Chapter one

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We had just talked to Thalia, Jason's sister, and she told us were to go next for our quest. I was happy to leave the cold mountains, but I was bummed that Thalia wasn't coming with us. She was really pretty, but I knew I never had a chance mostly because she is a hunter of Artemis, and they have to remain in maidenhood, also that Thalia would never date a guy like me no one would, or does.

I'm not sure what it is about me that no one likes. Maybe its my looks, or my sense of humor, or maybe I'm not just that good with talking to them.

"Dude Jason, how much farther my feet are killing me?" I whinned. We had been walking for hours on end to get to the safe house to which Thalia had told us about. Thalia's friend lived there and her borders were magically protected so we could have a decent nights sleep without monsters attacking us.

"Valdez, keep quiet, and bulk up" Coach Hedge said.

"My friend will proabably give you passage into her land." Thalia said leading us up to Aeoulus on a icey path.

"What do you mean by probably?" I asked slipping.

"Well the hunters are her usual visitors, and so she doesn't usually have guys for guest." She replied. "Just tell her I sent you. She will most likely let you pass."

"And what if she doesn't?" Piper asked also slipping, but instead of falling like I did, Jason caught her arm.

"Well, then I would say run. She may not look dangerous, but she's probably went on more quest then all of you. She is dangerous, and firey. Artemis wanted her for the hunters, but her mother said she couldn't join."

"Is she pretty?" I asked. Thalia just turned around, and rolled her eyes.
Flashback ended

"We're almost there. Thalia said she would meet us. I'm not exactly sure what she met, but we'll just have to find out" Jason replied. We were in a forest now, and I was grateful to be rid of the mountain.

"I wonder what shes like?" Piper chimmed in clearly as exhausted as I was.

"Thalia said she was around our age. Which doesn't explain much." Jason said.

"Who cares what she's like as long as there are monsters for me to kill. I hope we meet some." Coach said bouncing up and down.

We hiked a little farther. I heard a snap of a branch, but figured it was a animal. I was only half right. Out of no where a huge buck stopped right in front of us, but the thing that really surprised me was who was sitting on the deer who was pointing an arrow at our faces ready to fire.

"Ho hey, let me at 'em" Coach said kicking the air. Jason had to hold him back before he hurt the mysterious stranger.

At one glance I could tell I was falling for her. Her long blonde hair was loosely braided down her back with flowers in them. Her face was flawless expect for a thin white scar on her left chin to a little down her neck, it however just made her seem for dangerous, and she was tan, but the thing that stuck out the most to me, was her piercing green eyes. They were like cat eyes slightly glowing, they reminded me of a warm summers day, however right now they flashed with hostiltly. Her beauty was compeletly natural. She wore a pair of black leggings, and what looked like a green hunters shirt.

"Who are you? And why have you come?" She asked. Her voice was sweet and melodic. She stared mostly at the Coach making sure if he moved that he would be the first to get an arrow.

Jason stepped forward. "I am Jason Grace, brother of Thalia Grace, and these are my friends Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, and this is Coach Hedge" He voice was confident and firm. I knew I couldn't talk. Not with her staring at me.

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