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Michael was laid in the hospital bed, panting heavily through a contraction and squeezed Gerard's hand, moaning and groaning about the pain. "I'm gonna kill Calum I swear!" Michael snapped, falling back as the contraction ended and Gerard ran his fingers through Michael's sweaty blue hair.

"I don't feel good and it hurts." Michael whined as Frank walked in, putting ice chips down on the beside table, going over to Michael and giving Gerard the "You look like a mess get some coffee" look and Gerard went to get coffee, the pregnant boy not needing an explanation as he already knew. "I know it seems like hell right now, but after this is all over, you're gonna have your very own baby girl or boy to take care of. Plus you'll get to see Gerard be spastic because he's an uncle." Frank smiled and Michael giggled slightly, then the black haired boy held up Michael's hand and looked at the ring on his finger.

"And you're gonna get fucking married to the boy you adore, that's just amazing. Plus, you're so strong, you can have this baby." Frank cooed and kissed Michael's forehead, making a smile and a small blush to form on his cheeks, but scrunch his face up and squeeze Frank's hand as a rippling contraction formed, making him squeak in pain and Frank rubbing his back through it, trying to help.

"Fucking hell get out of me you little fucker!"

Michael was sobbing as a nurse checked his dilation, "Where's Luke? I want Luke!" He cried, sobbing into Gerard's chest, "He's coming as soon as he can sweetie, he was in New York remember? He's come here as soon as he can." Gerard cooed and Michael let out a loud whine, fucking done with everything. (They live in New Jersey, don't freak)

"9 centimeters, you're almost there Michael." The nurse cooed before leaving and Michael sighed, "I want to fucking be there." He groaned, a hand on his round tummy as he turned on his side, closing his eyes for a minute to try and calm down slightly, but that was short lived as a god awful contraction hit him and he screamed out in pain, Gerard sitting him up and holding his hands, letting him squeeze them so hard they turned white.

"O-oh god I can feel i-it." Michael panted and Gerard looked up at him, "I-I have to p-push." Michael whimpered and almost began pushing, but Gerard stopped him. "No no no, let's get the nurse and take you to delivery okay sweetie?" He cooed and Frank called the nurse, Gerard holding his brother's hand as he panted heavily, desperately needing to push the fucking child out of him.

Nurses rushed in and took the screaming boy to the delivery room. "I-I-I w-want L-Luke!" Michael cried as they wheeled him to delivery, panting heavily and screaming from the pain, the nurse's getting him ready for the birth as they spread his legs apart as fat as they could. "Can you two hold his legs back by the knees please?" One nurse asked Frank and Gerard, both of them doing as told and no one could say another word before Michael began pushing as hard as he could, screaming in pain as he felt the baby barely slide down at all, sweat forming on his hairline and temples.

"Shit this is the worst thing ever!" Michael snapped as he threw his head back, panting and taking a small break, Frank moving sweat pieces of hair from his eyes. "Mikey, after this is over, all the pain will be gone and you'll have a baby, it'll be over soon, don't worry." Frank cooed and Michael whimpered, "I want it to be over n-now." Michael whimpered and then began pushing again as a strong contraction overwhelmed him, screaming and pushing on the pain.

"M-make it st-stop!" The poor boy sobbed as the baby's head stretched his opening slightly, making a burning and stinging pain serge through him, panting and squeaking loudly as the baby moved down, making the burning pain increase. Michael pushed down on the pain, clenching his teeth and cursing quietly as the baby crowned, a screech coming from him as he continued pushing, feeling the head pop out and he gasped, panting as he took a break.

"F-fuck......h-help me." Michael panted as he closed his eyes, drenched with sweat and tears pouring down his cheeks. Gerard and Frank's heart shattering at his words, "The head's out Mikey, you're almost there, just a little more." Gerard cooed and Michael whined, but pushed on the next contraction and screaming from the stinging pain as a shoulder slipped out, followed by the other shoulder, the pale boy falling back as the baby was pulled out, the tiny baby girl letting out wails and Michael put his head to his mouth, sobbing slightly.

Michael held his arms out as they had wrapped the baby girl in a towel, laying her in Michael's arms and she let out tiny grunts and whimpers, a tired smile spreading onto Michael's face. "You're here.....oh my god you're here." Michael whispered as the three boys looked at the tiny baby in the blue haired boy's arms, tears running down Gee's cheeks and he kissed Michael's head.

"You did it little bro"

Michael sat up in his hopsital bed, the baby who was nameless as of now, gripping onto his pinky finger with her tiny fist as he slept. "You're sleeping and I did all the're just like me." Michael chuckled, smiling down at the little pink bundle in his arms.

He heard the door creak open and he looked up, seeing Luke peak his head in and Michael gestured for him to come in, the blonde walking over to him and almost crying as he saw the baby in Michael's arms. "I'm so proud of you baby, so so proud." Luke cooed as he kissed his fiancé's head, looking at the baby girl.

"I was waiting for you to come so we could name her together." Michael whispered and Luke sat next to him, "Remember how Gerard wanted you to name her Bandit and Frank wanted you to name her Cherry and they kinda had a fight over it?" Luke giggled and Michael chuckled slightly, but then looked up at Luke.

"Cherry Bandit Clifford-Way." Michael smiled and Luke looked up at him, smiling wide.

"I love it"


Cherry Bandit Clifford-Way

Born; June 26, 2016 12:16 am Sunday


Like I wanted it to have a dedication to Gee but I didn't wanna name her Bandit cuz that's just stealing his actual daughter's name so it was fucking complicated)

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