The School Trip- The warmth of a Hand

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Lucy POV

Breakfast just ended and Levy and I decided to go and watch a film with just the two of us. "Lucyyy hurry up and walk faster or we'll be late for the movie." Levy said. "Oh sorry Levy." I quickly ran up to her pace. "So Lucy, how everything with Natsu and Sting???" Levy nudged me. "Ugh Levy don't even get me started on that. I'm just so confused right now." "Well Lucy that's too bad because Minerva is really clinging onto them." "Ugh well no shit. She scares the hell out of me." I shivered just by remembering her. "Anyways Levy, what movie are we watching?" "Lover's Sorrow (a/n idek if that's a real movie or book.) I just finished that book and it was AMAZING." "Heh typical Levy." I teasingly ruffled her hair and quickly ran ahead. "Oi Lucyyyy WAIT FOR MEEE." 

At the movies

"Lucy hurry up! We'll be late if you don't walk faster," Levy sternly said. "Don't worry Levy. We still have 15 min." "Ehhhh I guess your right." We made our way to the ticket booth and I accidentally dropped my wallet on the floor. As I was about to pick it up, another hand was about to get it. "Oh sorry I was trying to get it for you." An unknown voice said. "Oh don't worry! Thanks anyways." As I looked up to see who the person was, I instantly started smiling. "SCORPIO! IT'S BEEN AGES!" I instantly got up and hugged him. "So why are you not at school and at the movies theater hundreds of miles away from your school." "Well, I'm on a school trip and what's better to do than to watch a movie hundreds of miles away from home. By the way, how's Aquarius?" "Aquarius? She's doing fine. Sexy as always." 

"Lucyyyyy" Levy called out.

"Oh I guess I better get going. Don't wanna be late." "See ya Lucy." I waved back and quickly ran to my little angry Levy.

After the Movie 

"That was beautiful." I nodded in agreement. We just finished the movie and we had tears in our eyes. "How could Rachel do that!?" Levy shouted. "C-calm down Levy." Levy clinged to my arm and giggled. Lucy what if our love life was as beautiful as a love story?" "That would be blessed."Levy and I were laughing and walking back to the hotel. During the walk, we passed by a souvenir store."Lucy, wanna go in there?" "Sure. It doesn't look sketchy so why not." We entered the store and were greeted by the store manager. Inside, there were a lot of dolls, key chains, and every other typical souvenir shop stuff. "Lucy look at these!" I walked over to where Levy was and there were small key chains with a charm and a plush. "Levy look at this one!" I pointed to a key chain with a small silver key and a snowman. "Aw Lucy you should totally get that. It looks just like you." "Oi...." I giggled it off and then from the corner of my eye, something sparkled. I looked over and saw two key chains with little dragons and an element to go with it. "Lucy what ch'a looking at?" Levy walked over to where I was standing and saw the key chains. "Hah don't they remind you of some people?"  "You read my mind Levy."  One key chain had a little pink dragon that had a little flame to go with it. The other dragon was a white dragon with a white orb. "Oh shoot! Lucy, we have to go!" Levy and I bought our key chains and ran back to the hotel. 


Everyone was coming down for dinner along with it, the teachers had prepared something afterwards.  "What do you think the surprise will be?" Everyone was murmuring the same thing over and over again. "Lucy, what if it's something scary?" Levy's face went pale. "Haha I don't think the teachers are that mean." 

At the "surprise"

"Students, we will be doing a test of courage to help students bond and maybe even bond a little closer." My face went pale. "L-L-Lucy... I think I'm going to die." 

"Since there are so many students, each class will be split up into a separate location. I looked over at Levy and we both knew that there was a possibility of danger. Class B-7, my class, went to a supposedly "haunted" abandoned factory. The girls and boys went into separate lines and picked out a number from a box. My number was 12. I looked around for the boy that had number twelve. I looked around the busy crowd and searched for my partner for what felt like hours. As everyone was going into a line, I saw only one boy without a partner; Natsu. I stood there frozen until I heard Natsu call out my name.  "LUCY! I guess we're partners for this thingy." "Yea... I guess." "Well we should go in line." I nodded and followed Natsu to the end of the line. "Oh I guess we're last then." Natsu said.  I looked at the piece of paper with the number and he was right. I looked over to the couples that were in front of us. I saw Levy's blue hair and red face. "Ohh who's the lucky man?" I glanced over and saw Gajeel. "AHAHA." I was dying of laughter in my head. "L-Lucy, are you alright?""Oh um yea don't worry about me hehehe." I went back to giggling but I guess I was too loud because Levy looked at me weirdly with hate in her eyes. 

