Chapter Thirteen: Kayla Land

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A/N: hey yall! I'm at college in DC, so updates will slow down, but I'll try to update as often as I can. I hope you're all doing well. I love you guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave comments!!!! (Above is Preston on his motorcycle)


Kayla Land

It took three months before Preston uttered a word to Kayla. After talking to his mom, Preston decided to give Kayla the space she needed. He spent his time in the gym and pool, six hours a day. The other two hours of the work day, Preston was busy preparing to appear in front of a judge and testify about his sobriety. After his testimony, Preston would be finished with probation, and he'd be able to travel to Tokyo with no reservations.

He was doing well, really well. His body was getting stronger, his mind was more at peace. But the moment he got home to see Brayden already asleep and Kayla leaving through the back door without a single word, he went into a darker state. He hadn't drank, he hadn't smoked. The only way Preston could handle his heartbreak was to write letters. Every night, Preston wrote a letter to Kayla, pouring his heart out. He had ninety letters, and he was planning on giving them to her soon.

It was Kayla's birthday and she'd agreed to going out with Preston. He asked her via text, and surprisingly, she replied. They only communicated about their son, and it was always only through text. He never saw her face, he never heard her voice. He only dreamed about her.

As Preston got dressed, his heart pounded. He couldn't wait to hug her, to kiss her, if she let him. He couldn't wait to see her smile. She made him promise to keep it simple, and because of that, he was taking her to a carnival. What he didn't tell her was that he had been planning her birthday for the three months they weren't talking. If she would've said no, he would've opened it to the public, but since she said yes, there was an entire carnival planned for Kayla.

Throughout the day, Preston reminded himself to keep it cool and to not overwhelm her. He wanted her back more than anything but he had to respect what she wanted, no matter how much it was tearing him up inside. As he stood in his mirror, freshly cut hair, showered, and in an outfit she'd bought him, Preston reminded himself one more time to take it slow.

He was ready.

Kayla sat in her car, checking her makeup over and over again. She brushed her straight, long hair and took a deep breath. Preston was to meet her at a restaurant and they were going to have dinner. It was a simple night out for her birthday and she intended on keeping it that way. But, despite how much she told herself to calm down, she couldn't stop smiling. When he texted her and asked, her heart jumped out of her chest. She was planning on staying in and having a small dinner alone to celebrate twenty six, but he changed all of that.

In the last three months, Kayla kept up with Preston and his whereabouts. She knew when he was working out, when he went to lunch, and when he was in her office. She couldn't help herself. The last thing she wanted was for him to find someone else. It was her mission to keep him away from other women for the next few months, no matter what. Every night, she would cry and ask herself why she asked for the break, but she couldn't ignore the results. He was getting stronger, she was helping more people. It just worked.

The moment Kayla saw Preston's motorcycle pull into the spot in front of her, her heart started pounding. He stood from it, taking off his helmet, and Kayla's heart stopped working. He was so fine. As he dropped his keys and bent to pick them up, Kayla began panting, seeing his back flex. She hadn't had sex in eighty-nine days and she was itching to touch him. But she'd promised herself to remain friendly. It was simply two friends celebrating a birthday, nothing more.

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