The First Day of my Nightmare

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Lucy's POV

I was at the place I called hell. I took my first step into the building. There were many people no ...vampires that were realizing the scent of my blood just as I entered. I was greeted by many stares and mouths drooling. Disgusting I thought. As I was busy being nervous, I somehow tripped over some books next to the lockers. I got a small scrape and blood appeared. Great... I thought to myself. A place full of vampires and I scrape my knee. Classes were about to start and I needed to go to the headmaster's office. As I started walking, I saw the shadow of two people coming my way.  Just as I was about to pass them , I was stopped by them. One blonde and one salmon haired. The blonde grabbed my wrist and smirked while the salmon haired stared.

Blonde's POV

I heard that there were going to be two new students and a rumor was spread out that one was a human. Interesting Ithought. I was with a salmoned hair boy named Natsu Dragneel. We were the most popular and together we were known as the troublesome playboys. We were hunting. Hunting for that human. Just as were were about to search the entrance, I smelled a sweet scent of blood. My whole body reacted differently and from other times I smelled blood. This blood was special. I looked over to Natsu and it seemed that he noticed it as well. We started walking again until the scent got stronger and we had been face to face with the human. 

Lucy's POV

I immediately shook. I wasn't used to being this close to vampires other than my family. "What's you name?" asked the blonde. "L-Lucy" I shook with fear. The blonde and the salmon haired boys grabbed my arm with force and dragged me away to the janitor's closet.  They locked the door and bent down. The blonde was first. He started licking the blood from my knee. "OW!' I screamed. The pain was too much. "Shut up blondie." The blonde haired boy said annoyed. I bit the bottom of my lip and shut my eyes. 

Sting POV

"Shut up blondie" I said annoyed. Her blood was sweet and tasted amazing. I couldn't stop. "Oi Sting give me a fricking turn" Natsu said. "Tch" I didn't want to stop. I couldn't. Natsu pushed me and started licking. I looked up and saw her experssion. "Cute" I thought. She was my type. She would be mine. 

Natsu POV

As we pulled Lucy Sting immediately started licking her knee. His face looked differently. I was getting annoyed that he was taking all the blood. I wanted to bite her neck but everyone was informed not to. After 5 minutes had passed and Sting was still licking Lucy's knee I pushed him and began licking myself. 

Lucy POV

I needed to go or else I would be bitten. I tried struggling but it was no use. I could only sit there. After staying in the cramped closet for more than 20 minutes, they stopped for a brief second and it was my chance to escape. I quickly unlocked the door and ran out to the headmaster's office. 

Today was only my first day of my nightmare. 

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