Chapter 13

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I walked into my cabin and went to my room. I reached under my bed and pulled the box. It was a normal looking box, but it was what was inside that I was proud of. It was the gift I was going to give Thea. I had been working on it during the night time while everyone was sleeping. So you could say I was super tired. In the past week I probably 15 hours of sleep. But if Thea liked it, it would be worth it.

I picked up the box, and put it under my arm and walked out of my room and then the cabin. I walked off towards the Big House. I walked in and looked around. No one was in here, I didn't even hear a noise which I thought was odd. I went upstairs to Thea's room. I knocked but I heard no one. "Thea?" I said. "Piper?" No answer.

I walked in to see the room empty. "Of course she left" I said sighing. I walked out of the room and then out of the Big House. I stepped off the porch, and stopped. "Where would she be?"

I decided to check her cabin first, but when I reached her cabin there was no one their, so now I was lost on where to look. So I started walking around hoping I would run into her or run into someone who saw her.

I ran into Jason first who didn't see her, and after 30 minutes of searching I heard from campers she went from the Aphrodite cabin to her cabin to the forge, to the arts and crafts cabin, and then Clarrise told me she last saw her walking into the forest carrying something.

Once she told me that I knew exactly where Thea was going, her secert place.

Two months ago I realized that Thea would disappear once and awhile looking tired. I looked everywhere for her but never found her but when she did return she looked healthy and well rested. So one day I followed her and I saw that she had made a little haven in the forest.

Her haven was a circle that was shrouded in vines and wildlife. In the circle there was animals all around, and flowers and moss covered the floor making it really comfy. This was the total nature get away.

Now the only problem was trying to find it again. I walked into the forest, and started wandering around trying to follow any memory I had of the place. And after 30 minutes of wandering the forest I was about to give up hope, but just when I was going to turn I saw it. The circle of vines.

As I approached the air smelled better, the trees were greener, and the bird songs were prettier. I suddenly felt super calm, and not as nervous as I was.

I reached the vines and pulled them back and peered in. I first saw Ivy chasing a butterfly around the circle, while Thea was sleeping on what looked like she was sleeping in the middle surrounded by flowers.

I took a step forward into the circle, and Ivy stopped and ran to me and started rubbing up against my leg and started purring. I looked to Thea, but she didn't seem to notice me. I started walking closer to her, and as I approached the air started getting fresher.

"Leo, your stealing my healing energy." Thea said opening her eyes and looking at me.

I paused, and took a step back. "Sorry, I thought you were sleeping." I shrugged.

She sat up. Her long blonde hair that was down to her waist before, was now halfway down her back, but it was still beautiful. As she sat up flowers caught in her hair. She was wearing sports shorts and a purple t shirt. I looked to her thigh and saw the huge scar on it. Looking at it made me feel worse.

I guess she saw me looking at it because she moved her arm so that it covered it. She then looked to me. "Leo what are you doing here?" She asked. "I thought you were working on the Argo II."

"I came here to tell you something." I said clutching the box. "I actually was coming to apoligize to you."

She raised her eye brow. "Really, because after I was done resting up here I was going to apoligize to you." She said.

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