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Michael was sat in his bedroom, home alone and waiting for Calum to show up and take him to a club, he was supposed to be at school, but he had other things to do besides here teachers bitch at him to know end.

Michael heard a car pull up and he rushed downstairs, getting into Calum's car and sighing in content, needing to get his relief from alcohol and possibly some other drug if he came across it.

Calum drove to the club and Michael immediately ordered a strong alcohol, taking a big sip from it and he began wandering around, sitting at a table and this boy came up to him with blue hair that was slightly spiked up, a lip ring and black gauges in his ears, tattoos littering his arms. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked and Michael motioned for him to go ahead as he sipped on his drink.

"I'm Brendon by the way." The boy smiled, "Michael." Michael mumbled and he saw Brendon pull out a bag of white pills, Michael immediately knowing it was a drug Gerard used to take.


Brendon passed it to Michael and the pale boy raised an eyebrow, "Look, dude I have no money for this." Michael sighed and was about to push it back but Brendon stopped him. "I sell it to other people, you seem like a nice guy, I'll just give it to you for free." He smiled and Michael gawked slightly.

Michael opened the bag a took a pill, swallowing it dry and he immediately felt calm. His muscles relaxed and he felt slightly tired, but he felt good.

"Holy...." He trailed off and Brendon chuckled slightly, knowing this was Michael's first time based around his reaction to the drug. "These are magic why didn't I use these before?" Michael mumbled and Brendon shrugged, Calum walked over and chuckled as he saw Michael holding the bag of pills.

"I see you found out about the miracle pill."

Gerard was in the kitchen has he waited for Michael to get home after drinking, it sadly only being noon. He could only pray that Michael didn't die from alcohol poisoning or something, only God knows what the pale boy was doing out there.

Gerard heard someone open the door and then a thud, immediately stopping his cooking and going over to see Michael laying on the floor, a lazily grin on his face and his eyes barely open.

"Are you high?" Gerard asked as he helped Michael stand, the blue haired boy falling into his older brother and mumbling incoherent things into his chest. Gerard let out a sigh and picked Michael up, carrying him upstairs and laying Michael in bed, the pale boy passing out and snoring slightly as soon as he closed his eyes.

Gerard noticed a bag in his pocket and took it out, seeing the Xanax pills and he almost broke down into sobs. He knew how addictive those were and he knew that they were bad to mix with alcohol, which Michael drank like it was water.

Gerard out the bag of pills down and rushed downstairs, calling the only person he could talk to right now.

"Frankie, can you please come over?"

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