Chapter 13 ~ He Knew All Along

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~ Chapter 13 ~

I groaned and lifted my head. The world was slowly spinning and came into focus.

"You're up," a voice vibrated inside my head.

I blinked. "April..?"

My ginger friend hugged me tight. "Oh gosh, I thought you would never wake up!"

I yawned and rubbed my eye. "How long was I out?"

"Two weeks."

I choke. "What?!"

April smiled. "Don't worry. Most your wounds healed. Well, except your leg and head."

I sighed. "You gotta be joking. I lost two weeks?"

"Be glad you ever woke up. Donnie was pretty sure you were in a coma."

I cracked a smile. "Eh, a coma ain't gunna put me six feet under."

April ruffled my hair and stood up from the couch we were sitting on. "I should get the guys. They're pretty worried."

I smirked. "Never thought they would be worried about me."

"Guys!" April yelled. "Nick's awake!"

Suddenly someone tackled me from behind. "NIIIIIICK!" Mikey yelled and tightened his grip. "You're awake!"

I winced, "Mikey..!" I gasped. "I...can't breath..!"

Mikey let go. "Sorry! Do you want some pizza?! You're probably hungry for some pizza! I'll go get you some pizza!" Mikey said in a blur and was gone.

I blinked. "What...what just happened?"

April cracked a smile. "He felt bad when he dropped you, I wouldn't worry about it."

I chuckled. "I guess I shouldn't."

Just that moment, Donnie and Leo walked in.

"Hey," I said with a slight hand wave.

Donnie smirked a little, Leo's expression remain emotionless.

I glanced at the hall which lead to the turtles rooms, waiting for the red masked turtle to appear.

Leo must've noticed my eager waiting because he said, "Raph ain't here. He's been doing patrol all day."

My spirits shrank a little, "Oh, okay..." I paused for a moment. "Was he worried about me?"

Donnie and Leo exchanged uneasy glances.

"Actually," Donnie said, "he made a remark of how quiet it was when you the coma."

My lip curled as I arched my eyebrow. "Did he now?"

Leo nodded, "Uh, yeah..."

I stood, my eyes flicking back from my friends to the quiet Japanese sliding doors. "Is Splinter sleeping?"

Leo shook his head. "No, I think he's just in his room."

I nodded. "Okay, I need to talk him."

Leo raised his eye ridge. "About what..?"

My eyes glanced at the doors again and I replied, "It's just about something. I'll be out soon."

I slipped between Donnie and April before walking up the concrete steps and slid the door open and then closed.

The room seemed unusually warm, like it was trying to comfort me. It didn't work. Maybe it was ready for nice, calm conversation. I wasn't ready for that.

I cleared my throat. "Hello?"

Suddenly the doors from across the room slid open and Splinter walked out. "Nick..."

I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes. "Yes, me. We're here in private so it's time for you to spill."

"I do not understand."

I scowled. "You do understand. You knew this whole time! It's why you sent me away. It's because you didn't want me to realize who my dad was!"

Splinter's eyes softened. "Something's were not intended for you to know. It would've been for the better."

"How?" I demanded. "Just for curiosity to drive me more and more to the breaking point? To go behind everyone's back and try to find out the harder way? It wouldn't be for the better."

Splinter sighed. "Oruko Saki is not a man to have a blood line. Especially if his blood line crosses paths with his enemies."

I growled. "So? He was a no good father! He left me in a crummy orphanage! I rather side with you than him!"

"Still, people will judge on you and your family."

"You talk like I'll be going some where." I said with my hand on my hip.

Splinter looked and me and rested his hands on my shoulders. "That is what I want to talk about with you in private."


I walked into the lair. "I'm back," I announced, not caring who heard.

Leo walked up to me, "Hey, Sensei and Nick have been in the dojo for a while."

I raised my eye ridge. "They talkin' about something?"

Leo shrugged, "Must be, Nick seemed pretty anxious to go in there."

I frowned in the direction of the dojo. What could Nick and Sensei possibly talk about?

"I'm checking it out," I announced.

"Raph!" Leo hissed, "You can't eavesdrop on Sensei..!"

"Try and stop me," I snapped and walked up the steps and pressed my ear against the thin paper doors.

"---are ya serious?! I can't do that! How do I even start?!" Nick demanded.

"Please," Splinters voice was trying to calm her down. "It is your only option."

"No, it ain't!" Nick argued. "Why can't I stay here?!"

"It is just for training, to help you understand the way of a ninja much better."

"I understand ninja stuff..!"

I heard Splinter sigh, "Then what is the art of the ninjas full name? If you answer this, you may stay."

"...Uh, Kung Fu ninjas...?"

Splinter sighed heavily. "Ninjutsu."

"Pfft, I knew that. I...I was just seeing if you did..."

Everything was quiet until the loud yell rang out.

"LEONARDO! Get your brothers, April and meet us in the dojo!"

I flinched as Leo put his hand on my shoulder. "Get Mikey and Donnie," he ordered.

I stood up and scowled. "Fine."

After I found Mikey ordering pizza and dragged Donnie out of his lab, April, along with my brothers, slid the door open to the dojo and walked inside.

Nick was standing by Splinter, her leg in a metal brace and a million band-Aids on her body. She has holding a small bag slung over her shoulder. Her dark brown eyes were hardened with determination.

For a moment those eyes met mine and then flicked back to looking at the floor.

"Nickolette has some news," Splinter announced.

She nodded. "I'm traveling to Japan."


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