New Text Message Arrived

Levy: Well I'm not the only one who got "him"


Levy: Well good luck to you too then XP

I closed my phone and internally cried. 

"Lucy, are you sure you're alright? I can always tell the teachers you're sick and can't do it." "Oh Natsu, that's so sweet of you. Well I'm okay for now so let's do it!" I high-fived him and mentally prepared myself for the horrors awaiting me.

"Last group, you're up next." 

"Well I guess it's time to go." I nodded. We walked past the teachers and headed into the factory. As we were walking, silence filled the air. "Um... so this isn't so scary." Natsu obviously said trying to start a conversation. "Yea I guess you're ri-. AHHHHHHH" a teacher dressed as a demon popped out of nowhere. Quickly, Natsu, held my hand and I instantly shut up. "Um... N-Natsu..." "Oh sorry. I thought it would comfort you." We both blushed and silence filled the air again. "Um Lucy, who was that guy you were talking to at the movies?" "Oh you were at the movies? You should've joined us." "Nah. Sting and I went to go watch Thriller in the Night (a/n Again, idek if it's real)" "Oh I couldn't watch that even if you paid me 10000 bucks. Anyways, that guy was Scorpio. My friend's boyfriend. Why?" "Oh. it's um nothing. I was just confused." "Well don't worry . If I had never known Aquarius, I wouldn't even want to know who he is." Awkwardness filled the air once again. " how's life?" "It's pretty good. I mean the trip is really fun and I got closer to everyone." "It's good that you've gotten more friends." "Yea but even then, just being around you, Sting, and Levy is good enough for me. I mean we had a rough start but everything got better." I smiled just by thinking about my journey so far. For the rest of the trip, Natsu and I were talking and laughing the whole time. With Natsu still holding my hand, the teachers jumping out didn't scare me at all.

At the rooms

I came out of the shower and all the girls were talking in a circle. "Lucy! You've got to tell Juvia what happened between you and Natsu!" "EMMM... how about Levy and Gajeel?" I felt cold glared from everyone. Suddenly, I felt my phone ring. "Oh um I've gotta take this!" I sighed a breathe of relief and looked down to see who the caller was. It was Sting. 

"Hello? Sting?"

"Hey Lucy. Are you guys tired?"

I glanced over to the "hyenas" and I was pretty sure they weren't tired."Um no why?"

"The guys and I were thinking if you wanted to have that secret room party again. "

"Oh sure. We'll be there."

"Great see ya." 


I hung up and went to tell the girls the news.

"Guys, Sting just called me and asked if we wanted to have the room party again." Everyone's eyes sparkled. "I guess that's a yes."

One by one, we quietly headed to the guy's room. 

I was the last to go until I remembered what the teachers said. "Before you leave to go sleep, there will be night security knocking from 12 to 1:35 to make sure that everyone is in the room. You must answer or else we will be forced to have a "little talk" with you." 

I looked at the clock and it read 11: 45. I walked over to my phone and noticed that I got a message from Levy. 

Levy: Lucy where r u?

Lucy: Remember what Mr. Capricorn said?

Levy: Right.... so you can come later?

Lucy: No i'll probs be too late by then. I'll be tired af :(

Levy: Aw. Well thanks so much Lucy. We would be dead if you hadn't helped us. 

Lucy: Don't worry Levy. Tell everyone to have fun  :).

I turned my phone off and looked at the key chain I bought today. "Hehe it does look like me." I stayed in my room and waited until the night security came to check on the room. At 1:15, I answered the night security. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I suddenly remembered the warmth of Natsu's hand. "So that's how a guy's hand feels like." I muttered before I fell asleep.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Readers,

Sorry for not posting in like AGES. Well  I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a good day, night, or afternoon.


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