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Frank was laying in his and Gee's bed, having gotten rather sick a couple days ago and needing to be taken care of. Gerard was taking care of him most of the time, but he was at work so Michael was doing so, even at five months along.

"Michael you're gonna be sick." Frank mumbled, looking at the pregnant boy and Michael smiled softly, "Don't worry about me, I'll be okay." The blue haired boy cooed as he laid the wet wash cloth on his fiery forehead, making Michael frown slightly as his fever only spiked.

"Get some rest before Gee gets home okay?" Michael cooed and the ill boy nodded, coughing slightly and curled up, falling asleep as Michael got up and left, rubbing his baby bump.

Michael knew it was a risk to be around Frank while pregnant, but he wanted to help him when Gee want home so he took the risk, but he made sure to try not to get sick.

Hopefully his plan didn't backfire

Frank woke up and started coughing roughly, startling Michael and Gerard downstairs and the red haired boy immediately dashed upstairs, going over to Frank who was turning red in the face from coughing so hard. "Frankie, baby you need to breathe." Gerard cooed and Frank kept hacking and coughing, not even able to get a word out from coughing so hard.

Gerard held Frank's free hand as he saw Michael call 911, knowing Frank wasn't doing good as he kept hacking, the red haired boy tried calming Frank down as his coughing had turn into hyperventilating. "Sweetie, Frankie you need to breathe, take deep breaths." Gerard cooed and Frank shook his head, "C-can't." He choked out.

"Yes you can baby. You need to try for me love." Gerard cooed and Frank was beginning to calm down just as paramedics came in, getting him to an ambulance as small coughs were escaping him, everyone knew they were gonna become worse.

"G-Gee, I-I'm sc-scared." Frank whimpered out as the put an oxygen mask on him, holding Gerard's hand tightly. "You'll be okay baby boy. I promise." Gerard cooed and Framk smiled weakly.



Frank woke up in a hospital bed, immediately being engulfed in a gentle hug by his boyfriend. "Frankie oh my goodness you scared me so much." Gerard whispered as he ran his fingers through Frank's long black hair, a small smile on the sick boy's face.

"How are you feeling now baby? Does anything hurt?" He cooed and Frank nodded, incredibly tired. "Chest." Frank whispered before falling back asleep, too tired to speak anymore and Gerard smiled a small smile, sitting next to Frank and letting him cuddle up to his side, holding his warm hand in his own.

"Feel better Frankie"


(I'm so sorry for the lack of updates!!! I was on a trip to Washing DC and New York so I couldn't update 😞 but I'm back!!!)

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