Chapter 5

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I stood there watching Thea and Khione stare each other down. Now I knew how Thea got the scar. As much I as still thought Khione was beautiful, I defintly wanted Thea to win.

I looked to Jason who looked like he was going burst with emotions. He looked tired, scared, angry, sad, and vengful all at once. "What have you done?" Jason demanded.

Khione smiled. "Oh, so many things," She purred. "Your sister's not dead, if that's what you mean. She and her Hunters will make fine toys for our wolves. I thought we'd defrost them one at a time and hunt them down for amusement. Let them be the prey for once." She said. Behind her the wolves snarled appreaciatively. "Yes, my dears." Khione said. "Your sister almost killed their king, you know. Lycaon's off in a cave somewhere, no doubt licking his wounds, but his minions have joined us to take revenge for their master. And soon Porphyrion will arise, and we shall rule the world."

"Traitor!" Hera yelled from her cage. "You meddlesome, D-list goddess! You aren't worthy to pour my wine, much less rule the world."

Thea turned. "Not helping." She hissed.

Khione sighed. "Tiresome as ever Queen Hera. I've been wanting to shut you up for millennia." She waved her hand and ice sealed the cracks shutting off Hera. "That's better, Now demigods, about your death-"

Jason started to yell at Khione, but I turned to the cage, and melted a part in the ice so I could speak to Hera. She looked at me. "Son of Hephastues. You need to get me out. I need to get back to Olympus."

"Soon" I said turning back to Khione, who was now explaining how she tried to kill us but didn't need to.

"I fully expected you to fail." She shrugged.

"And to help us with that," I said. "you knocked our dragon out of the sky over Detroit. Those frozen wires in his head that was your fault. You're gonna pay for that."

"You're also the one who kept Enceladus informed about us," Piper added. "We've been plagued by the snowstorms the whole trip."

She then began to talk about putting demigods against demigods and taking over the world. "When we retake the ancient places, I will cover the Acropolis in snow."

"The ancient places." I said. "That's what Enceladus meant about destroying the roots of the gods. he meant Greece."

She smiled. "You could join me, son of Hephaestus," Khione said. I paused. "I know you find me beautiful. It would be enough for my plan if these other three were to die. Reject that ridiculous destiny the Fates have given you. Live and be my champion, instead. Your skills would be quite useful."

I looked behind me to see if there was another Leo she was talking to, but it was me. I paused. I looked to Khione, she was beautiful. I then looked to Jason, Piper, and Thea. I could not... would not betray them.

I laughed, and laughed. "Yeah, join you. Right. Until you get bored of me and turn me into a Leosicle? Lady, nobody messes with my dragon and gets away with it. I can't believe I thought you were hot."

She looked fummed. "Hot?!" She yelled. "You dare insult me? I am cold, Leo Valdez. Very, very cold." With that she lifted her hands and shot cold at us.

Thea backed up, and I lifted my hands and fire roared to life melting her snow into a steamy cold. I grinned. "See, lady, that's what happens to snow in Texas. It freaking melts."

Khione hissed. "Enough of this Hera is failing. Porphyrion is rising. Kill the demigods. Let them be our kings first meal!"

The monster's charged forward. I watched as Jason swung his wooden plank and hit a wolf. He then summoned the air, and jumped on one of the storm spirit back and started riding it. The storm spirit bucked but Jason didnt move he stayed on his back. It looked like he won.

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