Your Tears Annoy Me

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"Second day in hell." her mind said over and over again as the spanish teacher told students to repeat the word, Adios and amigo. Arnold wasnt there to see her drool on the desk half asleep. So she was in the clear.

Arik, however, was right behind her. But he didnt speak to her since she fell out.
Her head fell back as her eyes rolled to get a sight of Arik. Her hair blocked her view.

What's wrong with him?
Slightly annoyed, she did what she would normally do. Which is what she does best!! Bully, tease, and pick. A routine that will surely get his attention.

She balled up the piece of paper in excitement. A nasty smirk appeared heavenly on her face. The teacher was still talking in Spanish towards the class.

Just wait....

She turned to write something and as fast as lightning, she threw it SPLAT in his face.
She snickered silently with the other students, Rhonda and Stinky snickering as well.
"Helga-" a voice cold and harsh whispered. It was a voice that Helga never heard before. A little sprinkle of intimidation surrounded her cheery nature.
"Im not FUCKING around." He whispered. You could hear him holding his teeth together.

Helga rolled her eyes. "Get out your feelings, damnnn.." She scoffed his harsh tone.


A desk moved acrossed the floor, scraping the friction with dead emotions.
Everyone in the room went silent as he walked off.
Passing Helga, he glared at her.

The teacher scolded him saying "if you leave Arik, you are going to detention. And that's that."

Arik continued walking, without a second to be flustered. "Fuck it," he left the room.
The door slammed hard.
"Hot headed much?!" Rhonda snickered.
Stinky gasped, wide mouthed, "Helga, you are petty for that one."
Helga fell silent, frowning.
Maybe I over did it.


Its not my fault!! He was the one all annoyed.

She saw a quiet corner, ready to recite a full poem until-

I was astonished, i couldn't believe what i was seeing.

The girl punched the locker sides, causing a full dent in it. "Why are you in my DAMN HEAD!!" Her light blonde hair covered her enraged face.

Helga saw her cover herself in a corner in secret, her mouth full of bad words and threats.

Hilda?? She is such a HOT-HEAD!! And nobody knows it!
I snicker in secret as i hear her kick the locker, causing another dent.

What a moron, hiding your secrets in a corner so other people wont notice what you truly

I look down at my feet and realize, how pathetic i am.

"What should i do... My heart is so full of anticipation and thrill but at the same time i regret everything. I know i shouldn't make fun of her because we are just alike, that would just bring utter shame to my dignity and reputation."

I take another look at her as her tears fall to the ground.

She wipes her face and steps away from her dented locker and smiles.

I causally walk behind her.

"AHEM..." I clear my throat to get her attention which worked.

She looks back shocked. But she curves her lips in a smile anyways.

"Hi Twin!"

I easily get annoyed. How can you smile like that after injuring a locker so harshly!!

"dont call me that," I rolled my eyes.
She shrugged my rough tension right off her shoulders, "Okay Helga.." We headed into the lunchline.

"i just wanted to ask ya something," I moved closer as i got my tray.

"What did you want to ask?" she looked at me as she got her peas and pizza.

I snirred at the nasty aroma of vegtables. "umm.. whats with you and football he-- uhhh, i mean Arik." I almost gave into my youthul self.

She looked at me confused. "Me and Arik..." She froze.

The line stopped. She stopped.

"Keep the line going, I WANT ME SOME BROWNIES!!" random person shouted.
More and more people joined into a protest.

She standed still as if she couldnt her a thing.

"Hey, Hilda, I want some brownies to--" I stopped mid sentence as she dropped her plate.

Peas scattered every direction across the floor, and a good piece of pizza wasted on the wretched school floor.


She was smiling at me.. But not only that she was crying as well.

"Can you come with me." She whispered.

I didn't know what to say she was crying and smiling as if she was at war with the top and bottom of her face.

I shook my head unknowingly.

I looked back at the yelling mob and mocking laughter of the line behind me.

Everyone stopped there laughter and ignorance. As i followed Hilda out of the lunchroom.

We walked through the hallways in silence.
It was terrifying how speechless she was, cause that was a long hallway.

She headed into the bathroom, as did I.
She looped over the sink and started full out crying.

Wide eyes as i was. I looked under the bathroom stalls to check if anyone was here.
She was in the clear.

"im sorry if this looks too pathtic but i-." she let her tears drape across her skin.

"your question," she laughs a little.

I step closer to her "What about it?"

She stares at me for a good ten seconds.
Why do I feel like I regret asking her?

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