Packing Heat

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      "Hand me a beer, would ya," Arik yelled, slightly annoyed.  Sitting on a couch comfortably, with a phone in his hand.

"Yeah, yeah the party is on sunday. Didn't I say that already." He remarked to the person on the other side of the phone.

"Here," Sid tossed the bottle at him."Don't get wasted just yet." He heads back to the kitchen.


Arik was busy talking to Stinky, who he sent to get junk food by the corner store.

Stinky snorted "i recon you dont get all sassy, no one will come with that attitude."

Arik rolled his eyes. "So just get some Doritos,Ginger ale, and whatever else that looks good."

Stinky shrieked with confusion, "How do you think i'd know what look good-"

"Yeah, maybe i can't trust you, your taste in women are horrible, anyways." He says carelessly.

"Says the person who is smoohing over Ms. Patcki." Stinky snickers.

"JUST GET THE FOOD, BUM." Arik hangs up the phone harshly.

He hangs his head down.

Helga was the first girl in a long time he has ever flirted with like that. The last realationship was a disastor and broke apart of him he wished he protected. All because of some girl...

Some girl...

She ran fast, never breaking the pace. Noticing the distance between her and him shrink.

"Arik!" She releases the name from her lips.

He doesn't stop, doesn't  flinch from the sound of his name come from her sweet and innocent voice.

"Stop!" She says louder.

He stops.

"Im sorry, you don't need to go."
she walks towards his turned back.

She places a finger on his shoulder. But he moves back,turning his head.

"No! I do. I really need to leave. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW YOU HURT ME! YOU RUNIED EVERYTHING. YOU WERE A MISTAKE, SHE  WAS THE ONLY  THING I WANTED. Now that i think about it... remember how i said  there would be a second chance, well now there isnt! I thought i would forget about her if i got with you, but i cant. I love her...  SO STOP TRYING. STOP REMINDING ME OF US. STOP! YOU LOVE ME?"  He claims.

The girl was already streaking down tears. Pain and rejection showed through its reflection. Nothing but love was seeping out from her eyelids. She nods her head.

Before he could walk away. She calls his name one last time.

with us...right, remember you said that, huh? r-r-remember?" She says with mouthfull of tears. Her eyes with little light of hope.

"I do." He looks at her with pity.
"and i still love her."  he looks away. The crying girl's eyes illuminate with lifelessness and emptiness.

He walks away.

"EVERYTHING I DID-" she chokes with tears. "EVERYTHING I DID FOR YOU!" She yells loud enough for teachers and students inside classes to interfer. "I HATE YOU!" She shrikes.  He countinues walking away.

"I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU,-" She repeats louder the more his presence dissapeared. Until he was gone, she was left alone surrounded by teachers who told her to calm down. Surrouned by students who said she was crazy. Surrounded by the loss of Arik...

She loosend the fist that she wrapped her fingers in. She looks down, letting he numerous of tears tickle her cheek.

And through all the action Hilda heard it all, she heard the crying girl and Arik argue about their past. Her heart dropps and takes a glance at the heartbroken girl over the wall she hid by.

Guilt overflown her head. She wanted to speak but that would only make it worse.

Arik never knew Hilda was there. All he knew was that he didnt love that crying girl. And that was true. He loved someone else...


Sid flicked the back of his head.

Before Arik could react Sid sighed loudly.

"Your parents and mine said they would be late again." Sid ate some Froot Loops and sat beside him. "Can we invite someone in the meantime." Sid hums.

Arik looked over at him, head still hunged.
"doesnt matter, but you better tell my parents it was your doing" he looks back down.

Sid, "alright, how about Harold?"

Arik scrunches his face in confusion. "Who's that?"

Sid kept his head stuffed in some Froot Loops, "nevermind, he some boy at school who is the umpire of the baseball team." He looks at Arik, " your stil new, so i wouldn't expect you to know anyone."

Arik jolts up in effort to protest.

"What about that Arnawled guy." He says trying to remember his name.

"you mean Arnold, the one that looks like you?" Sid tries to confirm.

"He does not look like me! He is lanky and looks so uppty. Ya know... those 'the grass is always greener on the other side' guys" Arik exaggerates his tone of voice.

Sid chuckles, almost coughing up the milk that ran down his throat. "He is actaully a nice guy. He gives great advice whebever im in distress,"

"Hmm.." Arik looks up and thinks.

"Does he like Helga?" Arik's head still lifted up to the skies.

"What? Thats crazy talk! They argue all the time and do nothing but that." He correcs him.

Arik laughs a little, "whatever, im just saying what im seeing." He sneezes a little.


"Okay, damn." He gets from his seat.

*Authour Note: The fight scene was inspired by the song Gnash "i hate you and i love you". you should check it out!!😍😍😍

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