That Girl

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Arnold sat one seat away from Lila, hoping to tell him how he feels once more. But she seemed soo talkative with Rhonda and Nadine, it was hard to catch her attention at all.

Helga sat at the back of the classroom like she always did before.

Be prepared for the worst...

He waited. And waited... No spitball flew in his hair the whole time. What changed?

That boy... he took a peek at the Blonde-haired boy in the back and frowned.

Is this some joke?

They looked exactly alike. He had the eyes, the hair color, the body structure. He seemed to be having a very flirtatious conversation with Helga. But that seemed to urk him more, he knew he was up to NO GOOD.

Why was he even bothered? She would always freak out and punch him in the balls whenever he tries to get to know her. Those walls always build and Arnold is always confused, although he has a right to ignore her problems. Helga would always pick on him whenever he was getting comfortable, or whenever he does a good deed. But she has gotten more mature once she grew up.
Told ya! she does have a nice side.
He would always think to himself.
And that boy will only make Helga go back into that hole, she hides herself in.

After class was over, Lila tapped him on his shoulder lightly, while getting out of his seat to rearrange his stuff in his backpack.

"Arnold," Lila gave him a half-hearted smirk.
"About our previous talk," her eyes fell downward and lacked the enlightenment in her eyes.
"What's wrong Lila," he manages to put his hand on her shoulder without blushing.
"It's that I ever so much thought I liked you, but I just don't, I tried. But I don't feel like your that special someone that I'm looking for." She held her head up, now watching his reaction.

His stomach dropped, rejected again.
"I-it's alright Lila, at least you told me." He takes his hand away from her delicate shoulders and released a silent sigh.
"Thanks for understanding Arnold!" She grabs his hands and squeeze them softly. He, however, is not blushing, shuddering, or even acknowledging her touch.
"No problem," he says lonely.

It's 3rd period, Study hall, it's not that important. His head was still hung down, he walked dragging his feet along the ground.
"Hey man," Gerald slaps his back.
"Hey!" Arnold moves his hand on his back and rubs the pain.
Gerald was wearing a big red shirt with 33 on it and had a black Columbia jacket. His wore joggers that had an appearance as jeans, with Jordan's on his feet.
   Facial hair sprouted on his face a little and his arms are more muscular, considering that he is one of the most valued player In the basketball team.
" Lila, is on the verge of breaking my heart once again." Arnold informed him.
"Bro, your still on that," he walks up to the library and they enter the silent room. " I thought you said you were finished with her, I'm telling you, that was a bad move." He laughs to himself.
Arnold gave him a menacing glare. But he knew that it was a VERY bad move on his part.

They took a seat in the back of the library.
Gerald skimmed over pages of a comic book, while Arnold played with his pencil, replaying the scene of Lila breaking his heart. AGAIN.

"You know there are other girls out there ya know," Gerald finally breaking the silence, "Lila is not the only girl in this school."
"I guess..." Arnold makes a pouty face. And whimpers to himself. Gerald lowers his book to see Arnold laid out on the table.
"Okay man! Get out your feelings! Hey, look," he focus his eyes on some girl that was sitting at a table by herself.
Arnold looks over at her.
He only saw her backside, but you can still tell she was really cute. Her blonde hair was wrapped in a ponytail. She wore very light pink jeans with a white shirt that hugged her topside. White Vans that fit her feet perfectly. She was reciting poetry. And the sound of her voice ringed Arnold's heart.

"go over there and flirt a little, maybe that will get your mind off of Lila." Gerald pulls up his comic to read.

"I don't know Gerald, don't it seem pressuring to rush things like this and besides what do I say?" Arnold looks back at the girl then at Gerald.

"You think too much! Just be easy.. And say "hey,you look really cute and I was thinking can I get your number?" Easy!" Gerald said a little loudly.

Arnold gave a nervous laugh and rubbed his neck as he made his way towards the girl.
"hey how are you doing, you look really...sunny? nice? yummy?" He whispers himself as he approaches her.

He sits in a empty chair next to her.
She turns her head a little, her blonde bangs are still covering her face.

"Uhh, hi im Arnold.. I was wondering-"Arnold rubbed his neck akwardly and stuttered nonstop.
The girl situated her posture and moved her hand to push away her hair to reveal her face.

"HELGA!!" Arnold fell back, almost falling out the chair.

Her tender facial expression was shocked once she stopped Arnold from reaching the ground. She pulled his shoulders up, while lifting the chair.

"Are you okay?" She looked at him in concern.

Arnold was shaking with confusion. And nodded.

"Im Hilda, you must have gotten my name wrong," she offered a smile.

Hilda, but your Helga! You look like-

"Helga," he repeated himself once more.

She frowned at his wrong answer. "Its Hilda, are you sure your okay." She leaned closer. Arnold blushed heavyily.

She was obviously not Helga. This he realized. But he couldnt possibly take out his mind that he thought someone that looked like Helga, made him feel attracted to them. Hilda's presence was nervewracking, but he felt comfortable.

"SORRY, sorry, you look like someone I know." He regained his balance.

She giggled. "Are you like this when your around her, she must be pretty stunning for you to have such a big reaction."

"No, no, I mean she does look quite pleasent, she is just someone I need to get to know better, you know what I mean?" He giggled nervously.

"I guess I can relate," she looked away for a second then back at him, " Arnold, is it."

"Yea, yea.. Your Hilda right?" he remembers.

She nods her head with a smile.

He follows her action with a goofy smile.

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