Chapter 10: "Artist"

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A/N: Cliffhangers, huh? ;3
Switched 'Amberlyn' to 'Alice'
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Ember observed the bloodied words on her phone. She had taken a picture of the mirror before that. Three simple words; No one would know what they stood for, except for her.

The school bell rang, Ember met up with Connor at the couple's table. A few random people made wolf whistles that Ember casually waved off.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Ember shouted.

"What do you mean?" Connor asked.

"You knew that she is one of the biggest suspect and you allowed her to go right smack into the middle of our group."

"Geez, chill. She just moved into the neighbourhood and the murders have been going on for months."

Right, true. He has a point.

"Buut, she could have just decided to join the school."

"You don't even know if the killer is part of this school yet! Or if he is even a student! There's literally little to no chance that person is even Alice."

"Well, after yesterday with the blood on the mirror, I'd say there's a 90% chance the killer is in this school."

"If even so, why would the killer want to inform you that he is at the school? Wouldn't that make him easier to be found and caught?" Conor counters.

"Yeah, but I think he's trying to reach out to me." Ember said, thoughtfully.

"Reach out to you?" Conor gave a sarcastic laugh. "What for?"

"Well, I dunno. But what was written on the mirror-"

"Ugh, whatever," Conor said, rolling his eyes. He left the table without his food and exited the canteen.

Ember checked her phone for messages. She had been studying for her biology test till the early dawn.

Ember's phone
You have a message from UNKNOWN NUMBER.

Under the message
May I ask who you are??
07:57am // 2 May

There was
Liked my art work?

What artwork?

A bird tweeted at the full moon glistening in the dark cold night. Then, it flew and flew, gliding gracefully down into a slightly ajar window.

The bird entered with glee at finding such a warm place and continued flying deeper and deeper.

It soon reached the cordoned-off toilet and went straight in without any hesitation. It flew to the dripping water tap and went to have a nice drink. A feather from the bird fell gradually, gently touching the bloodied mirror which contained the words "Hello, It's Me."

Well, that was a huge commotion at your school today. Wasn't there?

A pause.

What do you want from me?

Come meet me, won't you?

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