Chapter 4 ~ The Secret is Out...Finally!

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~ Chapter 4 ~

My eyes snapped open.  Oh gods, April!

I jumped up only to be greeted by pain.  I flintched as I looked down.  Practically anything that should've shown skin was covered in white medical tape.  I touched my face, expecting to feel a bunch of bruises but felt a million band aids.

My head felt like it was throbbing, with a major headache.

I scanned my surrounding.  I was currently on a blue rock-like wrap around couch with a TV in front of me.  Behind and to the left was a kitchen and behind that was a blocked off room with steps coming down from the right.

Where was I?

"--should be awake by now!"  I heard a voice.  "You said she would be alright."

"I know, April.  But I still think Sensei is going to be mad at you for bringing a human into the lair!"  Said another.

April huffed.  "Not my fault Dogpound and Fishface attacked us."

"Were they after you again?"

"I don't think so...I mean, they could've..."

My heart was pounding.  I had no clue where I was, and apparently I wasn't in a place where humans were welcomed.

April came into view, her face was depressed but changed into relief when she saw me.  She ran up to me.  "Thank the God, you're alright!"

"Yeah, except for the tooth marks in my shoulder."  I groaned.

April managed a chuckle.  "Yeah, well, you were purple by the time I got you here, be lucky you still have that shoulder."

"Speaking of here, where is here?"  I asked, curiously.

"Erm, the sewers..."

I blinked and chuckled.  "Nice joke, April, honestly, though.  Where?"

"The sewers."

"Stop fooling around."

"I'm not."

I rolled my eyes.  "So you're telling me I'm in the sewers?"


I heard someone running.  "Hey, April, I--.  Oh, your friend is awake."

That's when I decided to leave April out of my will.

Standing before me was a turtle.  Not a cute, six inch, pet shop turtle.  No, I'm talking about a freakin' five foot eight, lime green, warm brown eyes, missing tooth, standing on two legs, and wearing a purple mask turtle.  Oh, and a talking.

My jaw dropped.  "Um, care to explain?"

April blushed.  "Nick, Donnie.  Donnie, Nick."

"Um, nice to meet you..?"  I managed.

"Likewise," the turtle turned to April. "April, if you didn't bring your stuff here, you can go get it, your room is ready."

I raised my eyebrow.  "So this is where you have been disappearing to?"

April blushed.  "Yeah..."

"To the sewers to live with a talking turtle?"

"Four, actually," the turtle correct me.  "I'm Donatello, Donnie for short."

April nodded.  "He has three other brothers, Leonardo, Raphael, and Micheangleo.  Leo is the oldest, then Raph, Donnie and Mikey."

"All named after crusty old dudes from the 1400's?"  I guessed.

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