Chapter 16

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I woke up in a panicked cry. "Thea!" I opened my eyes to see Annabeth staring down at me with concern in her eyes. I sat up and felt weak. I looked at my shaking hands and sweat covered body. I rubbed my red puffy eyes, and stared at Annabeth. "What happened? What did you see?!" She asked

I looked at the foot of my bed to see Ivy looking at me scared. "How did you know I was having a bad dream?" I asked in a dry voice.

"Ivy came and got me. She lead me back here and I found you mumbling and crying in your sleep." She said. "What did you see in your dream?" She asked again. I thought back to my dream. Should I tell her about seeing and talking to Nico, do I tell her about the message, do I tell her about.... Lea. No, I couldn't relive that tragedy again.

I looked back to Annabeth. "Nico, came to me in my dreams, giving me a warning." I said. Annabeth looked eager for me to talk. "He told me about Khione. He said that she was a bigger threat then we thought. But he wouldn't give anymore details because he didn't know."

I watched as Annabeth stared into space. I saw the gears churning in her mind. "Why would Nico tell you. No offense, but he doesn't even know you. He could have just told me." She said.

"Umm, he said he wanted to meet me. I guess you told him about me." I said.

"Yeah, I talked to him recently about Percy. And your name came up. He seemed curious about you." She said. She paused and spoke again. "Is that all he told you?" She asked.

I nodded not trusting my voice. She looked at me as if not sure to believe me, but it soon passed, and her expression went back to concern. "You went against Khione didn't you? Piper told me about your guys trip and what Khione said to you about giving you that scar on your neck."

I nodded again balling up my fist. "I went against her. She was terrorizing the northeast with blizzards, killing life in all its forms, plants, to animals, to humans. So my mother sent me on a quest to stop her. That was the toughest battle I have ever fought. I barley survived. I might have defeated her, but she won that day. Taking from me something very important."

"What she'd take?" Annabeth asked in a soft voice.

"Something I can never get back." I said not wanting to talk anymore. And I guess Annabeth sensed that because she stood up.

"Thea, you stay here. Let me go get you some food and a cloth. Don't get up." She walked out leaving me sitting there. As much as I didn't want to tell Annabeth about what happened, I still didn't want to be alone.

Ivy must have felt my distressed because she crawled toward me, and curled up on my lap and she licked my hand. I started petting her, trying to calm my nerves.

After about ten long minutes later Annabeth came back with a tray of food and a warm cloth. She sat on the side of my bed, and put the tray on my lap. She then took the clothe and started dabbing my forehead trying to get the sweat off me. "Thea, you should eat something, you're looking a little... unhealthy. You're face is looking a little thin." She said nudging the food.

I looked in her grey eyes. I knew she truely cared. I looked down at my food and saw that Annabeth had brought me a buger some strawberries, and a piece of chocolate cake. I picked up one of the strawberries and took a bite. But it tasted like sawdust in my mouth. I placed the half eaten strawberry on the plate, and looked back to Annabeth.

She dabbed my cheeks. "Thea, don't cry." She said. I reached up and touched my cheek and felt the warm tears. "You'll feel better if you eat. Please try."

"I feel fine," I lied.

"You're a lier." She said. "A pretty bad one too. Do you want me to go get Piper, or Leo? They might make you feel better."

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