed Cherry's forehead, making her smile at her mummy as he left, thanking Frank as he did so.

"What shall we do?" Frank babbled as he got up, yelping slightly as Cherry grabbed onto his nipple through his shirt, making him pull her hand off and lift her up into the air. "Milk doesn't come out of those, only mummy's okay?" Frank cooed, giggling slightly and Cherry gurgled, clapping her hands and smiling a toothless smile. "Speaking of milk....did mummy leave you any?" Frank babbled to the infant in his arms, walking downstairs and looking in the fridge, pulling out a bottle of milk.

"He sure did, let's heat it up for you." Frank mumbled and stuck in it thr microwave, blowing a raspberry on her cheek and she squealed loudly, making Frank giggle and take the bottle out as the microwave beeped, sitting down and feeding Cherry the bottle, her little hands trying to hold onto it too but failing, making Frank giggle.

"I want a little girl like you.....maybe Uncle Gee does too. Hopefully he does....frick I want a baby." Frank mumbled, Cherry just staring up at him with innocent eyes.

"You wanna cousin Cherry?"

"I had fun." Michael giggled as they got home, Luke's hands on his fiancé's hips and then pinching his bum, a small yelp leaving Michael's lips. "You naughty fucker." He giggled and opened the door, "Well, the house didn't burn down so that's a good sign." Luke giggled and Michael smiled, walking in further as he heard slight snoring and he walked into the kitchen, giggling and awing at the sight.

A sleeping Frank laid on the floor, Cherry asleep on his tummy and both of them covered in flour and icing, a semi-decent looking cake on the counter with chunks taken out of it.

Michael bent down and woke Frank up, picking up Cherry and holding the sleeping baby on his shoulder. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Michael smirked and Frank sat up, flour falling off him.

"See. I'm good with kids"


(A small filler before the epilogue)

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