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Michael was at home, pacing around the living room as he waited for Calum to arrive to tell him the news, kinda hoping he'd stay and raise the baby with him.

Yet, he didn't want his child's father to be a druggie, like he was.

Michael took a deep breath, nausea sticking in his throat like glue as he heard a knock on the door, making him open the door and he gulped slightly, seeing Calum. "H-hi." Michael stammered and he let Calum in, taking a deep breath.

"You need more Xanax or something?" Calum asked and Michael shook his head.

"No, I'm actually going to rehab now." Michael mumbled, "Why?" Calum asked, "Well, I almost died the other day and well......." Michael trailed off and Calum frowned, "What happened?" Calum asked and Michael took a deep breath.

"I-I-I'm p-pr-pregnant." Michael stammered out and Calum almost passed out.

"How?!" Calum screeched, "You're a guy!" He snapped and Michael bit his lip, "I'm diffrent." Michael mumbled and Calum sighed. "I'm can't fucking believe this, I fucking knocked up a guy!" He growled.

"This isn't okay, you need to get rid of that mistake." He sighed and Michael gawked, "I'm not getting this baby aborted!" He snapped, "You can't fucking raise that thing Michael! You barely just got into rehab! I'm not gonna fucking help you and you're not gonna fucking have time for it! It has to go!" Calum screamed and Michael screeched out in frustration.

"I didn't fucking ask you to do this! I didn't ask for you to introduce me to cocaine and alcohol! I didn't ask for you to fuck me to forget things! I didn't ask for this!" Michael snapped, "But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna let my baby have a fucking chance to live!" Michael screamed and Calum rolled his eyes.

He fucking rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's your fault for taking the fucking pills in the first place and it's your fault for saying yes to it! Michael, everything that has happened to you is your fucking fault! I bet that your parents killed themselves because of you! The car crash was a set up probably! They didn't want a fucked up son like you because of your stupid defect, you can have a fucking baby! I mean what guy can have a baby?! Oh I know! A mistake like you! They realized how stupid they were to think they had a chance of making you useful, you are nothing but a worthless fatass Michael!" Calum screamed and Michael's heart literally dropped down to hell.

Did he really just say that?


Gerard came home to a completely dark house, hearing quiet sobs and he went upstairs, seeing Michael laying in bed with his arms around his tiny tummy, sobs escaping his lips. Gerard went over and Michael immediately hugged him, sobbing into his chest and Gerard saw the pink and red lines on Michael's wrists, making his heart shatter.

"No sweetheart, you haven't done this in 5 years.....why did you do this again Mikey?" He cooed and Michael sniffled, "C-Calum said mu-mum and da-ad killed th-themselves be-because of me-e an-and that I-I'm a m-mistake." Michael whimpered out and Gerard hugged his baby brother to his chest, rocking him slightly and playing with his hair.

"You know what I think of that?" Gerard asked and Michael sniffled. "I say bullshit to that. Michael, you aren't a mistake, fuck you're bringing a life into this world! That's fucking amazing Mikey! You're gonna be a mummy, and fuck Calum if he doesn't care. He was an asshole anyways, plus nothing he said was true sweetie. You're one of the best people I know." Gerard cooed and Michael hugged him tighter, sobbing.

"I love you Gee." Michael sniffled, "I'm sorry for all the shit that I've didn't deserve anything I did to you." Michael whimpered and Gerard kissed his head. "It's fine Michael, you were in a bad place." Gerard cooed and they laid down, Michael snuggling up to his brother as Gee played with his hair.

"I still love you Mikey"

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