Chapter 12 ~ Raph Steals a Chapter and I Got Dreams

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~ Chapter 12 ~

My eyes widened as I nearly cursed. We all backed away from the ledge and ran out.

A million things were running through my head. One of the things I couldn't understand.

She, the dumbass girl who wouldn't shut up, is Shredder's...daughter? Yeah right.

"Raph!" Leo snapped, "C'mon!"

I blinked, realizing I stopped. I sneered. "Whatever," I mumbled.

We bursted out of Shredder's lair. Dogpound wasn't in sight. If he was, I would've punched the lights outta him. Just the thought made me crack my knuckles.

"Oh, God." I heard Donnie gulp.

I glanced over at what he was looking at and I nearly choked.

Nick...her face flat on the road, laying in a pool of blood. Her blood.

Donnie ran over to her, and lifted her wrist then putting his finger on the side of her neck. He let out a sigh of relief. "She's alive. But I could barely find a pulse."

Mikey bit his lip. "I shouldn't have let go," he sulked. "It's all my fault."

I was half tempted to agree with him but I only winced of the memory of the sound of the pop.

Leo slung one of her arms around his neck and offered me the other one.

I sighed and gingerly put the arm around my neck. She was surprisingly cold. Her nose was bent in an odd shape as blood slowly trickled from the corner of her mouth. A huge scrap ran across her forehead and blood was oozing from there too. Most of her face and neck was drenched in crimson red blood. The sight of it made me want to gag.

Donnie lifted up the nearest manhole and we brought her down.

"Sensei is going to kill us," Donnie muttered harshly.

I hadn't even thought of that! He was going to have our heads over this.

"April will kill us even more," Mikey groaned. "This is one of her best friends."

The thought of two of them angry made me nervous. I never saw April mad before...but still.

I glanced at Nick. "Despite she's covered in blood, I like how quiet she is."

"Raph!" Leo hit me in the shoulder. "She's practically in a coma!"

I shrugged. "Still quiet."

Mikey jumped into the sewers and then Donnie.

I slung Nick's body over my shoulder and we headed towards the lair. I glanced behind me, her head slightly bouncing up and down, her eye brows scrunched together like she was confused.

I wonder what's going on in the crazy head of hers...


I groaned, my head throbbing. "I'm dead." I moaned, "I know it."

A light laughter snapped me out of my daze. "It's not quite yet your time."

My eyes widened as I scanned my surroundings. "What the hell..."

I, Nick Doe, not some insane person on drugs, was standing in the clouds. In front of me was, two figures.

"Um...hello..." I said with a little wave.

The first figure was a breath taking Japanese woman with long dark hair and playful eyes. "I must say, you have your fathers eyes."

I blinked. "Y-you know...Shredder?"

She chuckled lightly, "When I knew him, his name was Oruko Saki. Oh, how he always tried to impress me with his skills."

I blinked again. "Uh, impress you?"

She flashed a smile. "Of course."

I raised my eyebrow. "Who exactly are you?"

"People named Tang Shen."

I choked. "'re dead! So that means I'm dead!"

The other figure stepped forward. Her dark hair was spiraled into a messy bun. Her eyes were pointed but she had average looking clothes on. "No, but you are indeed balancing between the lines of life and death." Her voice was soft but demanding.

I arched my eyebrow even higher. "And who are you?"

Her eyes hardened. "I am your mother and we have a lot to talk about."


April's eyes were furious. "I trusted you with ONE thing! And that was to get Nick back here safely. Not in a coma and covered in blood!"

Donnie attempting to stutter words of an apology but came out in cries of forgiveness. I just rolled my eyes.

Sensei loomed over us, his jaw set in a hard line. "What did you find out?"

Leo glanced at the floor. "She's...Nick..."

"Her father is the Shredder." I finished.

April froze from chewing Donnie out and faced us. "She's whose daughter?"

Leo took a deep sigh. "Shredder's."

Mikey glanced at her. Donnie had bandaged the scrap, bent her nose back, put a brace around her leg and stuck a million BAND-Aids to her.

Beds of sweat trickled down her temples as a cool rag laid on her forehead.

I blinked, realizing I was staring at her.

Sensei was stared at her too. "I have myself to blame for this turn of events. I believed if I pushed her away from us, no harm would come for her."

"Instead she drove herself into dealing with the matter by herself." I said. "Her last moments at Shredder's was pain. She was constantly in pain."

Leo rested his hand on my shoulder. "We should let her rest. Donnie said she should make it."

I shrugged off his hand. "Yeah, should."

Leo stared at me. "You don't get it. I'm trying to make you feel a little better."

I scowled, "I'm fine with out sympathy from our 'fearless leader'."

We locked eyes for a moment and Leo walked away.

April looked at me with concern eyes. "He's just trying to help."

"I don't need his help," I told her. "Or yours." I added.


Okay, well LuciNinja16 tagged me to tell a few things I want for Christmas and then tag other people. So here's what I want (feel free getting these things for me :P)

• iTune cards
• Notebooks
• Mechanical pencils and lead
• Hot Chocolate
• Anything TMNT

Okay and I tag ~




Mysticness24 (I'm aware you were already tagged but I don't care)

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