Chapter 5 ~ Story Time Takes a Dark Turn

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~ Chapter 5 ~

I looked around the room. "This place is beautiful."

Splinter smiled as I turned in a full circle, taking in the Japanese tree, it's leaves glittering from the light mysteriously coming from above. Different size and design rugs laid on the floor with wooden shelves holding weapons and pictures. In the back was a Japanese door with ancient scenes painted on them.

I turned towards one shelf and took down a picture. "Who are these people?" I asked, pointing to a middle aged man and woman with a young infant in her arms.

"That," Splinter said with a pause, "used to be my old life. My wife, Tang Shen and my young daughter, Miwa."

My thumb gently rubbed over the glass. "What happened to them?"

Splinters eyes became soft and sad. "Tang Shen...and Miwa," his voice cracked. "Were murdered from a man I once called a friend, possibly even a brother."

I frowned. "How..?"

"The man did not approve of us, and in spite, tried to kill me for he wanted Tang's love for himself."

I sighed and putted the picture back. "She was beautiful, Tang Shen."

He nodded. "As was Miwa. In fact, she would be around your age."


He nodded and rested his hand on my shoulder, sending a jolt through my body. His eyes seemed to be studying me, trying to figure out my life. "Indeed."

I blinked. "What are y--."

"Sensei," April walked in before stopping. "Nick."

Splinter dropped his hand and turned. "Yes, April. What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, I was just going to walk Nick back."

Splinter raised an eyebrow. "I do not advise that, April. With the Kraang already forcing you into hiding..."

April nodded. "Hai, Sensei."

"But," Splinter spoke up. "Why don't you explain to Nick the type of situation she is in? I suppose she is curious as to why you are here also."

I shifted foot to foot. "I guess..."

Splinter nodded, "I need to go meditate." He walking away and left.

April sighed and sat down, and I plopped down beside her.

"Story time?" I asked, smirking.

April rolled her eyes. "I guess. You do deserve the truth."

"Praised be, I thought it was going to take forever for ya to tell me."

April elbowed me playfully and took in a deep breath. "It was a few months ago. My dad and I were walking back from a restaurant, I was happy finally spending time with him since he was always at work.

"Half way home, a van suddenly swerved in front of us and...these men came out with guns."

I blinked. "Were ya mugged?"

April gave me the "shut up and let me finish" face. "No. We were attacked. I clung to my dad's arm as they surged forward. After that, the turtles came and tried to save us. They managed to rescue me later that night but dad..."

I looked down at my shoes. "No family, except for Annie."

She nodded. "But we're working on finding him."

I tilted my head to the side. "What about the turtles? How'd they become...y'know, talking turtles along with Splinter becoming a rat?"

"Well, I'll pretty much give you the short version; Splinter bought four baby turtles one day, he saw two identical men in suits, then he followed but got caught. The men dropped a container as a rat brushed Splinter's foot. Him and the turtles transformed and hid in the abandoned subway station in the sewers we are currently in."

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