Chapter two

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Anthea I

I wasn't really tired. I listened as three breathing patterns told me that my guest were sleeping. I sat up in bed, and looked around.

Piper laid in the bed next to me, and she looked so peacefully content, like she hadn't slept that way in the longest time. Jason looked dead, and I thought he was until I saw his chest rise a bit. And Leo looked troubled. His face was controted like he was thinking really hard. Granted I did find it cute, and Coach Hedge was knawing on his pillow.

I looked on the other bed next to me, and Ivy was curled up in a little black ball. Just then she perked up, and looked at me. When noticing I wasn't sleeping she came on my bed, laid down next to me, and softly purred. Usually when I couldn't sleep her purring would lull me right to sleep, but this time it didn't work.

My eyes scanned the room, until they rested on Dianthe. I watched as a purple petal fell from the flower, and hit the soil. My heart skipped. Just like the first, a second petal fell, this kept happening until only one petal remained. I looked up to the sky, and then back down to the flower. Just like the other times a golden note laid next to it. The final prophecy.

Sun began to shine through the trees casting the morning glow on the beds. It was my favorite time of day. I krept out of my bed, and grabbed the note sneaking back to the bed not wanting to wake my new friends.

I sat down, and opened the note.

Eight half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire, the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death

I reread it multiple of times trying to figure out what it met. As I read Piper began to wake. She yawned and streched. She sat up in her bed, and rubbed her eyes. Considering her bed hair, even then she looked beautiful. I admit of was jealous of it. Piper looked over at me. "Good morning" She said a little dreamily. "Have you been up all night?" She asked.

I quickly hid the note from sight before she saw it. I nodded. "I wasn't sleepy. Did you sleep well?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Very much so. This bed is super comfortable. It was the nicest sleep I've had in awhile." She said. I could see she was telling the truth. She looked around, and then a tiny gasp escaped her lips. She pointed to Dianthe. "The flower... its... almost dead" She said stunned. "Then that must mean you got your final prophecy?"

Nothing got passed her. I pulled out the golden note, but I didn't let her see it. First I had to ask her something. "You were telling me yesterday, that the quest that your on now, is just a mini quest before you head to the bigger prophecy. Do you know the bigger prophecy?" I asked.

"I don't know it by heart, but Jason does. Let me wake him." Before I could object she poked Jason, and he grunted but sat up. His short blonde hair also looked good. I did find him extremely attractive, but something about him didn't feel right, and plus I could tell that Piper was trying to get him, and I respected Piper a lot.

"What's up Pipes?" He said in a sleepy tone. Just as he said the Leo sat straight up in bed.

"Someone say food?" He asked. His curly brown hair was super bed-hair. It stuck in many different directions.

Coach spazzed a little, and then grunted and went back to a deep sleep.

"No, I woke Jason, so he could recite the final prophecy to Thea." Piper said rolling her eyes at Leo.

Jason shrugged, and started. "Eight half-bloods shall answer the call, To storm or fire the world must fall, an oath to keep with a final breath..."

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